Revolving Payment Plan Settings


Tabs: General, Advanced, Restrictions

Use this routine to create and maintain Revolving Receivables payment plans.

If you access this screen via an inquiry routine, such as View a Customer's Revolving Statement, you access a read-only version of this screen. The fields are the same, but you cannot edit the information using the read-only version.

Revolving Plan



Calculate MMP

Fixed Term Months

The minimum/maximum term range that you set via these next two fields is used to establish the Fixed MMP Table grid that can be displayed during plan creation. For example, a Fixed MMP Amount plan with a minimum monthly term set to 6 and the maximum monthly term set to 24 months displays a grid with months 6 through 24 and their corresponding MMP amounts. The MMP amounts that are displayed in the grid are defined as including the principal, interest and insurance amounts.   

Minimum Term Months

Maximum Term Months

$ is the Lowest MMP allowed

 % of the Balance

  % Rate

Use Prime Interest Rate

Calculate Interest on

Charge Late Fees  

Activate in Sales Order

Payment Agreement

Print Credit Agreement

Allow Deferment

Print Addendum Form

Addendum Form Name

Customer Credit Review

GL Accounts


Earned Interest

Unearned Interest


You can use the fields on this tab to set up promotional plans that offer special interest rates and/or no payments for a specified time period. The tab also includes additional settings you use to control how this plan can be used.  

If you change or add a promotion via the fields on this tab for an existing payment plan, only newly activated customer plans are affected. New orders entered for customer plans that were active prior to your edits are not affected by the new/modified promotion settings.

Promotional Interest

Use these fields to establish a special interest rate promotion.



Valid For Days

Expires on the Cycle Date

No Payments

If you offer a plan with no payments due for a specified time period, use the Until or For # Days field to indicate the time period during which no payments are due from the customer.


For  Days

Can be Applied as a Deposit

Can be Applied as a Finance Plan if a Revolving Deposit is on the Order

Can be used to Purchase Gift Certificates/Cards

Allow Other Plans to Transfer to this Plan

Transfer Balance to Plan if Payment is Days Late

Transfer Balance to Plan when promotion expires


Use this tab to define a period during which the plan is valid and to define plan restrictions by corporate or franchise store (if franchising is active), individual store location, state and/or minimum credit score.

When you enter a revolving plan manually in the order entry process and the system determines it is not eligible, an error message displays giving you the option to review the plan requirements.  You can click yes to view the message(s) in the Revolving Plan Restriction Results window or click No to return to the payment tab.

 If this plan is set to allow transfers from other plans, the transfer feature in cycle processing overrides the restrictions on this tab.

Plan Dates

Valid From, Through

Location Restrictions

Use the fields in this beveled area to allow plans to be restricted by location.

Restrict Use to




Minimum Credit Score

Minimum Financed Amount

Allow Multiple Pending Plans

Required Percentage Paid before Add-on Allowed

Maximum Credit Score

Minimum Deposit Amount

Minimum Deposit Percentage

Past Due Days