Accounting > Financing > Financing Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
Accounting > Settings > Financing Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
Accounting > General Ledger > General Ledger Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
Accounting > Third Party Accounting > General Ledger > General Ledger Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
Accounting > Settings > General Ledger Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 7 - Financing > Financing Payment Plan Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Financing System Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > General Ledger System Settings > Financing Payment Plan Settings
Support Files: Finance Company, Warehouse Location.
Use this routine to create and maintain records for the payment types you use with third-party financing. We recommend you create a record for each third-party financing payment plan you offer to your customers.
Payment Type CodeEnter the user-defined Payment
Type Code. The field accepts up to 5 alphanumeric characters.
a description for this financing Payment Type record. Up to 50 alphanumeric
characters can be entered in this field.
Finance ProviderSelect
the code of the finance receivables company associated with this Payment
Type. The company must exist in the Financing
Provider Settings.
This setting only applies to online providers. For offline providers the only setting available is None Selected. The entry of a finance type for online providers is mandatory. The available options are based on the Active Financing types defined in the Finance Provider Settings by Finance Type screen, available from Finance Provider Settings. When only one type of financing has been defined for a provider, that type is defaulted here. For providers who offer multiple types of financing, this is used to distinguish the type of financing available to a customer during the order entry process when this plan is selected. The following options are valid:
Rent To Own
Once the Finance Type has been set for a plan, it cannot be changed.
If a plan has been set with an incorrect type and no open orders exist
for that plan, you can delete the plan and establish another one with
the correct type.
Plans set with the finance type equal to Installment
or Rent To Own cannot be used as deposits. The Maximum Percentage
When Used as a Deposit field on the Financing
Eligibility Restrictions screen is automatically set to 0.00%
for these types of plans.
Track ReceivablesSelect
this field to indicate that financing supplied under this Payment Type
is to be tracked within the Finance Receivables module. For 3rd Party
Payment Types, this field should always be selected.
Use the TPA GL Account Entry screen, available from the Action option at this field, to enter the General Ledger Account that is used to track receivables charged to this payment type.
If this is the unique payment plan you created for in-store finance
payments from customers, and you indicated this plan as the In-Store
Payment Type in Finance Provider Settings,
use this field to specify the GL account where in-store finance payments
from customers are posted and later applied using Maintain
Financed Balances.
Usage Fee PercentEnter
the Usage Fee percent charged by the Finance Company when this Payment
Type is used, or leave this field blank if no Usage Fee is to be calculated.
This may be a positive (deducted from amount Finance Company owes) or
negative (added to amount Finance Company owes) number. For example, if
the Finance Company is charging
your store a Usage Fee of 3 percent, enter 3.00
in this field. The Usage Fee will be deducted from the amount due to your
store from the finance company and will be reflected in a net amount in
the financing module. If the Finance Company is paying
your store a 3 percent Usage Fee, enter -3.00
to add 3 percent to the amount due to your store from the finance company
and will be reflected in a net amount in the financing module.
Usage Fee GLAUse the
TPA GL Account Entry
screen, available from the Action
button at this field, to enter the General Ledger Account to be used for
tracking Usage Fees that have been charged to this payment type.
Due DaysEnter
the number of days from the date of submission of the receivables that
payment is due from the finance company. Any financed transaction that
is not reconciled within the system prior to this number of due days will
be flagged as past due and reflected appropriately in the applicable financing
Activation DateEnter
the activation date (if any) you want to apply to this payment type. If
you enter a date here, the selected payment type is valid starting on
the specified date.
Expiration DateEnter
the expiration date (if any) you want to apply to this payment type. If
you enter a date here, the selected payment type is valid only up to the
specified date.
Finance Provider Payment CdUse this
field with the Credit Application interface for use with electronic transmissions.
Enter the code that the finance company recognizes as the proper
identification for this payment plan. This code does not need to match
the code you have defined in this third-party payment type record. This
is supplied by the Financing Provider.
Card Validation(LOCKED
- STORIS access ONLY!) This field is used to validate the type of card,
card number, and format. Entry of this field is required for electronic
authorizations for the payment type, and is not always the same as the
Finance Provider code. The value in this field is dictated by the type
of financing, as set by the financing vendor.
Equivalent Pay TypesThis field
is used only in the finance credit application process. Use this field
to specify finance plans from other finance providers the system can use
in place of the current finance plan. If accounts are set up with one
finance provider and authorizations are obtained from another, the system
automatically changes these finance plans in any associated sales order
when the system receives an account number for a credit application. To
select multiple payment types, click on the Action button to access the
Equivalent Pay Types selection
Valid Approval DaysEnter
the number of days from the sales order date the financed approval received
from the financing company remains valid. Orders older than the
number days you enter here may not be eligible for delivery or completion.
You must either approve the order by entering
a new approval number or delete the order.
TransactionsSelect this field only if
the Transmit Transactions field in the Financing
Provider Settings (Finance Provider) and Financing
Control Settings (Finance Receivables ACF) records have also been
selected. Select this field to classify this payment type as an electronically
transmitted payment type.
Prompt for InsuranceSelect
this field to cause the Sales Order Entry program to prompt as to whether
or not insurance was sold and being provided by the finance company. Although
prompting will allow for the collection and storage of the information
for reporting, it is not used when obtaining authorizations.
This field is used to limit the use of this Payment Type by store location. Use the Multiple Location Selection screen (available from the Actions button at this field) to select the stores that are allowed use of this Payment Type. Leave the field blank to allow all stores to use this Payment Type code.
If open batches exist for this payment
type, you cannot edit this field.
Custom - If custom credit bureau application programming is active on your system, click on this option to access the plug-in program. For more information, contact STORIS.
Charge TextIf the
Transmit Transactions field in the Financing
Provider Settings (Finance Provider) and Financing
Control Settings (Finance Receivables ACF) records have been selected,
this text prints as the credit agreement on a customer’s sales receipt
when charges are made to this payment type. You can enter up to 1500 characters.
Credit TextIf the
Transmit Transactions field in the Financing
Provider Settings (Finance Provider) and Financing
Control Settings (Finance Receivables ACF) records have been selected,
this text will be printed as the credit agreement on a customer’s sales
receipt when credits are made to this payment type.