System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Point of Sale Control Settings
Page Headings: General, Customer, Logistics, Inventory, Commissions, Profit and Costs, Printed Documents, Advanced, Pricing
Use this routine to specify your preferences for options available for order processing, for example Sales Order Entry or Shopping Cart Entry.
Next Point of Sale / Service Transaction
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) To automatically generate transaction numbers for sales orders, transfers, and other transactions, enter the initial transaction number here. You can enter a maximum of 7 characters at this field. The system assigns the next available number to each new transaction and increments the number by one for new transactions thereafter (provided the number has not already been used in the system). If you leave this field blank, users must manually enter transaction numbers for sales orders and transfers.
If the Automated & Manual POS Numbers
on the Miscellaneous tab of the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings is active, the system allows for both system
generated and manually entered order numbers. The Next Transaction
Number field must contain a value in order to allow for both types
of order numbering.
a transaction number contains a lower-case letter, the system transposes
it to upper-case.
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) To automatically add the warehouse/store location code to transaction numbers during sales order entry, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you check the box at this field, the system inserts the location code just before the transaction number. Note that only the base transaction number increments (see the Next Point of Sale / Service Transaction field above). Store location prefixes do not increment.
Use Sales Order for Auto Transfers
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) If you check this box, the system creates a special number for each auto transfer to help you associate the auto transfer with its original transaction. When creating the auto transfer number, the system prepends a "T" to the beginning of the original transaction number and appends the line number from the original order that contained the item that triggered the auto transfer.
For example, if line 2 of sales order 10303 includes an item that triggers an auto transfer, the system assigns to that auto transfer a number of "T103032". If you leave this field blank, the system assigns the next available transaction number to auto transfers.
Once the system
creates an auto transfer for a line item using the above formula,
the system assigns the next available transaction number to any additional
auto-transfers created for the line item. The new transaction
number does not include a prefix of "T".
Select the transaction type you want to appear as default for orders at the Order Type field in the Enter a Sales Order routine. You have the following options:
Sales Order
Sales Quote
You cannot change a layaway A sales transaction in which a customer leaves a deposit to reserve specified merchandise.
order to a sales quote, or vice-versa.
Use this field to indicate the default order source to be automatically assigned to new sales orders. Click the Arrow button to select the order source description from a list of existing order sources.
If the Prohibit
Customer Personal Information when not Required by Sale setting
is checked in Warehouse/Store
Location Settings, STORIS recommends setting these next three settings
to "No Default." Note that this is a recommendation and is not
Use this field to specify the default order type, if any, you want to appear at the Fulfillment Method field when entering an order in Sales Order Entry and Enter a Shopping Cart. Select one of the following options:
Customer Pick Up
Take With - If this option is selected, the Fulfillment Method field in Enter a Shopping Cart defaults to "None Selected" because a shopping cart cannot be a take with order.
No Default
Use this field to specify the default order type you want to appear at the Type field when entering an exchange in Exchange Processing. You can also choose to have no default appear. Select one of the following options:
Customer Pick Up
Take With
No Default
Use this field to specify the default order type you want to appear at the Type field when entering a return in the Enter a Return routine. You can also choose to have no default appear. Select one of the following options:
Regular Pick Up
Customer Drop Off
No Default
Use this field to specify your preference for defaulting a ship location for delivery orders. You have the following options:
Selling Store - Order entry processes default the ship location based on the selling location.
Zip Code Normal Ship Location - Order entry defaults the ship location based on the location associated with the zip code of the delivery address.
Specific Location - To default a specific location, select this option. When this option is chosen, the Warehouse/Store Location ID field appears where you can enter the location code or click the Search button to choose a location from the Warehouse Location window.
Use this field to specify your preference for a default stock location for delivery orders. Select one of the following options:
Delivery Ship From (default) - The stock location for deliveries is the same default as the Deliveries -- Ship From Location.
Same as Selling Store - The stock location for deliveries is the same as the selling store.
Specific Location - The stock location for delivery orders is a selling store with this specific location. When this option is chosen, the Warehouse/Store Location ID field appears where you can enter the location code or click the Search button to choose a location from the Warehouse Location window. A specific location must be selected in order to save changes to this screen.
Use this field to select the default pickup location (at the Pick Up At field) for customer pickup orders. You have the following options:
Selling Store - The pickup location is the selling store.
Delivery Ship From - The pickup location that is associated with the customer's zip code.
Do Not Default - The pickup location has no default location. This option requires users to specify a pickup location before proceeding to the Merchandise tab in Enter a Sales Order.
Specific Location - To default a specific location, select this option. The Warehouse/Store Location ID field appears where you can enter the location code or click the Search button to search for a location code.
Use this field to specify your preference for a default stock location for customer pickup orders. Select one of the following options:
Delivery Ship From (default) - The stock location for customer pickups is the same as the Customer Pickups -- Pickup Location.
Same as Selling Store - The stock location for customer pickups is the same as the selling store.
Specific Location - The stock location for customer pickup orders is a selling store with this specific location. When this option is chosen, the Warehouse/Store Location ID field appears where you can enter the location code or click the Search button to choose a location from the Warehouse Location window. A specific location must be selected in order to save changes to this screen.
The settings defined here
are used as the system default for all locations. If a specific selling
location requires unique defaults, they can be defined in Warehouse/Store
Location Settings (Inventory & Logistics tab).
This setting applies to sales orders created via Enter a Sales Order and via the web using eBridge. It is also applied to shopping carts created via Enter a Shopping cart and via eRoam. To allow users to enter direct-ship line items on orders and carts, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
This setting overrides the settings in the Direct Ship section in the Miscellaneous tab of Advanced Product Settings.
Allow on LayawaysTo
allow users to select direct ship as the delivery method for line items
on layaway orders, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Only
one delivery method can be designated for line items on layaways; "split
tickets" (assigning different ship methods to line items) are not
allowed on layaway orders. Therefore, if you select direct ship for the
first line item, all line items on the layaway must also be direct ship
until the layaway is converted to a sales order.
This setting overrides the settings in the Direct
Ship section in the Miscellaneous tab of Advanced
Product Settings.
This setting applies to quotes created on the web via eBridge, as well as via Enter a Sales Order. To allow users to select direct ship as the line type for line items on sales quotes, check the box. Leave the box blank if you do not allow direct shipment quotes. Only one delivery method can be designated for line items on quotes; "split tickets" (assigning different ship methods to line items) are not allowed on quote A sales transaction in which a customer receives a documented selling price for specified merchandise in exchange for the customer's contact information. No merchandise is reserved and no deposits are accepted. orders. Therefore, if you select direct ship for the first line item, all line items on the quote must also be direct ship until the quote is converted to a sales order.
This setting overrides the settings in the Direct Ship section in the Miscellaneous tab of Advanced Product Settings.
Access PO Delivery DateIf
you check this box, users can change the date of a direct ship item on
a purchase order while in Sales Order Entry. Otherwise, users must use
the Acknowledge
a Purchase Order routine to edit the delivery date of a direct ship
To change the date, access the line item via the Direct Ship Details option
on the Actions button on the Merchandise tab in Sales Order entry, then
edit the Date field in Purchase
Order Linkage Detail Maintenance Screen.
When you complete a direct shipment, the system automatically creates an AP bill for the vendor. If you check this box, the system puts on hold all AP bills created for direct-ship items.
If you check this box, you activate the Payable Approvals on Hold Code field, at which you must specify the AP hold code you want to associate with direct-ship items.
Payable Approvals on Hold CodeIf
you check the box at the Payable Approvals
On Hold field, this field appears. Specify the AP hold
code you want to associate with direct-ship items. If you click on
the Search button, a list of hold
codes appears from which you can choose.
Voided OrdersEnter
the number of days from the void date you want voided orders to remain
in the system before purging. The End-of-Month
process checks this field to determine which orders to purge from the
system. During the hold period, you can examine orders using the View
an Existing Sales Order routine. If you leave this field blank, the
system discards all data after the first End-of-Month occurs. STORIS recommends
holding voided orders for 60 days.
Sales TaxEnter
the number of days you want the system to retain the file log containing
details on sales tax paid. STORIS recommends you retain sales tax data
for at least 365 days.
Sales QuotesEnter
the number of days you want unconverted sales quotes
(that is, quotes not yet converted to sales orders) to remain in the system
before the End-of-Day process (EOD) purges them. Enter a number between
0 and 999. If you enter 0, EOD deletes all unconverted sales quotes. If
you leave the field blank, EOD does not delete unconverted sales quotes.
Original Selling Store for Exchanges/Returns/AdjustmentsCheck
this box if you want the selling store from the original sales document
to be applied to the current document. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Default Dollars On AdjustmentsIf you enable this field, dollars-only adjustments
do not default the value of the item from the original invoice, but instead
require users to enter a value.
Order Access Limited
to Selling Store
This setting is specific to the order entry processes only. Check this box if you want only the selling store location to determine if a user should have access to sales orders. If this box is checked, users who have access only to Ship or Stock (Regional) locations (via Create a User) cannot access or change an existing sales order. If you leave this box blank, users with access (via Create a User) to the selling store, ship location, or stock location, can access sales orders.
Exchanges on Hold at EntryTo place exchange transactions on E1
Credit Hold, check the box. Otherwise, leave the field blank. To remove
an E1 Hold, a user must have access via the Approve
E1 credit holds placed on customer exchanges field
in Create
a User/Group Actions - Sales Security settings.
Line Type with a POS Scan
If you check the box at this field, then when a product label is scanned onto a sales order via POS scanning, the line type is automatically set to "T" for Take With on the Merchandise tab of the order. Changes to the line type can then be made manually, if needed. Any lines that are added to the order via POS scan and set to Take With are completed when you save out of the order. The line type for lines that are not scanned default to the line type indicated on the Customer tab or the line type of the last non-scanned, non take-with line, and can be changed manually.
If you leave this box blank, POS scanned products are assigned line types in the same manner as non-scanned items.
Display of Vendor Model in Point of Sale
If this box is checked, then the view in various screens defaults to vendor model and you cannot toggle to product view. The screens are: Sales Margin Scratchpad, Advanced Line Item Display Screen, Costed Line Item Display Screen - Read Only, Group Pricing Screen, Line Item Full Display - Read Only, Line Item Linked Document Display, Schedule Delivery Lines, Additional Line Item Details, and View a Customer's Historical Purchases.
Additional Comment on Sales Orders
Check this box to require users to enter comments in the Enter a Sales Order process. Once the Save button is clicked when finalizing a sales order, the user is prompted to enter comments in the Enter Additional Comments window. This window does not appear if comments have already been entered in the Additional Comments window accessed through the Actions button on the Customer tab of Enter a Sales Order.
Default Merchandise Grid in Enter a Sales
If you check the box for this setting, the line item display in Enter a Sales Order defaults to a grid format, similar to that used in STORIS screens prior to revision 9.7. If you leave the box blank, the line item display defaults to the current list view format. The default for this control setting is unchecked. Whether or not this setting is checked, you can use the Actions option called Toggle Line Display, available on the Merchandise page of sales order entry, to switch from the list view to the grid view and vice versa.
If this setting is checked, the Rooms field is available on the Step 2 - Merchandise page of Enter a Sales Order and the Step 3 - Sale Merchandise page of Enter an Exchange. If this setting is not checked, the Room field in these processes is hidden; additionally, the Total Rooms field in the Print Options Window is hidden.
The Room Settings process can still be accessed via the menu whether or not this setting is checked.
Required on OrderUse
this field to specify the minimum deposit required for sales orders. All
standard sales orders must be accompanied by a deposit greater than or
equal to the order price multiplied by the percent specified here. If
not, the system may issue an exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered.
(depending on the check level specified in the If
Not Applied field below).
If Not AppliedUse
this field to specify the type of alert
you want the system to issue when a deposit does not meet the minimum
order percentage specified at the Required
on Order field above.
Enter the number of days you want to establish as the Last Activity Days. The system references this number each time you enter a customer account number into an order or save an order.
If no payments or purchases exist for the customer within the number of days specified here, the system references the Initial Credit Check and Final Credit Check fields below to determine the course of action.
If you select Put Order on
Credit Hold at the Final Credit
Check field, then if a credit check exception occurs at the
final check, the system places the sales order on C3
credit hold.
If the Fill Orders on Credit Hold
field on the Inventory tab is not active, you must remove all credit
holds from sales orders before you can reserve any line items.
Enter the number of days you want to establish as the Past Due Days. The system references this number each time you enter an order for a customer with an outstanding A/R balance or save an order for such a customer.
If the customer's balance is older than the number of days in this field, the system references the Initial Credit Check and Final Credit Check fields above to determine the course of action.
If you select Put Order on
Credit Hold at the Final Credit
Check field, then if a credit check exception occurs at the
final check, the system places the sales order on C2
credit hold.
If the Fill Orders on Credit Hold
field on the Inventory tab is not active, you must remove all credit
holds from sales orders before you can reserve any line items.
When you enter a customer account number into an order, order-entry performs an initial credit check. The credit check references the Last Activity Days and Past Due Days fields above. If the customer fails the credit check, the system issues a response based on the entry at this field. You have the following options:
Warning Message - when a credit check exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered. occurs, issue a warning message but allow users to proceed.
Do Not Check - do not perform a credit check at initial entry of the customer number.
Terminate Order - when a credit check exception occurs, terminate the order.
Note that the credit check also searches for a credit limit for the customer.
When Save a sales order, order entry performs a final credit check. The credit check references the Last Activity Days and Past Due Days fields above. If the customer fails the credit check, the system issues a response based on your entry at this field. You have the following options:
Warning Message - when a credit check exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered. occurs, issue a warning message but allow users to proceed.
Do Not Check - do not perform a credit check when you file an order.
Put Order on Credit Hold - When a credit check exception occurs, place the sales order on credit hold.
Prompt for Middle NameTo have the system prompt
for and display the customer's middle name during sales order entry, check
the box. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Prompt for Name SuffixTo have the system prompt
for and display the customer's name suffix during sales order entry, check
the box. Otherwise, leave the field blank. Examples of name
suffixes are Jr., and Esq.
If you check this box, entry of the customer's date of birth is mandatory when you create the customer via Advanced Customer Settings or on-the-fly via the Enter a Sales Order and Enter a Quick Sale. If you leave this box blank, the customer's date of birth is not a mandatory.
If you create a customer via the Enter a
Sales Order or Enter a Quick Sale process, then the Enter
Customer's Date of Birth window appears so you can enter this
mandatory information.
Validate Name PrefixIf you check this box, the system validates the
name prefix entered during sales order entry and when creating a new customer
via Advanced Customer
Settings against the table of prefixes in Customer
Prefix Settings. If you leave this box blank, the system does
not validate the name prefix entered in these processes and users can
enter any prefix.
Warn if Primary Email exists
for other Customers
Check this box to permit a warning to appear when a duplicate email address is entered into the processes listed below. When an email address is entered into any of these processes (except Enter a Shopping Cart), the Customer's Primary Email Address is updated to reflect this change. Since the same email address for more than one customer account is sometimes warranted, the user is permitted to ignore the warning and continue with the update.
Advanced Customer Settings > General tab
Enter a Sales Order > Customer tab > Email Address Entry; also Customer tab > Actions button > Shipping Information
Enter a Shopping Cart > Print Options
Import Data > Customer
Request Credit Information / Credit Application Entry > Personal tab
Standard Finance Credit Application - Primary - Enabling this setting applies to email address changes throughout the finance credit application process, including primary and co-applicant information as well as to specific finance providers.
this box to allow the Search for
a Customer screen to appear each time you attempt to create a customer on-the-fly while
entering an order. If you leave this box blank, the system goes directly
to the Customer
Settings routine when creating customers on-the-fly.
Accessing the Search for a Customer screen first can help prevent you
from creating duplicate customer records for existing customers. That
is, when you enter a name into the Search, the program lists any existing
customers with that name.
When entering a customer name directly into the Customer Number field of an entry routine, the Search for a Customer screen appears whether or not this setting is checked.
Starting Letters of NameIf you want the search method on the Search
for a Customer screen to default to Starts With, which allows you
to search for customers whose last name begins with the characters you
enter into the Last Name field, check this box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
New customers can be entered either directly in Customer Settings or on-the-fly in order entry. When this setting is checked, the cursor goes directly to the Phone - Home field in Customer Settings after a Customer Code is established. This cursor movement allows you to quickly access the Customer Telephone Number Lookup feature.
If you leave this field blank, the cursor goes to the next available field in Customer Settings.
Use this field to automatically calculate a restocking fee during the Enter a Return and Enter an Exchange processes. Entering a value in this field recalculates the restocking fee on new and existing returns and exchanges. Enter a percentage from 0.00 to 100.00%. If this field is left blank (null), the restocking fee is not calculated.
If this field is set to zero, the
restocking fee is calculated as zero and requires a user with permission
defined in Create
a User/Group Actions - Sales Security to change it.
Use this field to control the prompt for the automatic generation of a refund check, for example from Enter a Return, Enter an Exchange, or Adjust Dollars on a Completed Order. The valid settings for this field are:
Not an Option - never prompt
Prompt the User - always prompt
Customer Has No Balance Due - prompt if there is no outstanding AR balance for the customer
Customer Retention Period __ Months
Enter the number of months you want the system to retain customer data. The system purges customers who, for the number of months specified here, have had no open sales orders and whose A/R balance has been zero. The purge occurs as part of the first End-of-Month process that occurs after the specified time period expires. If you leave this field blank, the system discards all new order data upon completion of the order.
This field controls all customer information except voided orders. It purges
customer records,
customer history records,
all completed orders, and
customer data in the Customer Comments file.
STORIS recommends you set this field to a minimum of 12 months. Note that once you purge customer data, it is no longer available to processes that reference the data, such as those listed below.
For example, if you use Warranty Processing, you should set this field to at least a period matching the longest warranty you offer. Otherwise, the system will purge the invoice data before its associated warranty expires.
Select one of the below options to purge customer types during the Generate Monthly Reports process.
Created on the fly - Purge customers created On-the-Fly.
Entered via File Maintenance - Purge customers created using Advanced Customer Settings.
Both - Purge customers that were created on-the-fly as well as those entered via file maintenance.
Display Line Item CommentSelect
this option to save sales order line comments in customer purchase history
when the order is completed.
Validate Original Payment on Refunds
To restrict users to the original payment type when entering refunds, check the box at this field. To allow users to create refunds using a different payment type, leave the box blank.
If you check the box at this field, all payments associated with an order display in the grid on the Payment Summary Window. If you leave the box blank, no individual payments display in the Payment Summary Window grid.
If this setting is checked and the cash refund amount exceeds the
maximum cash refund amount set in Daily
Maximum Cash Refund Per Customer (Accounts
Receivable Control Settings), you have the option of issuing a
refund check (if available), or posting the amount to the customer's
open item receivables as a credit.
Activate Customer Rewards ProgramTo
activate the Customer
Rewards feature, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Update Customer Shipping Information by Default
Check this setting to default a check mark in the Update Address Information and/or Update Contact Information check boxes in Shipping Information Window when a change is made to the address and/or contact information, respectively. A check in either of these boxes applies the change made in the Shipping Information window to all open orders for that customer.
If this setting is unchecked, the Update Address Information and Update Contact Information check boxes are not checked by default when an update is made to the address or contact information.
Whether or not this setting is checked,
you continue to have the ability to check or uncheck the Update
Address Information and Update
Contact Information check boxes if a change is made in the
address and/or contact fields within the Shipping Information window.
Confirm Address on Orders and Exchanges
This setting applies to new delivery orders and the first time a line changed to delivery on new or existing orders. If you check the box at this field, then when you click the Save button on the Payment page of a sales order or exchange, the Shipping Information window displays. You can use the shipping information window to review and change shipping data for the order before saving and exiting the order. If you leave this check box blank, the shipping information screen does not automatically display, but it can be accessed on the Customer page of the order using the Actions button.
In the Shipping
Information window, the customer's phone numbers are not automatically
populated and must be entered before saving out of the screen.
In-Process Delivery Restriction __ DaysEnter
the number of days prior to the scheduled delivery date you want to enforce
the restrictions applied via the Change Orders Scheduled for Delivery
field on the Sales tab in the Extended
Security settings. You can enter a number between 0 and 999.
If you enter zero, the system enforces the restrictions only on
the day of delivery. If you leave this field blank, you disable
the restriction.
Prompt Ticket Print in Order Entry
Specify the method by which to prompt users for ticket printing in Sales Order Entry and Enter an Exchange. You can select one, both or neither of the following options:
Selecting neither Deliveries nor Pickups (both check boxes are blank)
deactivates the Allow Completion
After Ticket Print setting in on this page.
Apply Pickup Charges to Returns
To apply pickup charges to customer returns, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If you check the box at this field, pickup charges calculate for customer returns using the calculation method specified at the Delivery Charge Settings field above.
process creates negative delivery charges (that is, charges due from
the customer, not credited to them). For customer returns written
against an original document, these pickup charges override any delivery
charges that default from the original document. If you leave this
box blank, delivery charges from the original document default as
a credit to the customer.
This field does not apply to the Return portion of an Exchange, as
a delivery charge is already calculated on the Delivery portion. It
also does not apply to the Return which results from a manual split.
To allow users to specify delivery charges for direct-ship items on sales orders, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Prompt for Reason Code
if Overridden
To prompt users for a reason code when they make a change to a delivery, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Allow completion after ticket print
Check this box to allow users to complete sales orders immediately after printing a delivery or pickup ticket in Sales Order Entry. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Selecting "Do Not Prompt"
at the Prompt Ticket Print in Order
Entry field on this tab inactivates this field.
This field's functionality requires that Assign
Specific Pieces Event located on the Inventory tab be set to
"Ticket Print".
In the case of a split ticket, both parts cannot be completed simultaneously.
Since "Take With" lines cannot exist in a saved open order,
they are completed immediately. The delivery portion would be available
for completion afterwards.
If No Delivery Charge is IncludedUse
this field to specify the type of alert
you want the system to issue when a user files a sales order delivery
without specifying a delivery charge for the order or when the delivery
charge entered is less than the calculated delivery charge.
Use the following fields to specify your delivery calculation method. You can select one, both or neither of the below options. If both options are selected, a default a base delivery charge is applied to each line, then the per-piece charge to the highest line charge is added. The result calculates as the header delivery charge.
Use the default base delivery charge set in Delivery Settings.
Use the default per piece charge set in Per Piece Settings. Note that to use the per-piece options at this field, per-piece charges must exist in the Per Piece Settings routine.
Specify the method by which to apply the Automatic Delivery Charge Re-Calculation feature by checking the below check boxes. You can check one, both, or neither box. If you leave both boxes blank, delivery charges are not re-calculated.
If you check the box
at the Apply Pickup Charges to Returns
field in the Delivery Charges section of this page, this field affects
the calculation of pickup charges for customer returns.
If Delivery Date, Route, and/or Status Changes
Check this box to indicate that re-calculation is to take place when changes are made to delivery date, route, and/or status.
Check this box to indicate that re-calculation is to take place when the order is partially completed.
If you have your account set up to recalculate delivery charges, you can use this field to indicate whether delivery charges are to be recalculated on an order based on the Delivery Company Settings for the Current Date or the delivery company settings for the Order Date.
To activate the Multiple Delivery Dates feature, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If you check the box, users can specify multiple delivery dates for delivery orders at the line-item level.
If a check appears at the Daily Auto Release of Stock field on the Inventory tab, this field is inactive.
To allow multiple delivery dates on an order line item, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. In order to check the box at this field, you must also have the Allow Multiple on Order check box selected and the ATP Calculation settings must be inactive.
Multiple delivery dates are not permitted when WMS is active. This setting cannot be active when the 3rd Party AWM Active field on the Inventory & Logistics tab of Warehouse/Store Location Settings is checked.
Restrict Based on Available Date
To restrict users from assigning delivery (customer orders and transfers) and pickup dates for out of stock merchandise prior to the Available to Promise (ATP) date, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you check the box at this field, only users with the proper security can override this restriction.
In order to enable this setting,
you must also enable one or more of the following ATP Calculation
settings: Include New Purchase Orders; Include Stock Transfers; Include
Unlinked Purchase Orders.
This setting does not apply to the following service product types:
retail labor, service labor only, service charge, and non-merchandise
If you leave the ATP CALCULATION - Applies to Parts setting blank,
Retail Part and Service Part Only products do not use this Restrict
Based on Available Date setting and ATP calculations are not performed.
Select Delivery Date After Entering Merchandise
To select the delivery or pickup dates on the Customer tab when creating a new sales order, leave this box blank. To prompt for selection of the delivery or pickup date AFTER merchandise is added to a new sales order (via Merchandise tab of order entry), check this box. If you check the box at this field, the Delivery Next/Pickup Date fields are inactive on the Customer tab. Once you enter the products on the Merchandise tab and click to leave that tab, the Select a Fulfillment Date window appears, provided the following conditions exist:
The order must contain at least one line of merchandise.
The delivery or pickup status cannot be ASAP or CWC.
Delivery dates have not been entered for any of the merchandise lines on the order.
Require Either Requested Date or Delivery/Pickup Date on Order
If you check the box at this setting, sales orders and exchanges must have a delivery/pickup date and/or a requested date. If the order's delivery status is CWC or ASAP and this setting is checked, a requested date must be entered in the Requested Date field on the sale's Customer order page, or you must change the status to EST or SCH and specify a delivery/pickup date. If this control setting is not checked, entry of a requested date is optional, regardless of the delivery status of the order.
If you do not check the box at this field, the field has no affect on order entry processes. If you check the box at this field, you activate the feature that allows you to consolidate the delivery dates of other scheduled orders. When this feature is active,
and you are creating a new order (sales, return, or exchange), the system checks for other scheduled open orders for the customer.
When you access the delivery date or pickup date (returns only) on the Customer tab, a message displays indicating that at least one other order is scheduled for that customer.
The earliest scheduled date from the other order(s) defaults into the current order's delivery or pickup (returns only) date. You can override this date.
When you click the Save button at the conclusion of the order entry, a prompt appears with an option to reschedule the other order(s).
For further detail, see the following related topics:
Check this box if you want to be prompted with an option to populate the scheduled delivery date with the latest delivery date from other orders for the customer selected. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
The Consolidate Multiple Orders box must be checked in order to use this setting.
Check this box if you want to include all orders (backordered, reserved) on the list of orders that can be rescheduled for the customer when a new order is saved. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
The Consolidate Multiple Orders box must be checked in order to use this setting.
Include Non-InventoryTo include non-inventory products in route capacities, check the
box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
This setting is only used if the Transfers Quantity is set to Reserved. If this box is checked, when the system calculates the reserved quantity for sales orders, lines linked to auto-transfers are considered in the calculation. (Upon completion of the auto transfer, the items are assigned to the sales order line.)
If you leave this check box blank, the quantity used in capacity calculations does not include lines on the sales order that are linked to auto transfers.
Multi-leg transfers are not included in this calculation. Once the
automatic transfer (from the multi-leg transfer) is reserved, the
order route capacity will then be updated.
Require Route Code for Sales QuotesCheck
this box to prompt the entry of a route when creating a sales quote. The
prompt appears if a default route is not set in the customer's zip
If unchecked, the prompt to enter a route is delayed until the sales quote
is converted into a sales order.
Select the method by which you want to update routing calendars. You have the following options:
Scheduled - update routing calendars only when the delivery date is scheduled.
Estimated - update routing calendars with estimated and scheduled orders.
If you change the selection at this field, a warning message appears
regarding the Rebuild Route Calendar process. This must be run in
order to save your changes.
Select the condition under which you include items in route capacity quantity calculations. You have the following options:
Ordered - update route capacities with ordered items that are estimated or scheduled for delivery and therefore have specified delivery dates.
Reserved - update route capacities only with reserved items estimated or scheduled for delivery and therefore have specified delivery dates. For multiple delivery dates, when updating the route quantity for a specific date, the reserved quantity allocates to each earlier date until the target date is reached. The system uses the balance of the reserved quantity when the target date is reached up to the delivery quantity for that date when updating the route quantity. If you select this option, any change in the reservations, whether manually by user or automatically by STORIS, affects the Route Capacity Calendars.
If you change the selection at this field, a warning message appears
stating that the "Rebuild Route Calendar process will be run"
and asking if it is okay to Continue. You must answer Yes if you want
to update your change.
Select the condition under which you include items in route capacity quantity calculations. You have the following options:
Ordered - update route capacities with ordered items that are estimated or scheduled for delivery and therefore have specified delivery dates.
Reserved - update route capacities only with reserved items estimated or scheduled for delivery and therefore have specified delivery dates. For multiple delivery dates, when updating the route quantity for a specific date, the reserved quantity allocates to each earlier date until the target date is reached. The system uses the balance of the reserved quantity when the target date is reached up to the delivery quantity for that date when updating the route quantity. If you select this option, any change in the reservations, whether manually by user or automatically by STORIS, affects the Route Capacity Calendars.
If you change the selection at this field, a warning message appears
stating that the "Rebuild Route Calendar process will be run"
and asking if it is okay to Continue. You must answer Yes if you want
to update your change.
You can use this setting to automatically close routes to scheduling on specific dates, based on the number of days you enter in this field. The field appears in Logistical Route Settings, Service Control Settings, and Point of Sale Control Settings and is used for delivery and service type routes only. If you leave the field blank in the Logistical Route Settings for any delivery/service route, the system uses this field in the Point of Sale Control Settings or Service Control Settings, depending on the route type (delivery/service). Once you enter a number of days in the field, the system uses this number and today's date to determine the dates that should be closed and displays them as unavailable in the route calendar during scheduling.
If you leave this field blank in all three settings routines, this
feature is ignored and you can close dates in the normal manner, using
Route Capacity Settings
and/or Route Capacity Control
If you use this feature to close dates, they remain closed even if
you access this field again and change the number of days. You can
"re-open" the closed dates only by doing the following:
1) change the number of days in this field (in control settings and/or
route settings) and then 2) access the dates via Route Capacity Settings
and change the maximum number of stops for those dates.
You can use this setting to automatically close transfer routes to scheduling on specific dates, based on the number of days you enter in this field. Once you enter a number of days in the field, the system uses this number and today's date to determine the dates that should be closed and displays them as unavailable in the route calendar during scheduling. Enter the number of days prior to the transfer date that transfer routes are to be automatically closed.
You can also use the Cut Off Route ____ Days Prior to Scheduled Date field in Logistical Route Settings to establish a cutoff number of days by route. If you leave that field blank for any routes, the system uses the value in this control setting field, if any.
If you leave
the cutoff route days field blank in Logistical Route Settings and
in Point of Sale Control Settings, this feature is ignored and you
can close dates in the normal manner, using Route
Capacity Settings and/or Route
Capacity Control Settings.
If you use this feature to close dates, they remain closed even if
you access this field again and change the number of days. You can
"re-open" the closed dates only by doing the following:
1) change the number of days in this field (in control settings and/or
route settings) and then 2) access the dates via Route Capacity Settings
and change the maximum number of stops for those dates.
Allow deposits on order Select
this option to allow additional deposit amounts to be entered for delivery
manifest items.
Remove Truck Number/Stop Time when Orders are Removed
This setting is only available when Delivery Scheduling/Mapping is set to active in the General System Control Settings. In addition, the Third Party Mapping Software Interface field in Warehouse/Store Location Settings must not be set to None and at least one of the check boxes – Delivery Active, Transfer Active, Service Orders - must be checked. Check this box to remove the truck number and stop time information from an order when the order is removed from the manifest. Leave this check box blank to allow the information to remain when the order is removed from the manifest.
Delivery, Require Reason Code if One or More Orders Removed
Check this box to require a reason code when a manifest is saved and one or more delivery orders have been removed via Build a Delivery/Service/Transfer Manifest. This setting is unchecked by default.
Service, Require Reason Code if One or More Orders Removed
Check this box to require a reason code when a manifest is saved and one or more service orders have been removed via Build a Delivery/Service/Transfer Manifest. This setting is unchecked by default.
Transfer, Require Reason Code if One or More Order Removed
Check this box to require a reason code when a manifest is saved and one or more transfer orders have been removed via Build a Delivery/Service/Transfer Manifest. This setting is unchecked by default.
To allow users to generate a delivery manifest from the Print Pick List routine, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you check the box at this field, you activate the Update Manifest field in that routine, thus providing the option to generate or update the manifest.
Note that if you leave all of the following fields blank, users must generate delivery and transfer manifests manually.
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Ticket Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Ticket Print
To allow users to generate a delivery manifest from the Print Delivery/Transfer Tickets routine, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you check the box at this field, you activate the Update Manifest field in that routine, thus providing the option to generate or update the manifest.
Note that if you leave all of the following fields blank, users must generate delivery and transfer manifests manually. This field does not affect the Print a Delivery/Pick-Up/Transfer Ticket routine. It only affects the Print Delivery/Transfer Tickets (that is, the multiple ticket print routine) as described above.
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Ticket Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Ticket Print
To allow users to generate a transfer manifest from the Print Pick List routine, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you check the box at this field, you activate the Update Manifest field in that routine, thus providing the option to generate or update the manifest.
Note that if you leave all of the following fields blank, users must generate delivery and transfer manifests manually.
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Ticket Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Ticket Print
To allow users to generate a transfer manifest from the Print Delivery/Transfer Tickets routine, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you check the box at this field, you activate the Update Manifest field in that routine, thus providing the option to generate or update the manifest.
Note that if you leave all of the following fields blank, users must generate delivery and transfer manifests manually. This field does not affect the Print a Delivery/Pick-Up/Transfer Ticket routine. It only affects the Print Delivery/Transfer Tickets (that is, the multiple ticket print routine) as described above.
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Delivery Ticket Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Pick List Print
Manifests - Allow updates from Transfer Ticket Print
Default display of ATC in Point of Sale
If you check the box at this field, the Available to Customer Date (ATC) is the default display on the Merchandise page of Enter a Sales Order and View an Existing Sales Order. This setting also determines whether the ATC or ATP date displays on the Advanced Line Item Display Screen. When this setting is enabled, the ATC date displays in place of the Available to Promise (ATP) date. The ATC date, as opposed to the ATP date, is calculated based on both merchandise availability and delivery route capacities. If you leave this box blank, the ATP date initially displays on these screens.
To skip the calculation
of the ATP date, do NOT check any of the following ATP Calculation settings:
Include New Purchase Orders, Include Stock Transfers, Include Unlinked
Purchase Orders.
If you are not set up to calculate the ATP date via these settings, the
following information is not shown on the Merchandise page of Enter
a Sales Order or Enter
a Shopping Cart.
-The Available
to Promise Date and Available to Customer Date fields - neither
the labels nor data are displayed.
-The ATP Date in the grid - this column is not included
in the grid.
-The option called Toggle Display of ATP/ATC Dates is
not listed on the Actions menu.
The following screens are also affected if you are set up to not calculate
and display ATP information: View
Kit Product Details, Advanced
Line Item Display, Shopping
Cart Line Item Display, and Reassign
a Sales Reservation.
If you check the box at this field, the Available to Promise (ATP) calculation includes new purchase orders as a source of supply. If you leave this box blank, the ATP calculation does not consider new purchase orders.
This field, along with the Include Stock Transfers and Include Unlinked Purchase Orders fields cannot be checked if either of the following is true:
"Allow multiple on order line" is checked.
An order line exists with multiple delivery dates.
This field must be checked if all other ATP Calculation Settings (Include Stock Transfers, Include Unlinked Purchase Orders) are inactive and “Restrict based on available date” is active.
The following examples are the results that can be expected with this setting when there is insufficient stock and a purchase order is required.
If a purchase order exists with a date later than the vendor's lead date:
Setting Enabled - the preferred ATP source is a new purchase order because the vendor's lead date is an indication of when a new purchase order can be received. Since new purchase orders are included in ATP calculation, a new purchase order would produce the earlier ATP date.
Setting Disabled - the preferred ATP source is the existing purchase order. Since new purchase orders are not included in the ATP calculation, the existing purchase order is selected as the source.
If a purchase order exits with a date earlier than the vendor's lead date:
Setting Enabled - the preferred ATP source is the existing purchase order. Although new purchase orders are included in the ATP calculation, the existing purchase order has the better date.
Setting Disabled - the preferred ATP source is the existing purchase order. Since new purchase orders are not included in the ATP calculation, the existing purchase order is selected as the source.
If no suitable purchase order exists:
Setting Enabled - the preferred source is a new purchase order.
Setting Disabled - there is no preferred source; the ATP date is not calculated.
To include incoming transfers in the ATP calculation, check the box. Otherwise, leave it blank. The default for this field is not checked.
This field, along with the Include New Purchase Orders and Include Unlinked Purchase Orders fields cannot be checked if either of the following is true:
"Allow multiple on order line" is checked.
An order line exists with multiple delivery dates.
This field must be checked if all other ATP Calculation Settings (Include New Purchase Orders, Include Unlinked Purchase Orders) are inactive and “Restrict Based on Available Date” is active.
Include Unlinked Purchase Orders
To include purchase orders that are not linked to orders in the calculation of the ATP, check the box. The default for this field is checked. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
This field, along with the Include New Purchase Orders and Include Stock Transfers fields cannot be checked if either of the following is true:
"Allow multiple on order line" is checked.
An order line exists with multiple delivery dates.
This field must be checked if all other ATP Calculation Settings (Include New Purchase Orders, Include Stock Transfers) are inactive and “Restrict Based on Available Date” is active.
Retail and Service Parts
To calculate the ATP when Retail Part and Service Part Only products are added to an order, check this box.
If you leave the box blank, Retail Part and Service Part Only products do not use the Restrict Based on Available Date setting and ATP calculations are not performed.
Select the delivery status to be defaulted on new delivery orders in Enter a Sales Order and Enter an Exchange. Select one of the following from the drop-down list: Estimated, Scheduled, Customer Will Call and As Soon As Possible.
Once the delivery status is defaulted on the order, you must have permission via the Change Delivery Status field in Create a User/Group Actions - Sales Security settings to change the delivery status. If you do not have permission, a security override is required to proceed with the change.
Select the
status to be defaulted on new pickup orders in Enter a Sales Order
and Enter an Exchange. Select one of the following from the drop-down
list: Estimated, Scheduled, Customer
Will Call and As Soon As Possible.
Additionally, this default status is used when converting a delivery
order to a pickup order when there are no existing pickup lines on
the order.
Once the pickup status is defaulted on the order, you must have permission via the Change Pickup Status field in Create a User/Group Actions - Sales Security settings to change the pickup status. If you do not have permission, a security override is required to proceed with the change.
Use the following two fields to specify the open part of a partially completed order. Note that these settings cannot be used on orders with multiple delivery dates.
Select from the following to be applied to sales orders and exchanges: Estimated, Scheduled, Customer Will Call and As Soon As Possible.
This setting does not apply to regular returns because they are always set to Scheduled.
Select one of the following: Estimated, Scheduled, Customer Will Call and As Soon As Possible. When set to Customer Will Call and the pickup lines are linked to a transfer, the transfer is not scheduled and cannot be processed through transfer completion.
setting does not apply to regular returns or partially completed pick
up exchanges because their status is always Scheduled.
If Delivery Date ChangesUse
this field to specify the type of alert
you want the system to issue when a user changes a sales order delivery
Report Delivery Dates in Jeopardy
Use this field to specify preferences for the Report Sales Orders with Delivery Dates in Jeopardy routine. You have the following options at this field:
All Products - list delivery exceptions for both regular and special order sales orders.
Stock Products - list delivery exceptions for regular sales orders.
Special Order Products - list delivery exceptions for special-order sales orders.
When running the End-of-Day process, the system checks the delivery dates of existing open sales orders and net purchase orders against the quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse. for each item. End-of-Day verifies that sufficient quantities are available to satisfy your orders. If you schedule an order and the system determines that stock is not available to reserve Allocate inventory to the line item. to an order, the system generates an exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered.. You can list these exceptions via the Report Sales Orders with Delivery Dates in Jeopardy routine.
Manifest Exception Retention __ Months Enter
the number of months you want the system to retain route exception data
(for example, delivery manifest items not delivered to customers) before
purging. The system purges the data during end-of-month processing. If
you enter zero here, the system does not retain route exception data.
Manifest exception information is used during the manifest completion
process to track the 'Not Complete' line on an order or the entire 'Not
Completed' order. You can utilize this information in Report
Builder to create a report for the orders and/or products that were
not delivered.
Multiple Ship-To AddressesTo
enable the Multiple
Ship-To Addresses feature, check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the box blank. If you check the box, users can specify multiple
ship-to addresses for delivery orders at the line-item level.
Delivery Status Upon Saving a Sales Order
Check this field to prompt users who attempt to save a sales order with a fulfillment status other than SCH (scheduled). Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If this box is checked, a warning prompt appears allowing the user to click OK to return to the Customer page and change the delivery status to SCH; or click Ignore to save the order without changing the delivery status to SCH.
To prompt users who attempt to save an order with a delivery status of EST, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If you check the box at this field, then whenever a user attempts to save an order with a delivery status of EST (estimated), a warning prompt appears with the following options:
OK - return to the General tab and change the delivery status to SCH (scheduled)
Ignore - save the order without changing the delivery status to SCH
Confirm Delivery Status Upon Saving an Exchange Order
Check this field to prompt users who attempt to save an exchange with a fulfillment status other than SCH (scheduled). Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If this box is checked, a warning prompt appears allowing the user to click OK to return to the Customer page and change the delivery status to SCH; or click Ignore to save the order without changing the delivery status to SCH.
Allow Completion After Print Ticket
Check this box to allow orders to be completed immediately after printing a delivery or pickup ticket in Enter a Sales Order.
Display Order Completion DetailsIf
you check this box, the system displays the Order
Completion Details screen during the single-ticket completion process,
via which you can verify delivered merchandise.
Allow Partial Delivery To
allow partial deliveries of sales orders, check the box at this field.
To allow only whole orders to be completed, leave the box blank.
Allow Order Entry Access in Logistical SchedulingTo
allow users to modify sales orders directly from the Logistical
Scheduling routine, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
Return Pieces to As-IsTo
default a check into the box at the Return to As-Is field on all returns
and exchanges,
check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If
you leave this field blank, the system defaults the as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc.
is status from the original sales order.
Use this field to specify the point in the sales process when you want the system to assign products to orders. You have the following options:
Ticket Print - assign when the shipping ticket is printed
Creating Pick List - assign when the pick list is printed
Truck Load Process - assign when products are loaded onto a truck for delivery to a customer.
The Truck Load Process option applies only to delivery-type order
lines. Assignments for customer-pickup order lines occur during the
pickup ticket print process. Additionally, this setting is not available
if Route Mapping
is active.
The selection you make here may affect your options for creating
pick lists.
a PO for Back Orderable Stock
Use this field to specify if and how you want to be prompted for the creation of a purchase order from within the sales order and transfer entry processes. This field is used only when the selected product is set up for PO creation via the PO from Order Entry field in the Advanced Product Settings and there is insufficient quantity available to fill the order.
Select one of the following options:
Prompt User - If you select this option, a window appears asking if you want to create a purchase order. Options are to answer Yes to create a purchase order for the back order quantity (with no option to specify quantity), or No to skip creating a purchase order.
Allow Quantity Override - If you select this option, the Create a Purchase Order Window appears with the option to create a purchase order and assign a specified quantity to the purchase order. Note, valid quantity amounts are from one up to and including the quantity sold.
Always - If you select this option, a prompt appears asking if you want to create a purchase order. The purchase order is automatically created for the back order quantity.
Use this field to indicate whether to unassign merchandise that is Not Complete and being returned via the Complete the Manifest Process. You have the following options:
No - do not automatically unassign "not completed" pieces.
Prompt - a prompt appears in the Document Detail screen providing the option to unassign "not completed" pieces.
Yes - automatically unassign "not completed" pieces.
The Add to As-Is Reason Code field on the Pieces
Not Completed Detail screen takes priority over the setting in
this field.
This field does not affect special-ordered and as-is pieces.
Auto Adjust Stock on Take WithCheck
this box to enable operators to make automatic
stock adjustments when insufficient quantity exists in the system
to fill take-with sales orders and exchanges (including line items for
obsolete products). Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Note that a similar field exists in the Quick
Sale Control Settings for quick sales.
Reserve Product (Auto Fill) __ DaysEnter
the Auto-Fill
Days value you want to use for the Just-In-Time
Inventory feature. When determining the auto-fill days for an order,
the system first checks for this value in the Advanced
Vendor Settings (first by product group, then by product category,
then by vendor). If no value exists at any those fields, the system
references the number in this field.
This is a required field. Note that if you enter 0 (zero) here, the
system does not attempt to reserve goods to line items, effectively disabling
the Just-In-Time
Inventory feature.
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) To enable the Just-In-Time Inventory feature for layaway A sales transaction in which a customer leaves a deposit to reserve specified merchandise. orders, check the box at this field. If you leave this blank, you must manually convert layaway orders to regular sales orders before the system can apply Just-In-Time Inventory processing to those orders.
Special-order items must be reserved
in full at the time you add them to layaway orders.
The Layaway Reserved column in the grid of View
Product Availability updates only if this setting is checked.
If this setting is not checked, the last available number displays
and remains.
To enable the Just-In-Time Inventory feature for orders on AR credit hold, check the box at this field. If you leave the box empty, then to reserve items on a sales order on credit hold you must either
manually reserve the items or
remove the credit hold and thus enable Just-In-Time Inventory processing for the order.
This setting must be checked in
order to use the Include Order on
Credit Hold setting in Route
Mapping Control Settings.
See Also: Auto-Fill
To activate the Auto Stock Release feature, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you check the box at this field, the Auto Stock Release process runs as part of the End of Day process.
This field is inactive if a check appears at any of the following fields:
DELIVERY DATES - Allow multiple on order in the selection grid on the Logistics tab of this process
DELIVERY DATES - Allow multiple on order line in the selection grid on the Logistics tab of this process
Reserve ASAP Sales on the General tab of Inventory Control Settings
Reserve CWC Sales on the General tab of Inventory Control Settings
Require Manual Updates to Reservations on Exchanges
Use this field to control how exchanges behave with respect to reservation of inventory.
If you check the box at this field, the system does NOT automatically review reservations when the credit hold status or delivery date changes. If the delivery date falls outside the auto-fill days, the system does not change the reservation. If the credit hold is approved, the items do not automatically reserve.
If you leave the box blank at this field, the system reviews reservations for exchanges in the same manner as with sales orders, and reserves goods accordingly.
Unreserve Assigned When
Outside Fill Days
This field is applicable when processing the following types of orders: sales orders, exchanges, service orders, transfers. If you leave this box blank and assigned inventory is determined to be eligible to be released back into inventory, the inventory is not automatically unassigned. If you check the box at this field, assigned (hard committed) inventory that is eligible to be released back into inventory is automatically unassigned. Once unassigned, the inventory is unreserved from the order. Inventory is disqualified from being unassigned if:
The inventory is a special order item.
The inventory is designated As-Is/Floor Sample
The inventory is already in picking.
Inventory can be automatically unreserved in the following situations:
The delivery date has changed and is now outside of the auto-fill window, as defined in the Reserve Product Auto Fill Days field on the Inventory tab of Point of Sale Control Settings.
The customer pickup date has changed and is no longer within the fill window.
The order has been put on credit hold and the Fill Orders on Credit Hold setting on the Inventory tab of Point of Sale Control Settings is not enabled.
The order was changed to an ASAP date status and the Reserve ASAP Sales setting on the General tab of Inventory Control Settings is not enabled.
The order was changed to a CWC date status and the Reserve CWC Sales setting on the General tab of Inventory Control Settings is not enabled.
If you leave this field blank, the system prevents users from creating transfers for which the main warehouse or the regional warehouse is not either the From or To location, whether via the Enter a Transfer routine or via Automatic Transfers. If you check the box at this field, the system allows such transfers.
The Main Warehouse field in the Inventory
Control Settings indicates your main warehouse, and the Regional
Warehouse field in the Region
Settings indicates your regional warehouse based on your log-in
location. However, this Allow Store to Store field references
the regional warehouse only if Regional
Processing is active on your system.
This field does not reference the Location Type Code field in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings.
For auto transfers, STORIS assigns delivery dates based on the Auto Schedule Days field above. To prevent the system from assigning a delivery date for which a manifest exists for the route and date, check the box at this field. If you check the box at this field and a manifest exists for the route and date, the system
increments the transfer date to the next date for which no delivery manifest exists for the route and date and
displays a message with the new transfer date.
If you leave this field blank, the system assigns delivery dates to auto-transfers regardless of whether or not a manifest exists for the selected route and date.
This field is used with automatic transfers to calculate transfer dates. Enter the number of days before the sales order delivery date that you want the system to perform Automatic Stock Transfers. If you enter a response at this field, the system generates an Automatic Stock Transfer document whenever the stock location on a sales order delivery differs from the ship-from location. If you leave this field blank, the system does not create automatic transfers.
The system uses the following formula to calculate automatic transfer dates:
Transfer Date = Sales Order Delivery Date (EST or SCH) - Auto Schedule Days
For example, if the sales order delivery date is 4/6 and the Auto Schedule Days is set to 3, the transfer date calculates as 4/3. Note that if the auto transfer date calculates to a past date, the system schedules the transfer for the current day.
Regional Auto Transfer Deletion Period __ Days
If you enter a response here, you activate the Inter-Regional Auto Transfers feature. If this feature is active, the End-of Day (EOD) process references this field when determining whether to delete auto transfers created by the Inter-Regional Auto Transfers feature.
If Inter-Regional Auto Transfers is active, the order entry process may create an auto-transfer if insufficient quantity exists at the stock location. EOD then examines incoming purchase orders associated with the ship-from location to see if sufficient merchandise will arrive in time. If so, the auto transfer becomes unnecessary and thus eligible for deletion.
Before deleting the auto transfer, EOD references this field. If the number of days before the scheduled delivery date is less than the number of days specified at this field, EOD deletes the auto transfer. If you leave this field blank, the End-of-Day process does not delete auto transfers.
Multi-Legged Schedule Period __ Days
Use this setting to establish multi-legged transfer lead days that are used to calculate the schedule date of multi-legged transfers. If you do not process multi-legged transfers, leave this field blank. If you process multi-legged transfers, enter the number of lead days (0-99) in this field.
The Auto Schedule Days field (above) is used by the auto-transfer process to calculate the schedule date of the auto-transfer created from the store’s primary distribution location.
If you entered a number in this field, the system determines the schedule date of the multi-legged transfer by taking the schedule date of the auto-transfer, minus the multi-legged transfer lead days.
If an auto-transfer was not created because the order is being shipped from the primary distribution center, the schedule date of the multi-legged transfer is determined by taking the order’s schedule date, minus the multi-legged transfer lead days.
If the scheduled date of the multi-legged transfer is calculated to be earlier than the current date, the current date is used as the schedule date of the transfer.
You can use the following four settings to activate the auto transfer rescheduling process that runs during EOD for all types of transfers (auto, stock, as-is, floor samples, move to as-is, and multi-leg) with merchandise reserved and dates in the past. The transfers are rescheduled for the next available transfer delivery date and route. These transfers must have merchandise reserved, must be open (not completed), and cannot be on a transfer manifest in order to be rescheduled.
Store to WarehouseCheck
this box to automatically reschedule all transfers from Store to Warehouse.
Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Store to StoreCheck
this box to automatically reschedule all transfers from Store to Store.
Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Warehouse to StoreCheck
this box to automatically reschedule all transfers from Warehouse to Store.
Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Warehouse to WarehouseCheck
this box to automatically reschedule all transfers from Warehouse to Warehouse.
Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Zero Quantity Stock LevelUse
this field to specify the type of alert you want the system to issue when
stock reaches zero quantity for any product on a sales order. Select
one of the options.
Minimum Quantity Stock Level Use
this field to specify the type of alert you want the system to issue when
stock reaches the minimum quantity established at the Minimum
field in the Warehouse Inventory
Settings for any product on a sales order. Choose one from the list
of options.
Safety Quantity Stock LevelUse
this field to specify the type of alert you want the system to issue when
stock reaches the safety quantity established at the Safety
field in the Warehouse Inventory
Settings for any product on a sales order. Choose one from the list
of options.
Adjust Soft Kit in Order Entry
To allow users to edit soft kit components on sales orders, check the box. If you leave this box blank, users
can only delete soft kits on sales orders, and
require a security override to access the Group Pricing Screen.
To allow selected users to override these restrictions, use the Override soft kit restrictions field in the Extended Security settings.
To automatically prorate the price of a return warranty, check this box. Otherwise, leave this box blank.
When this box is checked and the returned product is linked to a warranty, the Enter a Return and Enter an Exchange processes calculate a prorated return price for warranties, which is based on the warranty term and the period of time that has elapsed since the warranty was activated.
When this setting is
enabled, the system calculates the prorated price as follows:
(Today's Date - Warranty Start Date)
/ Total Warranty duration days = Prorate Percentage
Price - (Price * Prorate
Percentage) = Prorated Price
Quantity Error LevelUse
this field to set the maximum quantity users can enter at data fields
in warehouse receiving and order entry routines without receiving a warning
message. For example, if you set this field to 50, a warning message appears
each time a user enters a quantity greater than 50 in one of these routines.
Users can override the warning and enter any quantity. This field simply
provides a way to guard against keyboard errors, for example if a user
enters 80 instead of 50.
Select the method by which to sort reports. You have the following options:
Vendor Model Number
STORIS SKU (stock-keeping unit) a unique number or code that distinguishes each product and service provided by a supplier. Number
If Vendor Model is selected at this field, but the Product record
does not contain the vendor model number, the report displays the
product information using the SKU/product number followed by two asterisks
(**) to indicate that the vendor model number was not available.
Auto Fill ReportingThis field controls
the mode at which the Automatic Stock Fill Report runs. The report runs
during Generate
Daily Reports (End-of-Day) processing.
To print only those orders that have had merchandise reserved for them
since the last End-of-Day and now have all of their merchandise reserved,
select Fully Reserved Only. To
print all orders that have had some or all of the merchandise reserved
since the last End of Day was run, select Full
and Partially Reserved.
Sales Order Salesperson Default
Specify the way in which to default salespersons onto sales orders. You have the following options:
In Customer Settings – default the salespersons associated (if any) with the customer at the Salesperson 1 and Salesperson 2 fields on the Point of Sale tab in the Advanced Customer Settings. If no default salespersons exist for the customer, default the house “ZZZ” salesperson.
The Current User – default the current user. If the user is not a salesperson, default the house “ZZZ” salesperson.
Not To Be Defaulted – Do no default a salesperson, which requires users to manually provide a salesperson code during order entry.
Users with access at
the Override Commission Rules field in the Extended
Security (Sales) settings can override the functionality of this
For Quick
Sales, this field works in conjunction with the Allow Entry
of Salesperson field in the Quick Sale Control Settings to determine
whether a salesperson code defaults or not.
Dollars Adjustments Update Salesperson Commissions
To update written business as part of the commissions update process, check the box at this field. If you leave the box blank, only delivered business updates as part of the commission update process. Note that users with access at the Override Commission Rules field in the Extended Security (Sales) settings can override the functionality of this field.
User Entering Order Must Be a Salesperson
To assign the user who is creating the order as one of the specified salespeople for new orders, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you check the box at this field and the user creating the order is not set up as a salesperson, the user must assign the house salesperson (ZZZ) to the order. Note that users with access at the Override Commission Rules field in the Extended Security (Sales) settings can override the functionality of this field.
Salesperson Must be the Same for Return/Sale on Exchanges To
split commissions evenly on orders with multiple salespersons, check the
box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. When a rounding error
requires an uneven split, the system allows a .01% difference for any
of the listed salespeople. Note that users with access at the Override
Commission Rules field in the Extended
Security (Sales) settings can override the functionality of this field.
this box is checked, the salesperson on the new sale portion of an
exchange is automatically set to the same value as the salesperson
on the return portion of an exchange.
With this check box activated, the following occurs:
The Salespeople for New Sales extra action is inactive on the customer tab of the Enter an Exchange screen.
Use this field to specify the method by which to calculate commissions. Click the Arrow button to select one of the following options:
None - No commission calculation.
Customer Matrix - Select this method to calculate commissions as a percentage of the selling price or gross profit, based upon the customer, product, or salesperson. The Commission Matrix uses two factors to determine commission values: a calculation code (percentage of price or profit) and a source code (customer, product, salesperson, or flat rate). See the Commission Settings for further detail.
Salesperson Matrix - If you select this method, commissions are calculated using variable rates by salesperson. The rate is obtained based on the product commission and salesperson commission categories in your Commission Settings. You can define different commission rates based on the salesperson's level (e.g. regular, senior, manager) by adding commission matrix records per salesperson commission category. You can also define a variable rate table based on the gross margin percentage earned for a line item.
Gross Profit - This method uses the Low & High Limit Percent and the Low & High Commission Percent to calculate commissions. These attributes are reserved in the Point of Sale Control Settings for all sales, customers, and products. The program calculates commissions using the gross profit margin and the gross profit dollars from each sale, according to the limits and commission percentages set. In essence, it creates a double sliding scale that produces a ratio that is the commission percentage.
When you select this option, the Commission Calculation screen appears in which you can enter or modify these attributes. You can also access that screen via the Action button next to the Calculation Method field.
Maximum Split CommissionsEnter the maximum number
of salespeople you want to allow for a commission split. You can
enter any value between 1 and 99. If you leave this field blank,
you specify no maximum. Note that users with access at the Override
Commission Rules field in the Extended
Security (Sales) settings can override the functionality of this field.
To split commissions evenly on orders with multiple salespersons, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. When a rounding error requires an uneven split, the system allows a .01% difference for any of the listed salespeople. Note that users with access at the Override Commission Rules field in the Extended Security (Sales) settings can override the functionality of this field.
Select the method by which to print the Sales Commissions report. You have the following options:
Customer Name - print by customer name (replaces the cost/margin fields with customer name)
Profit Margin - print by gross profit margin
Enter the number of days you want the system to retain salesman commission data before purging as part of the Generate Daily Reports process. Enter a number between 0 and 999. STORIS recommends setting this to at least 31 days.
Use this field to specify the method by which to calculate commissions for delivery charges, delivery credits, and delivery charge adjustments. You have the following options:
None - Create no delivery charge commissions. This selection clears and deactivates the Delivery Commission and Delivery Cost Factor fields below.
Profit - This selection activates
the Delivery Commission
field and deactivates the Delivery
Cost Factor field below. Calculate delivery commissions
based on predefined profit calculations using this formula:
(Delivery Charge – (Calculated
Delivery Charge * Delivery Cost Factor)) * Delivery Commission
Revenue - This selection activates the Delivery Commission field below. Calculate delivery commissions as a percentage of the delivery charge using the following formula:
Delivery Charge * Delivery Commission
To generate delivery charge commissions, you must be set up
to default
delivery charges.
To report on delivery commissions with line item commission data, use
the sales commission reports; for delivery commission exceptions,
use the Delivery Commission Exceptions report in the Report
The following do not create delivery commission records:
- Returns, exchanges, and dollars-only adjustments
that are not against an original invoice.
- Returns you create with pickup charges (not
delivery charge credits) do not create delivery commission records
Calculated delivery charges for returns, exchanges, and dollars-only
adjustments prorate based on the delivery charge on the original order,
not the delivery charge refunded on the return/exchange/adjustment.
Delivery Commission __ %Enter the commission percentage
you want to apply to delivery charges. This field is active only if you
select Profit or Revenue at the On Delivery
Charge field above.
If calculating delivery commissions based on profit (that is, if you select Profit at the On Delivery Charge field above) and you check the box at this field, then whenever a user overrides the Delivery Charge field in order entry with an amount greater than the default charge, the system still calculates delivery commissions using the default delivery charge (that is, limits delivery commissions).
Delivery Cost Factor __ %Enter the cost factor
percentage you want to apply to delivery charges. This field is active
only if you select Profit at the On Delivery
Charge field above.
Use this field to enter the global minimum gross profit percentage (if any) you want to maintain for sales order line items whose default selling price is changed during sales order entry. If the edited price does not meet the minimum gross profit percentage, the system may issue an exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered. alert (see the Minimum Gross Profit Not Met alert field below).
This is a global setting. You can also
specify minimum gross profit percentages at the product level and
the store location level, and those settings override the global setting
you specify here.
This option controls the costing method used in the Sales Margin Scratchpad. Choose one of the following options:
Whichever Cost Is Greater
This option controls the display of profit figures on the Executive Flash inquiry. You have the following options:
None - do not display profit figures
Dollars - display the profit figures in dollars
Percent - display profit figures in percentages
Use this field to specify the global check level for minimum gross profit. This field determines system response to sales order line items whose selling price does not meet the minimum gross profit percentage.
Do Not Alert
List On Exception Report
Warning Messages
Security Override
This is a global setting. You can also
specify check levels at the store
location level. That setting overrides the global setting
you specify here.
Zero Cost on Direct ShipmentCoose the type of alert you want the system to
issue when releasing invoices for direct ship zero cost line items. Choose
one of the following options.
Specify the type of alert you want the system to issue when a user changes the selling price of a sales order line item so that the price is below the cost of the product. Choose one of the following options.
To specify this alert by warehouse/store location, go to the Sell Price is Below Cost field on the Advanced page in Warehouse/Store Location Settings.
Zero Cost Non-Inventory ItemDuring purchase order entry, warehouse receiving,
inventory adjustments, and invoicing of credit memos, the system checks
for zero costs. Specify the type of alert you want the system to issue
when encountering a zero-cost, non-inventory (intangible) item. Choose
one of the following options:
Do Not Alert
List on Exception Report
Warning Messages
Security Override
During purchase order entry, warehouse receiving, inventory adjustments, and invoicing of credit memos, the system checks for zero costs. Specify the type of alert you want the system to issue when encountering a zero-cost, non-inventory (intangible) item. Choose one of the following options:
Do Not Alert
List on Exception Report
Warning Messages
Security Override
Multiple Order CopiesIf you
check this field, after each sales order print the system will ask you
if you want to print another. The system will continue to prompt you until
you answer "No". If you don't check this field and you want
to print additional copies of a sales order, you must re-open the sales
order and print again.
To default the Print check box on the Print Options Window to checked when you initially access that window, check this box. To leave the print option check box blank when you access the print options window, leave this check box blank.
To default the E-mail check box on the Print Options Window to checked when you initially access that window, check this box. To leave the email option check box blank when you access the print options window, leave this check box blank.
Cumulative Sales Order in View an Existing Sales OrderTo use
this setting, you must select Forms Designer
as the Sales Order document type (below). Select this option to
allow users the ability to print the history of a sales order via the
Print Cumulative Sales Order in the View
an Existing Sales Order read-only screen. Otherwise, leave this field
Sales OrderSelect the print
form you want to use when printing sales orders.
Completed OrderSelect
the print form
you want to use when printing completed orders.
Shipping TicketSelect
the print form
you want to use when printing shipping tickets and COG (customer's own goods) A feature of the Customer Service module via which you can identify an item on a service transaction as customer goods, for example the repair of a customer-owned item.
POS Payment, Refund, Gift Certificate Receipt
Use this field to specify the type of receipt, if any, you want to print at the conclusion of a cash posting session. You have the following options:
Form - Regular STORIS print forms
Laser - Regular STORIS print forms printed on a laser printer
Forms Designer - A form called PAYMENT RECEIPT printed via the Forms Designer
No Receipt - Do not print receipts from this routine
If you choose one of the print options, a prompt appears at the conclusion of the payment with the option to print or skip the print. If you choose No Receipt, no prompt appears at the conclusion of the payment.
print for all Enter
a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate payments except previous
deposits. That is, if entering a deposit for an existing order,
the program prints the sales order instead of a receipt and includes
the new deposit as part of the total deposits for the order.
Maintain Customer Deposits Refund Receipt
Use this field to specify the type of receipt, if any, you want to print at the conclusion of a refund via Maintain Customer Deposits. You have the following options:
Form - Regular STORIS print forms
Laser - Regular STORIS print forms printed on a laser printer
Forms Designer - A form called Payment Receipt printed via the Forms Designer. The ability to capture a signature and archive the receipt is only available with this option. The form used is the Payment Receipt unless the Use Extended Payment Receipt setting is enabled in Accounts Receivable Control Settings in which case the Cash Application Receipt is printed.
No Receipt - Do not print receipts from this routine
If you choose one of the print options, a prompt appears at the conclusion of the payment with the option to print. A prompt for a each receipt appears until "no" is answered to printing a receipt. If you choose No Receipt, no prompt appears at the conclusion of the refund.
ability to capture a customer signature is available if Signature
Capture is active for printing refund receipts. The ability to
archive a receipt is available if document
archiving is active for refund receipts. While capturing a signature
is not dependent on printing a receipt, the signature is archived
only if a receipt is printed. If a receipt is not printed, a signature
is captured but not archived. If signatures are not being captured,
receipts can still be printed and archived.
If you check this box, customer pickup tickets can only be generated for orders with a scheduled pickup date equal to the current system date. A checked box at this field overrides the Delivery Lead setting on the Inventory tab of this control settings screen.
If you leave this box blank (default setting), pickup tickets can be printed within the Delivery Lead.
Back Order QuantitySelect
this option to print back-order quantities on delivery tickets.
Delivery Lead __ DaysEnter
the number of days before the scheduled delivery date you want to allow
users to print delivery tickets. If this setting is enabled, users cannot
print delivery tickets until this many days before the scheduled delivery
If you select Forms
Designer at the Shipping Ticket prompt, you inactivate the next six
fields. If you choose to suppress prices and totals, the remaining prompts
in this section become inactive.
Suppress Selling Prices and Totals
Check this field if you want to prevent merchandise prices and totals from appearing on delivery tickets. This option is not applicable if the Shipping Ticket field is set to Enhanced Laser.
Check this field if you want the COD amount to appear on shipping tickets.
Check this field if you want to include outstanding order balances for customers on your shipping tickets.
Partial Order All Open Order Balances
For partial shipments, check this field if you want additional balances for customers to appear on shipping tickets.
Check this field if you want to include AR balances for customers on your shipping tickets.
Check this field if you want the order number in bar code format to print on shipping tickets. This control is only active if shipping tickets are to be printed on a Laser printer. Please note that this feature only works with STORIS approved printers.
Product Image Option for Forms Designer
Use this setting to allow a product image to be included on certain Enhanced Laser Printing (ELP) forms. The product image used here is the one linked to the Update Product Images process. If no image exists, no image is rendered onto the form. The following ELP forms are capable of including images: Cumulative Sales Order, Exchange, Exchange Invoice, Fast Cash, Invoice, Layaway Order, Return, Return Invoice, Sales Order, Sales Quote, Service Order, and Shopping Cart.
No Product Image - No product image is rendered on the form. This is the default setting.
Use Thumbnail - The image is 50KB.
Use Standard Size Image - The image is 100KB.
Use Large Image - The image is 200KB.
Sell Price of Soft Kit ComponentsTo print
the price of soft kit components on sales orders and delivery tickets,
check the box. To print only the total kit price, leave the box blank.
Sell Price on TransfersTo print
the sell price on transfer pick tickets, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
Barcode on POS LabelsTo include bar codes when
printing Point of Sale product labels, check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the field blank.
"As Is" Line Item Text to Print on OrderUse this
field to enter text you want to appear on sales orders, AP bills, and
delivery tickets for which as-is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. line
items are present. You can enter up to 34 alphanumeric characters.
If you click on the Action button, you access the Description
Field - Language Translation Entry.
Sales Security AccessTo
activate global sales security access, check this field. When this setting
is active, the system requires users to enter their password before they
can access certain reports and inquiries. Also, this setting must be active
before you can access the View All Sales
Information field in the Create
a User/Group Actions - Sales Security.
Enter Cash Amount TenderedSelect
this option to have the system prompt (when a cash drawer is active) for
the amount given to the cashier at the time of the purchase. The system
subtracts the amount due for payment from the amount tendered and calculates
the change due, if any.
Reason Code For Line Deletion
Check the box at this field if you want users to enter a reason code when they delete one or more lines from an existing transaction (including sales orders, layaways or exchanges). Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Schedule Direct Ship LinesTo
default a status of Scheduled to direct-ship lines, check the box at this
field. To default a status of Unscheduled to direct-ship lines,
leave the box blank.
Use these settings to require users provide their user ID and password before creating or editing an order. For each transaction type you select at this field, the Transaction Entry - User Log In Screen appears after a user specifies the order number in the entry routine(s) selected below in which the user must enter a valid user ID and password. The Order Comments Log records the user who makes the changes. Note that this feature applies to Entry routines only, and not to View routines (for example, View an Existing Sales Order).
If your system is
set for cash balancing by cashier, this
field is inactive.
This field also appears in the Quick
Sale Control Settings and the Service
Control Settings.
Check the box next to the transaction types you want to prompt for a user's initials and password. You can select any or none.
Select this check box to require user to provide an ID and password in order to access the Enter a Sales Order process.
Select this check box to require user to provide an ID and password in order to access the Exchange process.
Select this check box to require user to provide an ID and password in order to access the Return process.
Select this check box to require user to provide an ID and password in order to access the Sales Adjustment process.
Entry Date __ DaysEnter
the number of days into an overlap month
you want to allow qualified users to backdate new sales orders back to
the previous (current) month. You can enter any number between 1 and 31.
To define your qualified users, check the Backdate
Transactions field in the Create
a User/Group Actions - Sales Security settings.
For example, if you set this field to 10, qualified users can backdate
orders back to the previous month for the first 10 days of the overlap
month. From the 11th day of the overlap month forward, the system will
prevent users from backdating orders back to the previous month. Note
that the system does not allow security overrides to this setting.
Use this field to add another level of control regarding the backdating of sales transaction completions. This applies to sales orders, exchanges, returns, and dollar adjustments to completed orders. To define how many days into the past you can backdate the completion of a sales transaction, enter a number from 0-61.
If you set this field to zero (0), the ability to backdate the completion depends only on your sales security setting, Change a transaction’s completion date field. You can backdate the completion to any date in an open sales month provided you have permission via the sales security setting or have obtained an override from another user.
If you enter a number of days in this control setting, you can backdate sales transaction completions up to and including this number of days without obtaining override permission, regardless of your user level setting. When you attempt to backdate a completion for a number of days greater than this control setting, you must either have permission via your own user level setting, or you must obtain override permission from an authorized user.
This field is used as the default setting for the Validate Tax Rate field in Sales Tax Settings when new tax jurisdictions are created. The Validate Tax Rate field determines whether the system checks and recalculates sales tax on open sales orders.
Check the box at this control setting field if you want all new jurisdictions to be initially set to validate the tax rate. If you do not check the box at this field, jurisdictions are initially set to not validate and recalculate taxes.
Regardless of the initial default setting, individual tax jurisdictions can be set to validate or not validate by checking or un-checking the Validate Tax Rate field in the Sales Tax Settings.
Imbedded National TaxTo imbed
national tax amounts in line item prices, check the box. To display
tax amounts separately, leave the box blank. This is a STORIS-locked field.
Contact STORIS if you want to edit this field.
Use this field to specify your preferences for entering marketing codes at the Marketing Information - Code 1 field in the Enter a Sales Order routine. You have the following options:
Optional - the Code 1 field in Sales Order Entry is active but not mandatory.
Mandatory - the Code 1 field in Sales Order Entry is active and mandatory.
None - the Code 1 field in Sales Order Entry is inactive.
Use this field to specify your preferences for entering marketing codes at the Marketing Information - Code 2 field in the Enter a Sales Order routine. You have the following options:
Optional - the Code 2 field in Sales Order Entry is active but not mandatory.
Mandatory - the Code 2 field in Sales Order Entry is active and mandatory.
None - the Code 2 field in Sales Order Entry is inactive.
The options available at this field depend on the setting at
the First Marketing Code field.
If the First Marketing Code field is set to:
- Optional, only the Optional and None options
are available at this field.
- Mandatory, all options are available at this
- None, the system sets this field to None
and you cannot edit it.
Allow Marketing Code ChangesTo
globally allow users to edit marketing
codes on existing sales orders for which no part has been completed,
check the box at this field. (For example, if this box checked and
the order is already partially invoiced you cannot edit the marketing
codes.) To globally prevent users from editing marketing codes,
leave the field blank.
Use this field to enter a default customer email address. If you enter a valid email address at this field, the Primary Email field in Advanced Customer Settings and order entry, as well as the Email field in Enter a Sales Lead all become mandatory when creating new customers/contacts/orders. In addition, if you check the box at the next "Load Default" field the default email address entered here is used when an email address is left blank in any of those processes.
If customer email addresses are required in your system (defined at the Default Email Address field above), this field is active. To default the above email address whenever the system requires one, check the box at this field. Users can override the default. To require users to manually enter a valid email address whenever the system requires one, leave this field blank.
If you check this box:
when entering a new customer, if you save the record without providing a customer email address, the system automatically adds the default email address to the customer record.
when entering an order for a customer with the default email address, the Email Address Entry Screen appears, displaying the default email address. To continue, you must either accept the default email address or enter a different email address. The system updates the Customer Settings with your entry upon saving the order.
when creating a new contact in Enter a Sales Lead, the default email address is loaded if that field is left empty and the lead is saved.
If you leave this box blank and you entered a Default Email Address above:
when entering a new customer, if you attempt to save the record without providing a customer email address, an error message appears and the program requires you enter a unique email address before you can save the record.
when entering an order for a customer, the Email Address Entry Screen appears. To continue, you must enter a valid email address. The system updates the Customer Settings with your entry upon saving the order.
when creating a new contact in Enter a Sales Lead, the entry of an email address is required.
Use this field to control how the system re-checks sales orders for exceptions. You have the following options:
Never - the report lists all exceptions whether or not they have been resolved at the time of printing.
At End-of-Day Reporting - runs the Exception Report when you perform end-of-day processing and lists only unresolved transactions.
Printing Reports On Demand - the system lists only unresolved transactions when you run any Sales Order Exceptions report (located on the Sales Order reports menu).
Always - tells the system to recheck for exceptions each time the report is run and each time a sales order is re-opened.
View Salesperson's Sales Activity
Check this setting to display the Written Sales Month To Date total and the Delivered Sales Month To Date total on the General tab of the View Salesperson Activity screen. If this setting is unchecked, these totals are hidden.
The Daily Written Sales and Daily Delivered Sales are always available, regardless of this setting.
Clear Contact Data for Partial InvoicesTo
clear the contact
status and contact date from partial invoices, check the box at this
field. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Post Line Discounts to General Ledger
Check this box to post line discount amounts to the specified general ledger. Line discount amounts are posted to the account specified by the below hierarchy. For example, if no account is specified in the Line Discount GL Account field in Sales Discount Settings, then Sales Line Discount field in Group Settings is checked next, etc.
Line Discount GL Account in Sales Discount Settings
Sales Line Discount field on the General tab of Group Settings
Line Discount field on the General tab of Category Settings
Sales Line Discount field on the Sales tab of General Ledger Assigned Account Settings
GL Account Number Default field on the General tab of General Ledger Control Settings
The discount recovery fields that
correspond to the line discount fields mentioned above also follow
this hierarchy, beginning with #2, Sales Line Discount field on the
General tab of Group Settings (i.e. does not consider the first field
listed, Line Discount GL Account in Sales Discount Settings).
Promotional Pricing Retention Period __ MonthsEnter
the number of periods you want the system to keep loaded Product Adjustment
records on file. For Promotional Pricing, this is the number of periods
after the promotion has expired. For other adjustments, this is the date
the adjustment was loaded. The number you enter here must not be less
than the Customer Retention Period
field on the Customer tab or the Periods
of Data Retention field in the Sales
Analysis Report Control Settings.
For users reducing the selling price of a product on a sales order, enter the maximum percentage of the selling price you want to allow users to vary from the selling price established in the Advanced Product Settings. If the modified price is less than the selling price by a percentage greater than the percentage you enter here, the system may generate an alert record, depending on the setting at the Price Exceeds Variance Alert field below.
You can also specify price variance percentages by location
via the Settings tab in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings. If a price variance percent has been specified
for the selling location on an order, that setting overrides the setting
entered here.
Specify the type of alert you want the system to issue when a user modifies the price of a sales order line item so that the new price exceeds the allowable price variance specified at the Price Variance Percent field above. Click here for a list of options.
You can also specify price variance percentages by location
via the Settings tab in the Warehouse/Store
Location Settings. If a price variance percent has been specified
for the selling location on an order, that setting overrides the setting
entered here.
Allow Price ChangeTo allow users to override
the selling
price defaulted by the system when entering products in Sales
Order Entry, check this box. If you leave the box blank, users cannot
override the default selling price.
Use this field to require a reason code regardless of the alert level selected and the user's access. If you check this box, entry of a reason code is always required when there is an override to the selling price and the established variance percent has been exceeded. This occurs regardless of the user's sales security setting "Override POS exception rules" and the Variance Exceeded Alert level selected on this screen. When this box is checked, reason codes entered for each price variance exception appear on the Variance from Retail report, which runs as part of the Generate Daily Reports process.
You can also establish the reason required setting by location via
Location Settings. The system checks the location first and if
the box at that setting is blank, it uses the global settings established
To require entry of a comment when a price variance exception for this product occurs, check this box. Otherwise, leave this box blank. This comment can be viewed in the Enter Exception Comments window via the order entry routine by selecting View/Edit Exception Comments from the Actions button on the Merchandise tab. The comment entered is associated with the entire order, and not with a particular line.
Price variance checks
are performed on the line item price, modified order subtotal, and
within group pricing. If you leave the Threshold
field blank, this check
box must also be blank.
Maximum Subtotal Discount __ %
This setting is required if you apply discounts to the order subtotal via discount codes and/or as an additional amount/percent. The field is used only if one (or both) of the Apply Discount Codes to Subtotal and Apply Additional Amount or Percent to Subtotal (DISCOUNTS) fields is checked.
Enter the maximum discount percentage rate that can be applied to an order subtotal during order entry.
Once you indicate this maximum, the system ensures that the total discount percentage applied to the merchandise subtotal amount, including both types of subtotal discounts (additional amount/percent discount and discount codes), does not exceed the maximum percent established.
If you apply discounts to orders by adjusting the subtotal amount, leave this field blank or enter zero.
You can also establish a maximum subtotal discount percent by location. Use the Maximum Subtotal Discount % field on the General tab of Warehouse/Store Location Settings for each location where you want to establish a different maximum. During sales transaction entry, the system checks the Warehouse/Store Location Settings first, and uses the setting there if not blank. Otherwise, the setting in this field is used.
Important! The ability for users to access discount fields in order entry and apply global and/or line item discounts is affected by user security settings. See Create a User/Group Actions - Sales Security for detail.
Apply Discount Codes to Individual Line Items
To apply discounts to line item prices via entry of discount codes on the Merchandise tab of order entry, check this box. If this box is checked, the Discount field on the Merchandise tab of order entry is activated.
If the box is not checked, the Discount field is inactive and you cannot enter this type of discount.
If you check this box, you cannot check the box at the Apply to Order by Adjusting Subtotal Amount field.
Apply to Sales Order by Adjusting Subtotal Amount
To discount line item prices by adjusting the subtotal amount on the Payment tab of order entry, check this box. With this type of discount, the line items are re-priced to total the newly adjusted subtotal amount. If the box is checked at this field, the Subtotal amount on the Payment tab of order entry is active.
If the box is not checked, the Subtotal amount is not available for edit and you cannot enter this type of discount.
If you check this box, you cannot check the box at the Apply Discount Codes to Individual Line Items field.
Apply Discount Codes to Subtotal
To apply discounts to the order subtotal via discount codes entered on the Payment page of order entry, check this box. If this box is checked, the Discounts - Codes field is active on the Payment page of order entry. This type of discount is applied to the order subtotal, rather than individual line items.
If the box is not checked, the Discounts - Codes field is not active and you cannot enter this type of discount.
Apply Fixed Amount Subtotal Discounts First
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) This setting applies only to coded discounts to the subtotal amount entered at the Code(s) field on the Payment tab of order entry. To have the system apply all fixed amount discounts first and then apply percentage discounts, this box must be checked. Each discount is applied to the net subtotal resulting from the application of the previous discount.
If this box is not checked, all percentage discounts are applied first and then fixed amount discounts are applied.
Discounts to the subtotal entered as an additional amount/percent
(Additional field on Payment tab) are always applied last, after coded
discounts are applied.
Apply Fixed Amount Line Discounts First
This setting applies to line discounts only and is not STORIS locked. If you check the box at this field, all dollar discounts are subtracted from the merchandise subtotal before percentage discounts are applied. If you leave the box blank, all percentage discounts are applied to the order line before dollar discounts are subtracted.
Automatically Apply Discounts Using Daily Discount Schedule
If you check this box, the Auto-Apply feature can be started from within sales order and quick sale entry. If there is a Daily Discount Schedule for the order date, you can select the Start Automated Line Discounting option from the Actions menu in order entry to start the Auto-Apply process. The Auto-Apply feature automatically adds sales discounts to the order based on the discount schedule for that day.
Ordered Quantity to 1 to Ensure Optimal Discounting if Required by the
Daily Discount Schedule
If you check this box, then when the Daily Discount Schedule contains a discount that is set as either Apply to Additional Item of Equal or Greater Value (BOGO) or Apply to Additional Purchases, the ordered quantity on the sales order displays as individual sales order lines each with a quantity of 1. For example, if a product with a quantity of 3 is entered, the sales order grid populates with 3 sales order lines, each with a quantity of 1.
Validation applies to each line of the
order as if entered individually, meaning all pop-up messages, alerts,
and options are repeated as each line is added to the order. As such,
if any linkable warranties exist and the Warranty
Category Settings is set to
Do Not Display, the Warranty
Linkage Selection window opens for each applicable line.
Automatically Select Optimal Lines for a New Discount
If you check this box, then when you manually add a new discount via the Enter Discounts on Multiple Lines process or via Auto-Apply, the process automatically defaults the discount to the order lines in a manner that is most beneficial for the customer. If the discount has specific restrictions making it applicable to only specific lines, the process applies the discount in a manner that gives the customer the best possible discount. If the Automatically Apply Discounts Using Daily Discount Schedule field (above) is enabled, this field must also be checked.
Apply to Sales Order by Adjusting Net Total
To allow a discount to be applied to a sales order by adjusting the net total of the order, activate this field. Otherwise, leave the check box blank. If this box is checked, you can click the Action button at the Net Total field in sales order entry to access the Adjust the Net Total screen. Users with the proper security (Change the Net Total on Sales Orders) can use this screen to change the net total amount.
Reduce Subtotal Discount Amount when it exceeds the
Open Order Subtotal
Check this field in order to reduce the subtotal discount(s) to match the order's subtotal, which is useful in the event that the subtotal discount amount exceeds the order's subtotal. This field is unchecked by default. To use this field, the Maximum Subtotal Discount % field in the above Pricing section must be set to 100%.
If this setting is checked, a prompt confirms the subtotal reduction for each discount applied. You can choose Yes at the prompt, in which case the subtotal discount is reduced; or you can choose No at the prompt, in which case you need to manually make the appropriate modifications. Subtotal discounts are reduced beginning with the last discount entered.
An additional manual discount (percentage or amount) can still be applied when this setting is checked, and is considered first if an adjustment to the subtotal is required as per this setting.
This setting only applies to the original open order. This setting
does not apply to orders that have been partially completed, even
if new discounts are applied. In this case, the subtotal discount(s)
would have to be removed or the subtotal amount would have to be increased.
Apply Pricing Hierarchy to kit components in a sale when the kit is changed
Use this setting to control how pricing is handled when a single soft kit component is removed from an order or the quantity is adjusted, resulting in an alteration to the kit composition.
If you check this box, then when you either remove a soft kit component from an order or change a component's quantity on the order, a warning is issued asking if you wish to continue with this change. If you choose to continue, the soft kit grouping is removed and selling prices for the components are recalculated using the existing pricing hierarchy for each product individually. An order comment is also created, logging the reason for the price change of each component.
If you leave this check box blank, and you remove a soft kit component or change the quantity on the order, selling prices of the components remain unchanged.
Allow Quantity Ordered Greater Than One
Use this setting to enable or disable the Quantity prompt in Enter a Sales Order, Enter an Exchange and Enter a Quick Sale when a Soft Kit is added to the order. If you check the box at this setting, then when you add a soft kit with a quantity greater than 1 to the order, its components are added to the order with the quantity of each component line item multiplied by the value you specified in the quantity prompt. If you leave this setting blank, the Quantity prompt is inactive and you cannot change it.
Use this field to specify the method by which to calculate prices for soft kit masters whose Source of Price is set to Product. If you check the box at this field, the system uses the total of the prices derived from the pricing hierarchy for all components in the kit. If you leave this box blank, the system uses the total of the prices in the Default Kit Selling Price field in the Advanced Product Settings for all components in the kit.
Depending on your pricing
setup, the price selected by the pricing hierarchy may not be the
lowest price specified for a product in the various price fields in
the system.
(LOCKED FIELD - STORIS Access Only) Use this field to specify the method you want to use to establish and maintain product pricing. You have the following options:
Product - use the Price-Spiff-Commission Table
Store - use Level Pricing