View Customer's Historical Purchases

(Customer Buy History;Customer Buy History Inquiry)


Tabs:  Details, General

Use this inquiry to view a detailed listing of past (completed and voided) orders for a selected customer. Additional line item details and a view of the order entry screens are also available from this inquiry screen.

Note that the data available for this inquiry is affected by the data retention settings at the Completed Orders and Customer Retention Months fields in the Point of Sale Control Settings, meaning that the system can find only invoices that have not been purged.

This inquiry shows completed orders regardless of Regional Processing restrictions. That is, when accessing this inquiry from within the Customer Refund or Exchange processes, all completed orders display for that customer regardless of selling store location.

If you select a sub-document from a multiple ship-to order, the program displays its associated Multi Ship Master document instead.

Orders with no line items (including voided orders) do not appear in the grid.

Deleted line items do not appear in the grid unless the entire order was deleted.

Service lines with a Closed Without Completion status as designated in Status Code Settings are recognized as closed lines.



Document Filter


The following fields of information display on the General tab for the selected customer:

Also shown are the number of sales, returns, and service orders for this current year, last year and lifetime.