Account Status Settings
Use this routine to maintain the Metro 2 account status message codes you send to your credit bureau via the Credit Reporting Process. This file contains the account status codes defined in Exhibit 4 of the Consumer Data Industry Association Credit Reporting Resource Guide.
You cannot add or delete Metro 2 account status message codes.
To assign an account status code to a customer, use the Metro 2 Settings option available via the Action button on the Receivables tab in the Advanced Customer Settings.
Account StatusEnter the code of the account status whose description you want to view or edit. If you click on the Search button, a list of account statuses appears from which you can choose.
DescriptionA description of the selected account status displays. This field can contain a maximum of 200 characters. If you click on the Action button, the option for language translation is available.
Allow Manual EntryA check in the box at this field indicates the selected account status is available for manual entry. You cannot edit this field.
Account Closed