Collector Review - Customer Update Screen
Use this screen to process Collections information. When a valid customer code appears in the Customer field, the customer's available information displays. For the selected customer, you can
If account comments (specified on the Point of Sale tab in the Advanced Customer Settings) exist for the selected customer, they display in a pop-up window when you first access this screen.
If your user/user group receivables setting Collector Review; Automatic Display of Customer User Defined Settings is enabled, the User Defined Settings entry screen automatically displays when you first access this screen.
CustomerEnter the code of the customer whose Collections information you want to view and/or edit. If you click on the Search button, the Search for a Customer screen appears from which you can select a customer.
This field is active only if you access this screen via the Customer option at the Function field on the Collector Review Process screen. Otherwise, the customer defaults from that screen and you cannot edit this field.
DueThe amounts due for the customer display.
CreditThe credit amounts for the customer display.
To reassign the selected customer to another collector, click on this button. You can also use this button to remove the customer from Collections.
To enter a promise to pay date and amount, click on this button.
To specify a collections letter to send to the selected customer, click on this button.
To view or edit the Customer Collections Review Log, click on this button.
To assign the date and time you want the Collector to contact the selected customer, click on this button. If a contact date and time already exists for the customer, it displays to the right of the button.
Last ContactThe date (if any) of the last contact with the customer displays.
CollectorThe collector assigned to the customer displays.
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