Customer Rewards Control Settings
Use this routine to specify the amount of reward
points you want to award customers for their purchases and the length
of time reward points and gift
certificates remain valid.
The settings in this routine are global. They affect all customers
and products. To award reward points on a product-by-product basis, use
the Advanced Product
Settings. To restrict selected customers from the Customer Rewards
feature, use the Customer
Points are Calculated at ____ % for Customers
Points are Calculated at ____ % for Referrals
Points are Valid for ____ DaysEnter the number of days from the date of invoicing
you want reward points to remain on a customer’s account and therefore
be available for a gift certificate. This is a mandatory field. On the
day on which the reward points expire, the system purges them during End-of-Day
Certificates can be Issued for ____ % of the Accumulated PointsEnter the maximum percentage of earned reward points
you want to award to customers via the Issue
Customer Rewards routine. For example, if you enter 50 here, and a
given customer has accumulated 500 reward points, when you specify that
customer in the Issue Customer Rewards routine, 250 appears at the Maximum
Gift Certificate Allowed field (that is, 50 percent of 500), and the program
restricts you from generating a gift certificate of more than 250 dollars
for that customer, regardless of the amount displayed at the Number of
Reward Points Earned field.
Note that if you enter zero (0) here, users cannot access the Issue Customer
Rewards routine.
Certificates are Valid for ____ DaysEnter the number of days from the date of issue
you want gift certificates earned through reward points to remain valid.
This is a mandatory field. On the day on which the gift certificate expires,
the system purges it during End-of-Day processing.