Adjust Dollars on a Completed Order
(Dollars Only Adjustments)
Page Headings: Step 1 -
Customer, Step
2 - Merchandise, Step 3 - Payment
Use this routine to make debit or credit dollar
adjustments to a specific completed order (invoice) without affecting
inventory. You can enter either debit or credit adjustments.
Adjustments on Return Orders
For each adjustment, the quantity defaults to the original quantity
on the order, even if the order has been partially returned. The dollar
amount represents the remaining value on that product. Note that
if the original order has been completely returned, no credit is allowed.
Example 1
Assume sales order
contains a quantity of 2 for 100.00 each.
Return a quantity
of 1 for 80.00, leaving 20.00 available for refund on the remaining
In Adjust Dollars,
even though you returned a quantity of 1, the order quantity still
defaults to 2. However, the process divides the dollar value
(120.00) by 2, resulting in 60.00 per unit.
Example 2
Order, quantity
2 for 100.00 each
Return a quantity
of 2 for 80.0 each, leaving 40.00 available for refund to the customer.
In Adjust Dollars,
a message will appear that no quantity is available, and the process
will not allow you to process a dollar-only credit to the customer.
Adjustment Number
1 - Customer
Basic Information
Adjustment Type
Original OrderSpecify
the number of the original document you want to adjust. If you click on
the Search button, the Customer
Buy History Inquiry screen appears via which you can locate completed
orders by customer.
Note that to enter returns/adjustments for orders not found on the system,
you must have access via the Extended
Security (Sales) settings. If permissions allow, a confirmation message
asks if you want to proceed when the indicated order is not found. If
permissions do not allow, a message appears stating that your current
user settings require that the original document be on file; entry of
the adjustment cannot proceed until you indicate an order that exists
on the system.
DateThe transaction
date displays. For new orders, the current date defaults. You can change
the date by entering a new date directly or by clicking on the Calendar
Icon to select a date, but the date you specify cannot be a future
date or for a closed period.
Note that only qualified users can backdate orders from an overlap month back to the previous (current) month. See
the Backdate Transactions field in the Extended
Security settings for more on this restriction.
the code for the store where the adjustment is taking place. The default
location from the log-in
screen appears, if any. You can override the default response.
If you click on the Arrow button, you can choose from the drop-down list
of locations available to you. Note
that here and at any other Location field, the locations you see (that
is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
Customer Information
Customer Number
Billing Information
Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Primary Email Address
Address 1, Address 2, City, State Zip
Shipping Information
Name, Home
Phone, Cell Phone, Work Phone, Extension, Email Address
Address 1, Address 2, City, State Zip

2 - Merchandise
If the original invoice document from the Customer page exists in the
system, the Original Document Select
screen appears listing the products purchased on the original sales order.
Use this screen to record the items you want to adjust. The Customer
Name, Current Document, and Original Document display.
BrandOnce a product has been
selected, the product's brand name displays from product
Quantity AdjustedThis is the quantity of
the product that is being adjusted. If available, the quantity purchased
on the original order defaults in this field and can be changed.
Adjustment AmountEnter the amount of the
debit or credit price adjustment. Click the Actions
button at the top of the page and select Line Comments to enter line comments
for this adjustment.
Extended Adjustment Amount
Once the product information has been entered, click the Add button. The
Inventory Selection screen
displays, providing for entry of the quantity of the adjusted product,
serial/reference number (if applicable), storage location (if tracked),
and reason for the adjustment.

Click the Cancel button to clear the product entry fields and return
to the Line Item Display.

Click the Remove button to delete the entire line item row from the
order. A message appears confirming this action. Click "Yes"
to proceed with the deletion or click "Cancel" to keep the line
item return to the entry process.

3 - Payment
Customer NameThe customer name indicated
on the Customer page displays here.
Discount Code
Discount AmountThis
field displays the total subtotal discount amount (if any) of the adjusted
Charges and Fees
Delivery Charge/Pickup Charge
Installation Charge/Restocking FeeInstallation
or restocking fees can be charged or refunded. Positive dollar amounts
entered here increase the refund/credit or payment due amount (depending
on the adjustment type).
Miscellaneous FeesIf
any miscellaneous
fees were applied to the order, the total amount displays here.
Sales TaxIf the
customer and/or adjusted products are subject to tax, the running total
of calculated sales tax for this adjustment displays here.
Payments or Refunds
Payment or Refund
Payment Type Code
Total Payment Amount
Issue Refund Check
Payment Type Code
Total Financed Amount
Merchandise Subtotal
DiscountsThis field displays the
net subtotal discount amount for the adjusted merchandise.
Charges and FeesThis
field displays the net amount for charges and fees.
Net TotalThis field displays the combined net amount of
the preceding Merchandise
Subtotal, Discounts, and Charges
and Fees fields.
Refund DueThis
field displays the total amount due to the customer, or due from the customer,
after payments/refunds/financing has been applied. If this is an even
exchange, the even exchange 0.00 amounts displays.