Advanced Customer Settings > Receivables page > Actions button > Metro 2 Settings
Receivables > Installment Receivables > Manage and Adjust Installment Contracts > Review Contract Details button > Actions button > Metro 2 Settings
Use this routine to associate various Metro 2 settings with the customer or contract specified. STORIS uses the Metro 2 format in the Credit Reporting Process.
Account StatusEnter
the code of the Metro 2 account status (if any) you want to assign to
the selected customer. If you click on the Search button, a list
of account statuses appears from which you can choose. The list
includes only account statuses for which the Manual Assignment field is
enabled in the Account Status
Settings. A description of the selected account status appears to
the right of the field.
This field is used by the Metro 2 Credit reporting process for Equifax Canada to determine the rating of the account based on the Account Status. It is used when reporting both Revolving Receivable and Installment Receivables account information.
The field is not active if:
The Metro 2 Format is set to United States in your Accounts Receivable Control Settings.
The report format is Canadian and the Account Status (on this screen) is not set to "05" (Account transferred to another office) or "13" (Paid or closed account /zero balance).
The field is active if:
The Metro 2 Format is set to Canada in your Accounts Receivable Control Settings.
The Account Status on this screen is set to "05" (Account transferred to another office) or "13" (Paid or closed account / zero balance).
When active, a selection at this field is mandatory. Click the Arrow button and select one of the following from the drop-down list. The list is based on definitions in the Metro 2 Reporting Guide for Canadian reporting.
G - Collection
H - Foreclosure Completed
J - Voluntary Surrender
K - Repossession
L - Charge Off
Y - Financial Counseling
Enter the code of the Metro 2 special comment (if any) you want to assign to the selected customer. If you click on the Search button, a list of special comments appears from which you can choose. A description of the selected special comment appears to the right of the field.
When you click the Search button, special comments applicable to revolving
receivables are displayed if you accessed this screen from Advanced
Customer Settings. If you accessed this screen from the Review
Contract Details screen, the special comments listed are applicable
to installment receivables.
Enter the code of the Metro 2 compliance condition (if any) you want to assign to the selected customer. If you click on the Search button, a list of compliance conditions appears from which you can choose. A description of the selected compliance condition appears to the right of the field.
This is a “sticky” field. That is, once you report a compliance
condition code for a customer, it “sticks” to the customer until you
send a different code (or a removal code) to your credit bureau.
Updated DateThe date on which you last
set the customer's compliance condition code displays.
Reported DateThe date
on which you last reported the customer’s compliance condition code to
the credit bureau displays. Note that the credit reporting process includes
the customer's compliance code in the credit reporting file only if the
Updated Date is greater than or equal to the Reported Date.
Closed DateWhen
you access this screen from Advanced
Customer Settings, the date on which you closed the customer's account
displays. When you access this screen from Review
Contract Details, the date the customer's contract was closed displays