Installment Payment Plan Settings


Tabs: General, Advanced

Use this routine to create and maintain payment plans for installment receivables.

If you edit the settings for an existing installment plan, the changes do not affect customer contracts created before your edits. Only new contracts created after your changes are affected.  


Installment Plan   




The Active and Expires fields can be used together to define a date range or independently of each other. If you define one, you are not required to define the other.



Minimum term is Months

Maximum term is Months

Default Terms Table

Interest Rate is % with a Calculation

First Payment Due Days After Contract Activation

Contracts Paid Within Months Qualify for Same as Cash

No Interest for Months

No Payments for Months

First Payment Due on

Requires a Deposit of %, $

General Ledger Accounts

The following two fields are only available when the "No Payments for ____ Months" is left blank. The Review Contract Details screen displays payment terms based on these two fields, if used. The Principal column of the Contract Amortization Schedule may yield a negative principal amount for the first few monthly installments as a result of the Fixed Monthly Payment Amount.

The installments following the fixed monthly payment term on the Contract Amortization Schedule may display inflated payment amounts, reflecting the fact that the prior installments are under-charging. In the example below of a 12 month contract and an 11 month fixed payment term, the last installment is a balloon payment. The following two fields are also available to enhanced laser printing and to the data warehouse.  

Fixed Monthly Payment Amount

Fixed Monthly Payment Term


Activate a Setting by Selecting a Checkbox

FEES - Late Charge

FEES - Non-Filing Charge

INSURANCE PREMIUM - Include Interest

INSURANCE PREMIUM - Use ONLY remaining term after "No Interest for Months" to calculate interest

REWRITE CONTRACTS - Merge active contracts into one

REWRITE CONTRACTS - Prompt User during Worksheet entry prior to merging contracts