Receivables > Installment Receivables > Manage and Adjust Installment Contracts > Review Contract Details button
Use this routine to view all details pertaining to a selected contract, as well as perform a variety of actions such as Update Contract Status, Merge/Refinance Contracts, Adjust Payment Terms, Adjust Contract Balance, Defer Installment Payments, Forgive Late Fees, and more.
The Review Contract Details screen remains in the background behind the
aforementioned screens. When you close any of those screens, the system
returns to this screen, where you can perform other functions related
to the contracts.
Click this button to access the Update Contract Status screen.
Click this button to access the Merge/Refinance Contracts (Installment Worksheet) screen.
ContractThe contract number and classification
display here.
CustomerThe customer code and name
display here. Click the Action button to access Advanced
Customer Settings for the selected customer.
Co-applicantIf the contract includes
a co-applicant, the co-applicant's name displays here.
Co-signerThe contract includes a co-signer,
the co-signer's account number and name display here. Click the
Action button to access Advanced
Customer Settings for the co-signer.
WrittenThe date the contract was
written displays here.
ActivatedThe date the contract was
activated displays here.
ClosedIf this is a closed contract, the date the contract
was closed is displayed here.
NotesClick the Search button to access the Installment
Notes screen, where you can enter or edit notes related to this contract.
The status of the contract displays here. For an explanation of the following statuses, see the Grid Detail in Manage and Adjust Installment Contracts.
Pending – Deleted
Closed – Rewritten
Closed – Paid
Click this button to access
the Adjust Payment Terms screen.
MonthsThe term length for the contract displays here.
Months No InterestIf this contract includes
a "no-interest" period, the number of months interest is not
charged is displayed here.
Annual Percentage RateThe annual percentage rate
displays here. Click the extra Action button to access the APR
Values window. This extra Action is only available if the APR values
are different.
Elapsed MonthsThe number of months elapsed
(passed) since the activation of the contract displays here.
Months ExtendedIf the contract has been
extended, the number of months added to the original term months is displayed
Months No PaymentsIf this contract includes
a "no payments due" period, the total number of payment-free
months is displayed.
First DueThe date the first payment
is due displays here. Click the Search button to access the Contract
Amortization Schedule.
Payments ofThe monthly payment amount
(excluding the final payment amount) displays to the right of this field.
The number of months in the contract that this payment amount is due displays
If payment terms for the Fixed Monthly Payment Amount and Fixed Monthly Payment Term were entered in Installment Payment Plan Settings, this second “Payments of” display-only field displays the number of months and amount due for the months remaining in the contract term, if any. If only a final payment is due after the fixed monthly payment term has elapsed, this field is blank and the remaining amount due is displayed in the Final Payment is $ field.
Final Payment isThe final payment amount
displays here.
Payments RemainThe number of payments left
on the contract displays here.
InsuranceThe insurance plan, if any,
associated with this contract displays here. Click the Search button to
access the Contract
Insurance Codes screen.
If the Exclude
Contract from Auto Pay field is checked on the Adjust Payment Terms
screen then Excluded from Auto Pay!
displays in the upper right-hand corner of the Terms section
Click this button to access the Adjust Contract Balance screen.
PrincipalThe principal amount of the
contract displays here. The Original
Amt column displays the original amount financed, and the Adjusted Amt column displays the
amount after any adjustments have been made to the principal amount via
Adjust Contract Balance.
Refinanced PayoffThe refinanced payoff amount
of the contract displays here if the contract has been refinanced. The
Original Amt column displays
the original refinanced payoff amount, and the Adjusted
Amt column displays the amount after any adjustments have been
made to the refinanced payoff amount via Adjust
Contract Balance.
MiscellaneousThe miscellaneous fees, if
any, of the contract display here. The Original
Amt column displays the original amount of the miscellaneous fees,
and the Adjusted Amt column displays
the amount after any adjustments have been made to the miscellaneous amount
via Adjust Contract Balance.
InsuranceThe insurance amount of the
contract displays here if the contract has any insurance plans associated
with it. The Original Amt column displays the original insurance
amount, and the Adjusted Amt column displays the amount after any adjustments
have been made to the insurance amount via Adjust
Contract Balance.
InterestThe interest amount of the
contract displays here. The Original Amt column displays the original
interest amount, and the Adjusted Amt column displays the amount after
any adjustments have been made to the insurance amount via Adjust
Contract Balance.
Total ContractThe total amount of the contract
displays here. The Original Amt
column displays the original contract amount, and the Adjusted
Amt column displays the amount after any adjustments have been
made to the insurance amount via Adjust
Contract Balance.
Remaining BalanceThe remaining balance of
the contract after any payments and/or adjustments displays here.
Click this button to access the Defer Installment Payments screen.
Postings ( )This field
displays the number of payments (in parenthesis) posted, if any, and the
date of the last payment. Click the Search button to access the View
Contract Postings screen, where you can view all payments posted for
this contract.
Deferred ( )If payments for this contract
were deferred, the number of payments deferred is displayed in parenthesis
and the date of the last deferment is displayed. Click the Search button
to access the View
Deferred Payments screen, where you can view all deferment activity.
Late Fee Forgiven ( )
This field displays the number of late fees that have been forgiven (in parentheses) and the date of the most recent late fee forgiveness. Click the Search button to access the Late Fees Forgiven screen, where you can view all late fees that were forgiven.
Click this button to access the Forgive Late Fees screen.
Current DueThe payment date and amount
currently due for this contract displays here.
Past DueThe installment past due
date and amount displays here. If there are multiple past due dates, an
ellipsis (...) appears. To view the details of multiple past due dates,
you can use the Open
Item Receivables Inquiry.
Late FeeThe date and amount of the
late fee, if any, displays here. If there were multiple late fees charged,
an ellipsis (...) displays in place of the date and the total amount of
late fees displays. Use the Open
Item Receivables Inquiry to view multiple late fee charges.
Total DueThe total of the current
due, past due, and late fee amounts displays here.
Next DueThe next future (not cycled)
due date and accompanying amount due displays here. If this contract
has fully cycled, this field is blank. If this is a new contract that
has not yet cycled, the first payment due date displays.
Payoff ValidThe payoff amount and date
through which the payoff amount is valid displays here. Click the Search
button to access the Calculate
Payoff and Rebate Amounts screen, where you can specify other dates
to calculate the payoff amount for those dates.
Same as CashIf the contract includes
a same as cash Type of contract where customer agrees to pay total amount due by specified date to avoid paying interest and insurance fees on financed amount. If customer pays by the due date, interest and insurance are rebated. promotion, this is the
date by which the customer must pay the total amount in order to be granted
full interest and insurance rebates.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to move from one contract to the next when multiple contracts are selected from Manage and Adjust Installment Contracts.
The following options are available from the Actions button.
View Payment Summary - When you select this option, a grid is populated with payment data for the customer.
View a Customer's Account Balance - Select this option to view the customer's account balances.
View Installment Comments - Use this routine to view and/or print the contents of the Installment Activity Log for a selected customer.
View Contract Amortization Schedule - Selecting this option displays a grid that is populated with one row for each month in the contract's term.
Metro 2 Settings - When you access this option from the contract review screen, updates made to Metro 2 Code Settings are applicable to the customer's contract.
View an Existing Sales Order - Select this option to be taken to the View an Existing Sales Order routine.
View Historical Contract Rebates - Select this option to view interest and insurance rebates on a closed contract. This option is only active if a contract is closed.
Send Contract for eSignature - Select this option to send the selected installment contract to the customer for their electronic signature. After successful submission, a window appears confirming that it was submitted for eSignature. This generates an email to the customer with a link to sign their contract. The customer clicks the link, answers a security question and then electronically signs their contract. Silanis sends a PDF image of the signed contract to STORIS, which is attached to the installment contract. You can view the contract via the View File Attachments options from the Actions button.