View a Customer's Open Transactions

(Open Order by Customer Inquiry)


Tabs:  Details, General

Use this inquiry to view open orders for a selected customer.  This inquiry includes the following types of orders:

If you access this inquiry from inside another routine, the inquiry displays only transactions you can view or access in that routine. For example, if you access from Enter a Sales Order, the inquiry filters out returns, exchanges, and service orders since you cannot edit those order types in Enter a Sales Order. However, if you access from View an Existing Sales Order, those order types do display in this inquiry since you cannot edit any order types in the inquiry.

Depending on your security settings in Create a User/Create a User Group, you may be able to access the Enter a Sales Order, Enter a Return, Enter an Exchange, or Enter a Service Order entry processes by double-clicking on a row in the grid.

The output of this report may be affected by Regional Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers and locations to which you have access.

Customer Code  


Credit Limit, Available Credit, Work Phone, Extension

Include Non-Allocated Orders

Total Orders


A/R Balance

Total Unpaid Balance


The following fields of information display on the General screen for the selected customer:

Also shown are the number of sales, returns, and service orders for this year, last year and lifetime.