Use this routine with STORIS Legacy credit card processing and signature capture to define the various parameters used to control the operation of the Document Signature Capture module. In order to edit settings on this screen, the Document Signature Capture module must be licensed and active via General System Control Settings.
The settings here determine whether the business documents should prompt for a signature and under what circumstances the prompt appears. This screen is also used to determine the prompt text to be displayed on the payment terminal, additional text if any, and whether the signature is required.
This process begins with STORIS checking for a signature capture device associated with the process. If a device is not found, the appropriate error message (established in this screen) appears. If a device is present and the below Prompt for Signature checkbox is checked, this process continues with a verification that a signature capture and document print is needed. If these actions are needed, the value of the Prompt for Signature field is evaluated and a message is sent to the device that controls the payment terminal, which prompts the consumer to sign the device. After signing, STORIS retrieves the signature in the proprietary format determined by the vendor (Shift4, Tender Retail, etc.) and temporarily stores it until needed for printing and archiving. When the business document is completed, STORIS checks the grid on this screen to use the designated form for printing and archiving the business document with the captured signature.
To edit the fields below, select a row in the grid representing the business document you want to edit.
Use the following settings to establish
the rules for handling certain situations encountered during all signature capture
enabled programs. At the beginning of the process, STORIS checks
for all of the possible programs that are signature capture enabled. Any
time the program communicates with the assigned payment terminal, it checks
for: Payment Terminal Missing, Communications Failure, Cancel Button Pressed,
Payment Terminal Times Out. If any of
these occur, they are handled based on the following settings.
For the following four settings, 3 options are available: Ignore
Error and Continue Without Warning, Continue Processing and Advise User,
Do Not Proceed and Advise User.