Customer > Point of Sale > Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Customer > Customer Service > Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Customer > Settings > Point of Sale Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Accounting > Receivables > Receivables Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Accounting > Financing > Financing Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Accounting > Settings > Payables Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Accounting > Settings > Financing Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Accounting > Settings > Revolving Receivables Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 8 - Sales > Advanced Customer Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Sales and Service System Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Accounts Receivables System Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Financing System Settings > Advanced Customer Settings
Support Files: Zip Code, Sales Tax, Warehouse Location, Terms, and Salesperson
Page Headings: General, Point of Sale, Receivables, Advanced, eSTORIS, User Defined Settings
Use this file to maintain information about your retail customers. STORIS strongly advises you create a customer record for each of your permanent, repeat business retail/wholesale customers. By creating your customers through this program, you can assign a customer number to each individual customer and thus track them throughout the system.
Use care
when assigning customer numbers. For new customers
you create on-the-fly during sales order entry, the system assigns
the sales ticket number as their customer number. For this reason, when
you initially design your customer records, do not use numbers that may
equal your future sales ticket numbers. To determine the sales order numbering
sequence that best suits your needs, contact your STORIS representative.
You can use the Regional Processing feature to restrict
user access to customer records.
You cannot edit quick sale customers.
To create new customers via this routine, you must have access via the
Advanced Customer Settings; Create new customer field on the Extended Security (Receivables) routine.
Customer CodeUse this
field to enter the customer code of a new customer or an existing one.
If creating a new customer, enter a unique code to identify this customer.
To locate an existing customer, click the Search button to select a customer
using the Search for a Customer
Full NameThe customer's
full name (first name, middle initial, last name) or the customer's company
contact displays here.
Check the box at this field to indicate that
this customer is a company, not an individual. The field is used to enhance
your ability to search for a company by its name. When you check the box,
the Prefix, First Name, Middle, and Suffix become inactive; the Last Name
field becomes the Business Name field, and the Business Contact field
becomes active. BusinessCheck
the box at this field to indicate that this customer is a company, not
an individual. The field is used to enhance your ability to search for
a company by its name. When you check the box, the Prefix, First, Middle,
and Suffix fields become inactive; the Last Name field becomes the Business
Name field, and the Contact Name field becomes active.
Use this field to enter a prefix (if any) for this customer, for example one of the following:
The field is active only if the Prompt for Name Prefix field is set to Optional or Required on the Customer page in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
field is used for the customer’s first name.
field is used for the customer’s middle name or initial. The activation
of this field is controlled by the CUSTOMER
ENTRY - Prompt for Middle Name setting in the Customer page
of Point of Sale Control Settings.
Last NameThis
field is used for the customer's last name. If a check appears at the
Business field, the label for the field changes to Business Name and is
used to enter the company name.
Business NameThis
field is used for the business name. This field appears if there is a
check at the Business field. If there is no check at the Buisness field,
this field changes to Last Name and is used to enter the customer's last
Use this field to enter a suffix (if any) for this customer, for example one of the following:
degrees achieved
numerals (II, III, etc.)
professional status
The field is active only if the CUSTOMER ENTRY - Prompt for Name Suffix setting in the Customer page is enabled on the Customer tab in the Point of Sale Control Settings.
Contact NameIf a
check appears at the Business field, enter the name of the main contact
for the business. If a check does not appear at the Business field, this
field is inactive.
Line 1Enter
the first line of this customer's address.
Line 2Enter
the second line of this customer's address, if necessary. This field is
to be used for information such as P.O. Box, Floor #, department,
etc.. This field is not to be used for city, state, and zip code.
Enter the postal zip code for this customer's address. If the zip code entered exists on the system, the city and state default from the Zip Code file. If the zip code does not exist, a message appears with the option to create a new zip code entry.
If using Automatic Freight Calculation, the system references
the customer's zip code when determining delivery charges for an order.
field defaults to the city referenced by the Zip Code record entered in
the Zip Code field. You may override this if the default and this customer's
city differ.
This field defaults to the state referenced by the zip code record entered in the Zip Code field. You can override this if the default and this customer's state differ.
If the default state and this customer's state differ, it usually
indicates an error that should be corrected in the Sales Tax file.
Enter this customer's home telephone number, beginning with the area code. This is an important field, as cross-references can be performed using the home telephone number of the customer during Sales Order entry.
Following entry of either the Home Phone number or Work Phone number
for new customers, click the Action button to use the Customer
Telephone Number Lookup feature to search the web for customer
name and address information via phone number.
this customer’s cellular phone number, including area code.
Enter this customer's work telephone number, including area code.
Following entry of either the Home Phone number or Work Phone number
for new customers, click the Action button to use the Customer
Telephone Number Lookup feature to search the web for customer
name and address information via phone number.
this customer's telephone extension for their work phone number.
Enter the customer’s email address. For multiple email addresses, separate each with a semicolon and no spaces.
If you generate an Excel®
report of mailing labels that includes the current customer but no
email address is in this field (i.e. if the field is blank), then
the Email Address column in the Excel®
report is also blank. This indicates that you should contact the customer
by a means other than email.
If a default customer email address appears at the Default Email Address
field on the Advanced page of the Point
of Sale Control Settings, this field is mandatory. If this
field is mandatory, and a check appears at the Load Default Email
Address field on that same tab, the default customer email address
defaults into this field whenever a user attempts to exit the Customer
Settings without specifying an email address for the customer. If
this field is mandatory and a check does NOT appear at the Load Default
Email Address field, the program requires users to enter an email
address for the customer before exiting the routine.
The following applies if the "Customer Entry - Warn if Primary
Email exists for other Customers" setting is checked in the Customer
page of Point
of Sale Control Settings: If an email address is added or changed,
the new email address is checked to determine if it has been assigned
to any other customer account as a primary email address. If the email
address already exists, a warning message appears that can be dismissed.
AdditionalYou can
use the text box at this field to list additional email addresses. Up
to 99 lines, 50 characters each can be entered. Multiple email addresses
are entered one per line and must be in the proper email format (
Click the Action button to open a new email window with this address defaulting
in the "To" field.
This field defaults to checked, indicating that the customer is
eligible to be charged sales tax on orders. To exempt this customer
from sales tax, remove the check. However, to edit this field,
you must have access via the "Change Taxable Settings" in
a User/Group Actions - System Security or via a security override
by an authorized user.
If you leave this field blank, you can enter the customer's tax exempt
ID in the Tax Exempt ID Number field.
If you leave this field blank, you can still charge sales tax to this
customer for individual orders via the Order
Tax Information screen.
Charge NationalThe field
is active only if the National Tax feature is active on your system.
This field defaults to checked, indicating that the customer is eligible
to be charged national
sales tax on orders. To exempt the customer from national sales
tax, remove the check. However, to edit this field, you must have
access via the "Change Taxable Settings" in Create
a User/Group Actions - System Security or via a security override
by an authorized user.
This optional field is for sales tax exempt customers.
If this customer is tax exempt, it may be important for your company to
enter the sales tax number assigned by the state to this customer.ID
NumberThis optional field is for sales tax exempt customers.
If this customer is tax exempt, it may be important for your company to
enter the sales tax number assigned by the state to this customer.
IDThis field displays the
Alternate Tax ID code used with the Alternate
Tax Interface to Vertex®.
It displays the code assigned to the taxing area based on the customer's
address and zip code. Vertex uses this number to determine the tax
jurisdictions to use when calculating taxes.
Referred ByIf the customer you are creating was referred by
an existing customer, use this field to enter the existing customer's
number. To search for an existing customer, click on the Search button to access the Search
for a Customer screen from which you can select a customer.
In order for a customer to earn reward points for referring a new customer,
you must enter a customer code in this field. In addition, the
Do Not Accumulate
Reward Points field on the Advanced tab
must be unchecked for the referring customer and you must enter a percentage
in % for Referrals
field in the Customer
Rewards Control Settings.
If you do NOT want the system to calculate sales tax on this customer's
sales orders, do NOT select the Charge on Sales field in this record.
After you specify a customer
number, a paper clip icon appears on the button bar next to the Help button.
If this icon is active (that is, bold-faced) on a page, it indicates a
file attachment exists for the selected
tab or for an item in the order related to the selected tab (for example,
a customer or product). If the icon is dimmed, no attachments exist for
selected page.
Enter the store location you want to assign to this customer. The system associates the customer's deposits and AR balance with the store you specify here, regardless of the location at which transactions occur. Once AR activity occurs for the customer, you must use the Reassign a Customer's Store Location routine to change a customer's store assignment.
For customers
you create on-the-fly, the system automatically assigns the store
associated with the order.
If the location you specify here has an associated due
day, that due day defaults into the Due Day field in this routine.
To change a customer's store location via this routine, you must have
access via the Advanced Customer
Settings; Change customer store location field on the Extended
Security (Receivables) routine.
Delivery InstructionsEnter
any special instructions for goods delivered to this customer. The text
you enter here defaults into the Instructions field on sales and service
orders for this customer.
Extended Delivery InstructionsEnter
additional special instructions (if any) for goods you deliver to this
customer. The text you enter here defaults into the Extended
Instructions Text Box in order entry. If you accept the default
text and check the box at the Print Extended Instructions field in order
entry, the text appears on delivery tickets printed for this customer.
Account CommentsUse this field to enter
account comments on the credit history of the selected customer, including
any remarks you want your employees to consider when working with the
customer's account. The comments you enter here appear in various
routines and inquiries throughout the system, for example the Collector
Review - Customer Update Screen.
1 CodeEnter the code of the
salesperson (if any) you want to associate
with this customer. Click the Search button to select from a list of salespeople.
The salesperson you select defaults into the Salesperson field for orders
entered for this customer, provided "In Customer Settings" is
selected in the Sales Order Salesperson
Default field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
Salesperson 1 Commission _ %If
you entered a salesperson code in the Salesperson 1 field, enter the portion
of the earned commission you want the salesperson to receive from orders
for this customer. Enter a number with up to two decimal places. If you
do not assign a second salesperson to this customer, enter 100. If
you assign a second salesperson to this customer, the total percentage
for both salespersons must equal 100.
The commission percent indicated here defaults during order entry,
but can be edited via the Multiple
Salesperson Commission Screen.
Salesperson 2 CodeEnter
the code of the second salesperson (if any)
you want to associate with this customer. If you click on the Search
button, a list of salesperson appears from which you can choose.
The salespersons you select default into the Salesperson field for orders
entered for this customer, provided "In Customer Settings" is
selected in the Sales Order Salesperson
Default field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
Salesperson 2 Commission _ %If
you entered a salesperson code in the Salesperson 2 field, enter the portion
of the earned commission you want this salesperson to receive from orders
for this customer. Enter a number with up to two decimal places. If you
assign a second salesperson to this customer, the total percentage for
both salespersons must equal 100.
The commission percent indicated here defaults during order entry,
but can be edited via the Multiple
Salesperson Commission Screen.
Price Category
CodeEnter the code of the
price category (if any) you want to use for the selected product when
creating price matrices in the Customer
Price Settings.
The Sales Order Entry process references this field in conjunction with
the Price Category field in the Product file record to access the Price
Matrix file. Use of the Price Matrix file allows for different pricing
of this product for each customer.
To edit this field, you must have access via the Change
Customer Price Category Within POS Entry field in the Extended
Security - Sales Security settings.
Commission Category CodeIf
using Matrix as your commission calculation method (as defined in the
Calculation Method field in the
of Sale Control Settings), the system uses this field in conjunction
with the Commission Category field in the Product record to access a Commission
Matrix file record for commission calculation. The default for this field
is Z.
Commission _ %If
using Matrix as your commission calculation method (as defined in the
Calculation Method field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings) and commissions are based on the customer,
use this field to enter the percentage you want to use to calculate commissions
when the Commission Source field in the Commission Matrix record is set
to Customer.
If the Initial and/or Final Check Level fields in the Point
of Sale Control Settings are active on your system, enter the
dollar amount that represents the maximum amount of credit you want
to extend to this customer. If you leave this field blank, you grant
this customer unlimited credit. If you set this field to 0 (zero),
the system requires approval each time this customer makes a purchase.
If the sum of the customer's open AR balance and their balance due
on any open orders exceeds their credit limit, the system places the
customer on C1
credit hold.
Note that if you specify a default credit limit in the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings, that amount defaults here for customers
you create on-the-fly.
Minimum deposit requirements do not apply to customers with a credit
limit applied, provided the Customers with Credit Exempt field is
enabled in the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings.
If Advanced Receivables is not
active on your system (General
System Control Settings), the credit limit field on this screen
is active. If Advanced Receivables is
active on your system, you cannot edit the credit limit field via
this screen. You can use Customer
Credit and Scoring Information to edit the customer's credit limit,
provided you have permission via your User/User
Group settings.
this customer has special payment terms, select a valid code from the
Terms Settings that describes these terms.
The terms code prints on delivery tickets and invoices for this customer.
Note that when creating a new customer, the Default Terms Code defaults
from the Accounts
Receivable Control Settings.
Click the Arrow to select the day of the month on which this customer's account balance falls due. Note that once you initially save a customer record, this field becomes unavailable and you cannot edit the due day.
When you create a new customer record, the program references the Store Assignment field in the Customer Settings. If a due day has been specified for that location (that is, specified at the Due Day field on the General page of the Warehouse/Store Location Settings), that due day defaults into this field and you cannot edit it. However, if you change the Store Assignment field for a customer, this field updates with the due day associated with the new location. If no due day exists for the new location, this field retains its previous value.
If no due day exists for the location specified at the Store Assignment field, this field references the following fields in the Account Statement Cycling Control Settings to determine the default due day and the due days available for selection at this field:
Cycle Schedule
Default Due Day
Auto Assign Due Date
If you set the Cycle Schedule field to Daily and leave blank the Auto Assign Due Days field in the Accounts Receivable Control Settings, the system prompts you to enter a due date whenever you create a new customer. If you set the Cycle Schedule field to Daily and select the Auto Due Days field, the system bypasses this field and completes the field automatically when the record is created.
If you set the Cycle Schedule field to Monthly, this field automatically defaults to the number in the Default Due Day field and you cannot change this setting. If you set the Cycle Schedule field to Table, the system offers the operator the dates in the Due Day 2-4 fields. Only these numbers are acceptable for this field.
you create a customer on the 29th, 30th or 31st of a month, this field
defaults to 1, 2, or 3, respectively, and payments fall due on either
the first, second, or third day of the month.
Charge Late FeesTo
charge late fees to this customer, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
If you check this box, the selected customer is exempt from the auto-pay rules. All funds posted via auto-pay are posted to On Account for this customer. If you do not check this box, payments are posted via the standard auto-pay feature.
On Account payments are not allowed
when using a Revolving Master Plan. If the revolving module
is active and a master plan is defined in the Revolving Receivables
Control Settings and you try to check this box, a warning message
informs you that the setting cannot be activated when revolving master
plans are being used.
The account number and finance provider code can only be entered for online financing providers. You can enter multiple finance account numbers and finance providers. Note that to edit these fields, you must have access via the View encrypted finance, credit card, check account numbers field in the Extended Security - Sales Security settings. Once you indicate the finance account and finance provider, click the Add button.
Account NumberEnter
the account number assigned to this customer by the Finance Provider when
financing is approved. The format may vary according to the requirements
of the finance provider.
the corresponding Finance Provider code or click the Search button to
select from a list of finance providers. The Account
Number field must contain an entry before this field can
be accessed.
Select an entry in the grid and click this button to remove it from the grid.
Click this button to clear the Account Number and Provider fields.
Click this button to add the information from the Account Number field and the Provider field to the grid.
The grid updates each time you add a finance account and finance provider. The grid lists the account numbers assigned to this customer and each corresponding provider who assigned an account to this customer.
Enter or edit the customer's date of birth. Note that to view and/or edit this field, you must have access via the Access other credit applications and score reporting field in the Extended Security settings. If a date of birth was entered on a credit application for this customer, the date displays here.
This field is mandatory if Require Date of Birth is selected on the
Customer page in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
Social Security NumberEnter
or edit the customer's social security number. Note that to view and/or
edit the full number and/or edit this field, you must have access via
the Access other credit applications
and score reporting field in the Extended
Security settings.
If a social security number was entered on a credit application for this
customer, the number displays here.
Driver License NumberEnter
or edit the customer's driver license number.
If using the Customer Statements feature, use this field to assign a Hold status to this customer's statement so that the End of Day process does not include the customer in the customer statement list. Select one of the following options:
Yes - assign a Hold status to this customer's statement.
No - include this customer's account when printing statements.
Blank - assign a Hold status to the customer's statement, but do not print the customer's address on the statement.
Customer statements on Hold generate with regular statements; however,
the program segregates them to print at the beginning of the queue.
To track changes to this field, use the Customer
Activity Log.
To generate XML files automatically as part of EOD (End-of-Day) Also known as day-ending processing, an automated process you run at the end of a business day to update daily files.
and send them to the export paths (if any) specified above, check
the box at this field.
When generating XML statements for export to a shared drive during
End of Day, statements are not generated for customers whose Hold
Customer’s Statement field in Advanced
Customer Settings is set to Yes or Blank.
If you leave this field blank, you can still manually generate XML
files for export using the Print
a Customer's Revolving Statement and/or the Print
a Customer Statement routines, provided you specify valid export
paths above.
Create to the Attention ofEnter
the name of the person or department to which the statement for this customer
should be directed.
Revolving Statement Delivery Method
Use this field to indicate how this customer is to receive their revolving statements. The default for this field is Print. Choose from the following options:
Electronic - Select Electronic if this customer should receive their revolving statements electronically; when data is sent to a 3rd party vendor in order to generate the statement.
Print - Select Print if this customer should receive printed copies of the statement. This is the default setting.
Both - Select Both if this customer should receive their statements both printed and electronically.
Revolving Credit Agreement Printed
If this box is checked, the Revolving Credit Agreement has already been printed once. Uncheck this box in order to reprint the agreement.
Credit Cards Already on File - Use this screen to inquire on the available card numbers and types that are currently on file for this customer. In order for this actions option to be active, both the Shift4 module and the Token Sharing setting in Payment Card and Device Settings must be active.
Custom - If custom credit bureau application programming is active on your system, click on this option to access the plug-in program. For more information, contact STORIS.
the date on which to inactivate this account. Click on the Calendar
Icon to select a date from the calendar that appears. The order-entry
routines check this field and reject new sales for this customer after
the date you enter here by displaying a message indicating that the
customer's account is closed to new activity. However, the system
continues to accept payments to this account.
If Revolving Receivables is active on your system and ...
... you select a legal status that is marked "close account", the date of the edit appears here.
... this field is blank, if you assign a closed date to the customer, the date of the edit appears here.
... the customer has a closed date, you cannot update this field.
This field is used to indicate to the finance company the preferred language to use when communicating with this customer.
If using online financing and the provider uses this setting, this field is updated when a preference is selected at the Language Preference field on the Main tab of the Wells-Fargo Finance Credit Application Screen or Capital One Credit Application.
If using the iCall STORIS' automated customer contact feature. Use this feature to translate order statuses and delivery scheduling updates into automated telephone messages to your customers.. module, use this field to indicate the language you want iCall to use when contacting this customer. You have the following options:
To maintain a retail customer buy history record for this customer, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If any of the following are true, we suggest you leave this box blank:
You use this customer code as an additional CASH customer for Sales Order Entry.
This customer is a mass buyer whose purchases will exceed the maximum frame limit set by the hardware and the operating system.
This customer is a store or warehouse location and the Type field is set to Store.
The customer merge details, if any, display for this customer. The merge status (recommended, pending, merged), user initials, customer name, and customer number are displayed.
is a 5 character, user defined, free text field that may be used to break
customers into logical groups. This field is used for reporting purposes
Customer TypeThis
field is used only with the Trade/Designer
feature. To designate this customer as a Trade customer, indicate the
customer type code in this field.
Employee IDEnter a code to identify
this customer as an employee. This code may be used in reporting employee
accounts receivable balances, entering employee sales orders, etc.
Accumulate Reward PointsTo
allow this customer to accumulate Customer
Reward points, check the box. If you leave the box blank, you restrict
this customer from participating in the feature.
To include this customer in all mailing lists and eSTORIS emails, check this box. Otherwise, remove the check from this box. Additionally, checking this box allows applicable customer information to be sent to your reputation management provider (if licensed and setup).
can also edit this field in eSTORIS via the Amend Customer Profile
option available on the My Account menu. In addition, the option to
join the mailing list also appears when you save out of an order.
Edits to the STORIS field reflect in eSTORIS, and vice versa.
If a customer's alert code is changed to a non-accrual (NA) status
via Maintain
Customer Balances, the system automatically un-checks the box
at this Okay to Solicit field, thus excluding the customer from all
mailing lists. If the customer is removed from bad debt status, you
must manually change the setting in this field if you want to include
the customer in mailing lists.
This page is only active if this customer has an eSTORIS account set up.
Website PasswordIf
using the eSTORIS A set of applications that allows you to bring your STORIS system onto the World Wide Web to create a "virtual store". feature, enter this
customer’s service password here. Note that this password is not
Reset PasswordIf this customer needs their password reset, check
this box and click save.
An e-mail is sent to this customer, it contains a link allowing them to
set up their new password and security question answers.
Check this box to lock this customer's access to their account on the web. Otherwise leave this box blank.
To edit this
field, the user must have the proper security set up in Update Customer's
Web Lock in Create
a User/Group Actions - Receivables Security.
View Financial Information OnlineCheck
this box to allow this customer to view their financial information on
the web. Otherwise leave this box blank. If this box is checked
and you want to revoke their access, remove the check from this box.
Use this page to enter additional information for the current customer. The active prompts that you defined via User Defined Settings are displayed in the first column of the grid on this screen. In the second column, you can enter responses to any of the prompts listed. In the third column, if there are predefined responses you can click the Select button to specify your response.
You can also use this screen to edit a response. Entries on this screen are for information only; no processing occurs based on this information.
The active user defined prompt codes that you established via User Defined Settings display in this column. Using the next column, you can enter responses to any or all of the settings displayed.
To enter a response to a setting, click in the response column of the corresponding setting and type the response to the setting. To edit a response, click inside the entry box in this column and type in the new response. When finished entering/editing responses to the settings, click the Save button to update.
Click on the Select button to specify a predefined response. If a predefined response does not exist you are warned that the response must be manually entered.