System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Accounts Receivables System Settings > Accounts Receivables Control Settings
Tabs: General, Gift Cards and Certificates, Credit Reporting, Deposits
Use this routine to specify your preferences for the Accounts Receivable module (AR) including the Gift Certificate feature.
Specify the method by which to age credits. You have the following options:
Trans Date - age all credits based on transaction date.
Oldest Invoice - age all credits against the oldest open items.
Select the method by which to sort Accounts Receivable reports. You have the following options:
Customer Code
Customer Name
Number of Months HistoryEnter the number of months
to retain closed receivable transaction information. You can enter
a number between 1 and 99. The End-of-Month process purges any data older
than the number of months you specify here.
Default Terms CodeEnter the terms code you
want the system to default when creating customers, whether in the Customer Settings
or on-the-fly Performed simultaneously, in the midst of another routine. For example, creating a new product during sales entry rather than leaving the sales process to create the product in product settings. via Sales Order Entry. You
can edit the defaulted terms code in the Customer Settings.
Default Credit LimitSpecify
the default credit limit amount you want to allow customers built on-the-fly Performed simultaneously, in the midst of another routine. For example, creating a new product during sales entry rather than leaving the sales process to create the product in product settings. through sales order entry. To allow
such customers an unlimited amount of credit, leave the field blank.
To specify credit limits for individual customers, use the Credit Limit
field on the Receivables tab in the Advanced
Customer Settings
Use this field to indicate the automatic refresh rate of the Credit Hold Queue display. Enter the rate in seconds, from 30-3600. If you leave this field blank, no automatic refresh is performed and you must refresh the screen manually. The default setting for this field is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Daily Maximum Cash Refund Per Customer
Use this field to enter the maximum cash amount that can be refunded per customer per day. This setting applies to Maintain Customer Deposits, Enter a Return, Enter an Exchange, Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate, and Adjust Dollars on a Completed Order. The following entries are accepted:
1 to 9999.99 = the maximum cash refund amount
0 = cash refunds are not allowed
Blank = no maximum cash refund restriction for this store
The Override Daily Maximum
Cash Refund Per Customer setting in Create
a User/Group Actions - Receivables Security determines if the
user/user group is permitted to exceed the maximum cash refund amount.
Exchange Payment TypeThis field
defines a special payment type that will be used when payments are made
during exchange processing. When this payment type is used, the exchange
payment amount will not be posted to cash receipts. Therefore, it is not
included in the Daily Cash Balancing report, but will be reported on the
Daily Cash Receipts Register.
Open Item AuditingSelect this option to retain
data on the system for reporting on the AR Audit Report, which is generated
during the End-of-Day process.
Past Due / Open Order HoldTo place
on D1
credit hold all new sales orders for customers with an open past-due
balance, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. The
system places these orders on hold during
(EOD) processing.
Secured Audit Retention MonthsThe system
audits users whenever they view secure customer data, such as the customer’s
full credit card number. For example, if you use the Credit Card Number
Full Display (available from the Deposit
Detail Inquiry screen) to "unmask" and view the full credit
card number, an audit record is created. The system also creates an audit
record when a user attempts to view secure data and is denied access due
to security restrictions. This audit data is retained on the system for
a period specified here and then it is purged during month-end processing
Monthly Reports) based on this retention setting and the month-ending
date. Enter the number of months you want the system to retain secure
data audit records. The field accepts an entry from 12-99.
Allow Duplicate Social Security Numbers
STORIS issues a warning message whenever you enter a social security number that already exists in the system. To allow users to enter a social security number that is already on file for another customer, check the box at this field. To require security clearance for this situation, leave the box blank. If you leave the box blank, users with security access via the Override Duplicate Social Security Number Restriction field in the Receivables Extended Security settings can override this restriction.
The security aspect of this feature applies
only to customers and not to credit application co-applicants.
If you leave this field blank and a user enters a duplicate social
security number for a customer, the program writes a comment to the
Customer Comments file for all customers involved.
Automatic Display of Legal Settings
If you check the box at this field, the Customer Legal Settings - Read Only screen appears as a pop-up screen in the following routines for customers for which one or more Customer Legal Settings have been specified:
Allow Overpayments on Charged Off Accounts
This setting determines whether or not payments that exceed the charged off balance are accepted without reinstating the customer account. The default for this setting is unchecked, indicating that charge-off overpayments are not allowed. Check the box to accept payments exceeding the charged off balance.
Number of Ledger EntriesEnter the maximum number
of ledger lines (1-999) you want to appear in the grid in the View
a Customer's Receivables Activity (AR Ledger Inquiry) routine for
a selected customer. If the customer's activity exceeds the number of
lines you enter here, the system displays the most recent activity.
This field determines the optimized number of cycle phantoms that can be launched during end-of-day AR cycling. Valid entry is numeric, from 1-4. The maximum number of cycle phantoms you can enter in this field is 4. These phantom A process that performs a maintenance function in STORIS, and can be set up to run automatically in the background on a regular basis. processes simultaneously perform cycling updates. Contact your STORIS representative for further detail.
Use this field to specify when to run the Automatic Charge-Off process. You have the following options:
N- None Selected
D - End of Day
M- End of Month
C- Cycle (run at customer cycle processing time)
O - One Time (run during the next End of Day only)
The Automatic Charge-Off process charges off customers with a customer alert code designated as "Automatic Charge-Off". Note that Manual charge-off processing is available from the Maintain Customer Balances Routine (Bad Debt tab).
Charge-Off before Non-AccrualTo require
accounts to have a "non-accrual” status before being charged off,
leave this box blank. If you check the box at this field, accounts can
be immediately charged off without changing to "non-accrual"
Tax Adjustments for Charge-offs
To enable the option to calculate and post sales tax adjustments when you manually charge off open item and revolving balances via the Bad Debt tab of Maintain Customer Balances, check this box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If you check the box at this field, you also need to establish the following settings:
Sales Tax Adjustments for Charge-offs on the Accounts Receivable tab of General Ledger Assigned Account Settings
Create Adjustments for Charge-offs on the General tab of Sales Tax Settings
Service Charge DaysEnter
the number of grace days you want to allow after the due date before the
system generates service charges for open item transactions.
The Monthly Cycling process evaluates open item transactions, so the system
does not actually assess service charges until the next time an account
cycles following the expiration of the grace days.
Revolving monthly payments are not included.
Service Charge RateUse this
field to specify a default service charge rate.
If no service charge rate exists for a state in the Sales
Tax Settings, the system uses the rate in this field to calculate
Minimum Service ChargeSpecify
the minimum service charge you want to assess for orders. The system
assesses the minimum service charge amount whenever a system-generated
service charge does not exceed the amount you enter here.
auto adjust feature does not apply to Installment and Revolving Receivables
STORIS can automatically write-off open Accounts Receivable transactions
during the Generate Daily Reports
(End-of-Day) process. Use this field to specify the maximum open account
balance the system writes off (by posting offsetting amounts) for
customers. You might use this feature to write off small underpayments
or overpayments (often pennies) that are the result of sales tax rounding
during the completion of line items. For example, if you enter 1.00
(one dollar), the system writes off all open A/R account balances
(debit or credit) of 1.00 or less. The field accepts numeric entries,
including two decimal places, and a maximum entry of 99.99.
The Generate Daily Reports (End-of-Day) process selects all customers
with an accumulated balance (debit or credit) equal to or less than
the amount specified at this field. The system posts an offsetting
amount to each of the customer's open accounts receivable transactions,
bringing the balance of each of their open items, and ultimately their
overall open item balance, to zero.
The system posts the adjustment amounts to the General Ledger via a
posting to the Accounts Receivable account and the offsetting posting
to the A/R Adjustments account.
If you don't want the system to automatically write off open A/R amounts,
enter 0.00 into the field.
If you check the box, the system logs changes to customer records. To view the log, access the Customer Activity Log. For example, the system logs the following for all customers:
changes to the Customer Settings
order activity such as purchases and exchanges
shopping cart activity
billing updates
(Locked Field - STORIS access only!) This settings works with the following processes:
This setting is checked |
This setting is not checked |
Enter a Customer Payment | The option to print an extended receipt when a payment is posted is available. |
This option to print a receipt is not available. |
Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate | An extended receipt is produced. |
The standard receipt is produced. Note that this setting affects the type of form that is generated if signature Capture and document archive are enabled. See the note in the Order Deposits tab and the Process Receivables tab of Enter a Customer/Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate for more information. |
Maintain Customer Deposits | The Cash Application Receipt is produced if Maintain Customer Deposits Refund Receipts in Point of Sale Control Settings is set to "Forms Designer." |
The Payment Receipt is produced if Maintain Customer Deposits Refund Receipts in Point of Sale Control Settings is set to "Forms Designer." |
Imported Payments on Cash Balancing Report
If you check the box at this field, payments received through the Import Customer Payments process are included in the cash balancing process. If this box is not checked, payments are not included in the cash balancing process.
Post Multi-Ship-To A/R
to Sub-Document
If you check the box at this field, all sub-documents post to accounts receivable with a reference number equal to the sub-document key. This ensures that each multi ship-to completion has a unique open item reference with a unique due date. The master document is linked to each of the sub-documents.
If this box is not checked, the master document is used as the reference number and the sub-documents have the same due date as the master document.
Days to Limit Backdating
during NSF / Misapply
Use this setting to limit the number of days users can backdate an NSF and/or misapplied transaction in the Apply NSF and Correct Misapplied Payments process. Enter a numeric value of up to 2 characters to restrict backdating to this many days prior to the current date. The default for this field is blank, indicating that there is no backdate restriction, other than requiring that the transaction date must be in an open sales period.
Close Payment Dates - If you click on this option, the Multiple Selection Lookup Window appears containing a list of payment dates from all open pay periods. To prohibit payments for selected dates, click on the box next to the dates. The system prevents all users from posting payments for the selected dates.
When blocking customer payments, the system checks the current date for sales orders and the entered date for customer payments, refunds, deposits, gift certificates, and cash applications. If a user attempts to post money to an order for a closed date, an error message appears. To continue, the user must enter an open date or manually open the closed date.
This option affects only customer payments and refunds (including
refunds). To close days for financing payments, use the
Control Settings.
To enable gift card swiping, you must enter a value at the Card Number Prefix field below. To ensure your card numbering sequence is compatible with STORIS, contact STORIS before you buy gift cards.
Purchase Gift To allow
users to purchase gift cards/certificates via the Enter
a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate routine, check the box.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Add Funds to Existing To allow
users to add additional funds to existing gift cards/certificates, check
the box. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
field is active only if a check appears at the Purchase Gift field.
Refund Gift BalanceTo allow
users to issue gift card/certificate refunds via the Enter
a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate routine, check the box.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
field is active only if a check appears at the Purchase Gift field.
Zero Balance Retention DaysEnter
the number of days you want the system to retain zero-balance gift cards/certificates.
During End of Month (Generate
Monthly Reports), the system purges gift cards/certificates with a
zero balance from the system when they surpass the number of days you
specify here. If you leave this field blank, the system does not
purge zero-balance gift cards/certificates.
To require users to swipe gift cards during the card activation process and to disallow manual entry of gift certificate numbers, check the box. If you check this box, you clear and inactivate the Next Certificate Number field. If you leave this box blank, users can either swipe or manually enter gift card numbers during the card activation process.
You can override this field for an individual user via
the Type in new gift card numbers
if card swiping is required field in the Extended
Security settings.
If you check the box at the Card Swipe Required field, you must enter
a response into one or more of the Card Number Prefix fields.
Validate Manual EntryTo require
that users validate manually entered gift certificate/card numbers during
certificate/card payment entry, check this box. If you check this
box, then when users type in the gift card number (as opposed to swiping
the card) during payment entry, they are prompted to verify the number
by re-entering it. If you do not require this validation, leave the box
Use this field to specify the Gift Certificate Payment Settings code that defaults in the Gift Certificate Type field when adding funds to a gift registry's linked certificate via Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate.
If you are using the Gift Registry feature, this field must contain a valid payment code in order to access the Create/Update a Customer Gift Registry routine. You can click the search button to access a list of Gift Certificate Payment Settings codes, from which you can choose a code.
Use the
Card Number Prefix fields below to enter up to five gift card prefix numbers.
If not using the Next Certificate Number field below, then when creating
gift cards you must specify a card number, either manually or by swiping.
The card number you specify must begin with a string of characters specified
at one of these fields. Otherwise, the system rejects the entry. Note
that these fields are active only if no response exists at the Next Certificate
Number prompt.
Enter a prefix that your system uses for gift card/certificate numbers. Every card with swiping capabilities has a prefix number that identifies the card for what it is, for example a Diner's Club card. The number you enter here distinguishes your gift card numbers from credit card numbers.
You can enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Note that the prefix is not sequential. The prefix remains the same for each gift card - only the suffix increases sequentially to provide a unique number for each card.
To avoid conflicts with existing credit card number formats, this field rejects certain prefixes. For example, because all Visa card numbers begin with "4", this field rejects that number. Contact STORIS before you buy gift cards to ensure the card numbering sequence is compatible.
To enable gift card
swiping, you must enter a value at one of the Card Number Prefix fields.
If you enter a number into this field, you clear and inactivate the
Next Certificate Number field.
Enter a prefix that your system uses for gift card/certificate numbers. Every card with swiping capabilities has a prefix number that identifies the card for what it is, for example a Diner's Club card. The number you enter here distinguishes your gift card numbers from credit card numbers.
You can enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Note that the prefix is not sequential. The prefix remains the same for each gift card - only the suffix increases sequentially to provide a unique number for each card.
To avoid conflicts with existing credit card number formats, this field rejects certain prefixes. For example, because all Visa card numbers begin with "4", this field rejects that number. Contact STORIS before you buy gift cards to ensure the card numbering sequence is compatible.
To enable gift card swiping, you must enter a value at one of
the Card Number Prefix fields. If you enter a number into this field,
you clear and inactivate the Next Certificate Number field.
Enter a prefix that your system uses for gift card/certificate numbers. Every card with swiping capabilities has a prefix number that identifies the card for what it is, for example a Diner's Club card. The number you enter here distinguishes your gift card numbers from credit card numbers.
You can enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Note that the prefix is not sequential. The prefix remains the same for each gift card - only the suffix increases sequentially to provide a unique number for each card.
To avoid conflicts with existing credit card number formats, this field rejects certain prefixes. For example, because all Visa card numbers begin with "4", this field rejects that number. Contact STORIS before you buy gift cards to ensure the card numbering sequence is compatible.
To enable gift card
swiping, you must enter a value at one of the Card Number Prefix fields.
If you enter a number into this field, you clear and inactivate the
Next Certificate Number field.
Enter a prefix that your system uses for gift card/certificate numbers. Every card with swiping capabilities has a prefix number that identifies the card for what it is, for example a Diner's Club card. The number you enter here distinguishes your gift card numbers from credit card numbers.
You can enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Note that the prefix is not sequential. The prefix remains the same for each gift card - only the suffix increases sequentially to provide a unique number for each card.
To avoid conflicts with existing credit card number formats, this field rejects certain prefixes. For example, because all Visa card numbers begin with "4", this field rejects that number. Contact STORIS before you buy gift cards to ensure the card numbering sequence is compatible.
To enable gift card
swiping, you must enter a value at one of the Card Number Prefix fields.
If you enter a number into this field, you clear and inactivate the
Next Certificate Number field.
Enter a prefix that your system uses for gift card/certificate numbers. Every card with swiping capabilities has a prefix number that identifies the card for what it is, for example a Diner's Club card. The number you enter here distinguishes your gift card numbers from credit card numbers.
You can enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Note that the prefix is not sequential. The prefix remains the same for each gift card - only the suffix increases sequentially to provide a unique number for each card.
To avoid conflicts with existing credit card number formats, this field rejects certain prefixes. For example, because all Visa card numbers begin with "4", this field rejects that number. Contact STORIS before you buy gift cards to ensure the card numbering sequence is compatible.
To enable gift card swiping, you must enter a value at one of
the Card Number Prefix fields. If you enter a number into this field,
you clear and inactivate the Next Certificate Number field.
Next Registry Certificate Number
If you use the gift registry feature, you can use this field for the automatic assignment of sequential numbers to gift certificates created via the Create/Update a Customer Gift Registry routine.
You can use this field whether or not your settings require users to swipe gift cards. (See Card Swipe Required field.)
If you enter a number here, each time a gift registry certificate is created, the system assigns the next number to the certificate and displays a message providing the number assigned.
If you leave this field blank, the Gift Certificate Number Entry Window appears, prompting for entry of the gift card/certificate number.
This field is used only for registry certificates; for all other certificates, see the Next Certificate Number field.
To have the system automatically generate gift card/certificate numbers for new gift card/certificates, enter the first card/certificate number here. The system assigns the next available number to each new gift card/certificate and increments this number by one for the next gift card/certificate.
If you leave this field blank, users must enter a number for each gift card/certificate purchased (either manually or by card swiping). If a check appears at the Card Swipe Required field, this field is inactive. If you enter a response here, you inactivate the Card Number Prefix and Card Swipe Required fields.
This field is NOT used when creating gift registry certificates via the Create/Update a Customer Gift Registry routine. (See Next Registry Certificate Number field.)
Enter the NFS (Network File System) path to which you want to export credit reporting files. If you leave this field blank, the file exports to the default export path.
Exclude Account if Balance Is:
$ 0.00 for 2 Months and Account Age is less than NN Months
$ 0.00 for NN Months
A Credit for NN Months
Use this field to restrict accounts from appearing on the Metro 2 Customer Credit History report. At each field, you can specify a number of months.
Metro 2 FormatClick
the Arrow button and select United States or Canada to define the Metro
2 Credit Reporting format. This field is mandatory and defaults to United
Deposit NumberTo automatically assign
deposit numbers, enter the next number you want the system to assign.
The system assigns this number to the next deposit and then increments
this field by one for each subsequent deposit transaction. If you leave
this field blank, users must manually enter deposit numbers.
Service to Sales Deposit
MoveTo allow users to move
deposit money from a service order to a sales order, check the box at
this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
Use this field to specify the percentage of each deposit you want to hold back on partial-shipment delivery orders to cover undelivered line items. Once the hold-back amount is satisfied, the remainder of the deposit goes toward the delivered items, thus affecting the C.O.D. amount (if any) calculated for the delivery.
If you enter a percentage in this field, the system calculates the hold back amount using the following formula:
(Dollar Amount Of Line Items Not Shipped + Sales Tax + Delivery Charge + Installation Charge) X Percent (%) Entered in this Field.
If you leave this field null/blank, the Minimum Deposit - Delivery Lines % (see below) is used to calculate the deposit hold back amount. This prevents the back-order from being placed on D2 credit hold.
If you enter zero (0) in this field, the system uses this setting to calculate the deposit hold back amount. Therefore, nothing is held back and the back-order is placed on D2 credit hold.
Example: A sales order is written with 2 delivery lines - one for $100.00 and the second line for $200.00. The Minimum Deposit - Delivery Lines % is set to 20% and the first line is completed before the second. The minimum deposit required of $60.00 is paid, so the order is not placed on D2 Credit Hold. If the Deposit Hold Back Percent is set to:
Null (blank): The Minimum Deposit - Delivery Lines % is also used for deposit hold back. So 20% of $200.00, $40.00, is held back. The remaining $20.00 is applied to the $100.00 completion, so an $80.00 COD is collected. The back-order is not placed on D2 Credit Hold.
Zero (0): The Deposit Hold Back % is used to calculate the deposit hold back amount, so nothing is held back. The entire $60.00 is applied to the $100.00 completion, so a $20.00 COD is collected. The back-order is placed on D2 Credit Hold because the required Minimum Deposit - Delivery Line has not been satisfied.
Use the following fields to specify minimum deposit requirements for the various order types. If you enter a minimum deposit %, then when in order entry if one or more line items does not meet its minimum deposit requirement, the order is placed on D2 credit hold and you can save the order. The exception to this is that take-with orders not meeting the minimum deposit requirement cannot be completed.
For each of the five order types, enter the percentage of the line item price you want designated as the minimum deposit requirement. If you leave a field blank, you indicate no minimum deposit requirement for the line item type.
These fields are used primarily to place an open order on credit hold
if the requirement is not met. They are also used for deposit hold-back
on partial completions, if the Deposit Hold Back % field is not set. This
prevents the back-order from being placed on D2 credit hold.
You cannot specify a minimum deposit percent for delivery/install charges,
although they appear on the Required
Deposits by Line screen. The whole order minimum includes delivery/install
Enter your minimum deposit requirement for whole orders. The program includes the following charges in the whole order calculation:
delivery and/or installation charges
taxes, fees, and any other miscellaneous charges added to the order.
Note that if you specify an amount at the Maximum Balance field, the program rejects any entry you make here.
Enter your minimum deposit requirement for completion of take-with lines on a sales order. Since take-with lines complete immediately, insufficient deposits on such lines prevent order completion. You can add more payments to meet the deposit requirement or cancel the order. Note that unlike the other Minimum Deposit % settings, this setting is compatible with the Maximum Balance setting below.
If you have the Override Minimum Deposit on Take With Orders field enabled in your User/Group - Sales Security settings, you can override the minimum deposit. If you do not have the required security, you must obtain a security override.
Pickup LinesEnter your minimum deposit
requirement for customer pickup lines. Note that if you specify
an amount at the Maximum Balance field, the program rejects any entry
you make here.
Enter your minimum deposit requirement for delivery lines. Note that if you specify an amount at the Maximum Balance field, the program rejects any entry you make here.
When calculating the minimum deposit requirement for delivery lines, the program does not include delivery and/or installation charges.
If you leave the Deposit Hold Back % field (above) blank, this field is also used to calculate the deposit hold back amount for partial completions. This prevents the back-order from being placed on D2 credit hold.
Shipment LinesEnter your minimum deposit
requirement for direct-ship lines. Note that if you specify an amount
at the Maximum Balance field, the program rejects any entry you make here.
Estimated Tax and FeesTo include
an estimated sales tax amount as well as miscellaneous
fees when calculating minimum deposit, check the box at this field.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
with Credit ExemptTo exempt from minimum
deposit requirements all customers for whom a credit limit exists
(via the Credit Limit field on the Receivables tab in the Advanced
Customer Settings), check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the box blank.
Maximum BalanceUse
this field to specify the maximum open balance (if any) you want to allow
for orders. The system prevents users from completing orders whose
open balance exceeds the amount in this field. You can enter any amount
from .00 to 999,999.99. If you leave this field blank, the system allows
users to process orders with any open balance.
The system references this field whenever a user files (saves) an order.
If the order contains an open balance exceeding the amount in this
field, the system references the Over Maximum Balance field below to determine
the course of action.
Specify the way you want the system to respond when a user files an order with an open balance exceeding the amount specified at the Maximum Balance field. You have the following options:
D2 Credit Hold - places the order on D2 credit hold.
Disallow Ticket Print - prevents users from printing the delivery/pickup ticket.
The restriction
remains in effect as long as the open balance exceeds the maximum
"Maximum balance" applies only to open balances on individual
orders. It is distinct from the customer credit limit feature
(specified at the Credit Limit field on the Receivables tab in the
which applies to customer balances (and involves C1 credit holds).
Re-evaluate D2 Credit Hold When Order is Saved
Use this field to determine whether or not the system performs a minimum deposit and maximum balance check each time you access and save an order with a balance, even if you manually approved the order's D2 credit hold. If you want the system to perform these checks each time the order is saved, even after manual approval via Update Receivables Credit Approvals, check this box.
If you leave this box blank (default setting), these checks are not performed for orders accessed and saved after they have been manually approved via Update Receivables Credit Approvals.
Deposit Refund Types
Check the box next to the payment types for which you want to allow your users to apply immediate refunds via the Maintain Customer Deposits routine. You have the following options:
Credit Card
Debit Card
Gift Certificate
If you leave a box blank, you cannot use that payment type to apply immediate refunds. If you leave all the boxes blank, the Immediate Refund option does not appear in the Maintain Customer Deposits routine.