The following routines affect the A/R Collections Processing module:
General System Control Settings - the Receivable Collections field on the Active Add-Ons tab indicates the status of the Collections module.
To process Collections, you can use either STORIS' A/R Collections
Processing module or use a third-party process. For third-party
processes, STORIS provides a plug-in
point via which you can bypass the Collections Processing module and
use another process. This Help topic assumes you are using the A/R
Collections Processing module.
A/R Collections Processing consists of three primary flows:
Evaluation for Collections
Assignment to Collections
Collector Review
The Collections module evaluates customer accounts against your Collections Processing Control settings. For customers whose account fits the defined Collections criteria and who are not currently assigned to a collector, the system assigns a collector based on the settings in the Collector file. For customers whose account does not fit the defined Collections criteria and who are not currently assigned to a collector, the account either remains assigned to the current collector or the system removes it based on your Collections settings.
If the customer account belongs in Collections but the customer is not currently assigned to a collector, or if the customer is assigned to a collector and your system is set to auto-reassign accounts, the system may assign a new collector. The system determines the collector based on the status of the customer’s account and your company's collections criteria (for example, past due days, past due dollars, customer name, store, etc). If the customer account is currently assigned to a collector but fits the criteria for a different collector, the system removes the account from the current collector and assigns the customer account to the new collector.
When an installment transaction brings the customer's account current balance due to 0.00, such as when processing a payment deferment or contract re-write, the customer is not re-evaluated for collections. The customer is not automatically reassigned to a new collector and is not removed from collections.
Collectors use the Collector Review Process to
make customer calls
update comments
assign promise-to-pays (PTPs)
assign call-backs
request collection letters
reassign accounts
Once the collector selects an account to review, the Collector Review - Customer Update Screen appears. The collector then selects an action to perform on the account, for example
assign a promise-to-pay,
assign a call back date/time,
update comments,
request letter, or
reassign to another collector.
The appropriate updates occur and the collector has the option to perform further action on the account or to select another account to process.
You can use the Report Builder to export collections data out of the STORIS database, for example to use in a third-party collections processing system. You can create printed reports as well as files in Excel® or ASCII format. The following dictionaries are available:
Total balance (long + short term) |
Co-signer Occupation |
Long Term Balance |
Co-signer Employer |
Current Due |
Collector |
Past Due 30 Days |
Date Assigned to Collections |
Past Due 60 Days |
Last Collection Activity Date |
Past Due 90 Days |
Promise-to-Pay Date |
Past Due 120 Days |
Promise-to-Pay Amount |
Total Past Due |
Contact Date |
Joint Account Holder |
Contact Time |
Co-Applicant Name |
Letter |
Co-Applicant Employer |
Last Payment Date |
Co-signer |
Last Payment Amount |
Co-signer Address 1 |
Last Invoice Date |
Co-signer Address 2 |
Last Invoice Amount |