System Administration > Get Started - Enter Your Information > Get Started Step 5 - Users > Create a User
System Administration > System Settings > System Permissions > Create a User
Tabs: General, Output, Security, Access
Support Files: User Group, Location Settings, Printer File and Printer Zone.
Use this routine to set up user records for everyone in your organization who accesses the STORIS system. The user IDs you establish here identify users in comment tracking records and are required for access to certain programs. This file is also used to specify:
security settings if Extended Security is active on your system via the General System Control Settings,
STORIS Messenger settings,
Report Builder Security settings,
Location and Regional Processing restrictions for individual users, and
other pertinent data for each staff member.
If you make a change to the User file, you must restart STORIS before
the change can take effect.
Enter the STORIS User ID of the user record you want to create or edit. You can enter up to four alphanumeric Consisting of both letter and number characters and often other symbol characters such as punctuation marks. characters. Many STORIS clients use this code as both the
Login ID (which accesses SCI STORIS Client Interface and the STORIS server) and the
User ID (which accesses the STORIS system after the server has been accessed).
If you want to use alternate Server IDs (with a maximum of 20 characters each), use the Login ID field on the Security tab.
NameEnter the name of the employee for whom you are
creating this User File record. In addition to identifying this record,
the name you enter here also appears on the upper-left corner of the main
menu whenever this user signs on to the system.
User GroupEnter
the User Group to which you want
to assign this user. This is a required field. User groups provide menu
security. For example, you can assign all your salespeople to the same
user group, then restrict that user group from accessing certain menus
where sensitive data is processed.
STORIS comes delivered with several standard
user types you can use when setting up your user files. The code for these
records always begins with "S$". For example, the S$CS user
type provides access to the routines your typical customer service representatives
need to access while restricting those users from other routines they
don't need. Although you cannot edit standard user types, you can use
them as is or you can copy them via the Create
a User Group routine and edit the copies.
field is used for entry of the employee’s telephone extension number.
This is used for reference purposes only.
Enter the employee's email address. If Email is active on your system, the system uses this address to send emails to this employee.
Employee IDEnter
the employee ID (if any) for this STORIS user, specifying up to 7 characters.
This field is used for reporting purposes only. For example,
the Report Sales Commissions
routine displays the employee ID (if present) for each salesperson on
the report.
Specify the format to use for emails generated via the Schedule a Process routine. You have the following options:
Plain Text
This field is active only if an email address exists in the system for the user.
Enter the salesperson code (if any) for this staff member. If you click on the Search button, you can choose from the list of valid salesperson codes that appears.
If you enter a salesperson code here, you grant the user access
to CRM information such as sales
leads associated with that salesperson. See the Security tab for
more information.
Buying GroupEnter
the code of the buying group (if any) to which you want to assign this
user one or more areas of buying responsibility. If you click on the Search
button, a list of buying groups appears from which you can make a selection.
The list is filtered to display only unassigned groups or groups already
assigned to the current user.
Although a single staff member can be assigned
to multiple buying groups, a buying group can have only one set of user
(buyer) initials.
Language CodeIf Multi-Lingual
Processing is active on your system, specify the language you want
the system to use when this employee logs on. The default is English.
Click the Arrow button to select the language code from the drop-down
list of available languages. You can use Alternate if, for example, you
have a second version or dialect of a language.
Use this prompt if you have multiple users, each working exclusively
at a single location. For each user, you can specify a default cash
drawer code to appear at the Cash Drawer ID Number field on the Log
In screen each time the user attempts to access the STORIS system.
Users can override the default during login.
Enter the code for the cash drawer you want to assign as default for
this user. If you click on the Search button, a list of cash drawers
appears. The cash drawer must be a valid cash drawer for the user's
current location (specified at the Location field in the Cash Drawer
Control Settings); otherwise a default value does not appear.
This field is optional. Click the Arrow to select an available payment terminal to associate with this user. Upon saving the user, this field is validated against the location(s) listed in the Warehouse/Store Location field in the Access tab of this process.
You can use this field for users who log into STORIS using a terminal server. To indicate that this user usually has signature capture hardware associated with their workstation, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If you leave this field blank, the user can check the Enable Signature Capture box on the User Log In screen to enable signature capture, provided the Allow Logon Passthrough is not set for the user.
When this user logs in to STORIS via a terminal server, one of the following happens: If the Allow Logon Passthrough field is checked, the system uses this field to determine whether or not signature capture should be enabled. If the Allow Logon Passthrough is not checked, the Enable Signature Capture field on the User Log In screen defaults to the setting in this field.
Enable Messenger
AccessTo enable the STORIS
Messenger mail system for the selected user, check the box at this
field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
For STORIS Messenger users with unread mail, if you check the box at this field, the Send/Review Mail Messages screen appears automatically during the log-in process.
For users logging on to the system, if this field is
- enabled, it overrides the Message Review
Logon field in the STORIS
Messenger Control Settings.
- disabled, it defers to the Message Review
Logon field in the STORIS
Messenger Control Settings.
Messenger AdministratorTo designate
this user as a STORIS
Messenger administrator, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave
the field blank.
Mail administrators can access and modify all Messenger
groups and all messages (open or closed). Note that you can
designate any number of users as system administrators.
Default Messenger FormSpecify
the mail form (if any) you want to use as the default when printing STORIS Messenger
mail. If you click on the Search button, a list of mail forms
appears from which you can choose.
Salesperson Settings for the salesperson specified at the Salesperson Code field. If the Salesperson Code field is blank, you can use this option to create a salesperson record whose salesperson number equals this user's Employee ID.
Folio Settings - This option is active only if a custom plug-in point has been installed to access the Folio Settings.
Specify the default printer mode for this user. You have the following options:
Standard Printing - selecting this option grants access to the Printer Admin Level field on the Security tab of this process.
Local Printer
Printing Not Allowed
For users printing to the Local Printer option:
- printing is not available from the End-of-Day
and End-of-Month processes if Regional
Processing is active on your system.
- the Printer option is not available when
printing STORIS reports via the Output
Settings screen. To print a report, send it to one of the
available output options (for example, the Screen option) and print
the report from the program that displays the report.
- The End-of-Day process sends reports to the
following folder on the local PC. Substitute the user's ID for USERID.
C:\Documents and Settings\USERID\My
- The End-of-Month process sends reports to
the following folder on the local PC. Substitute the user's
C:\Documents and Settings\USERID\My
- If printing reports for an account other than the
Live account (for example, the Learn account), the program appends
the account name to the end of the folder name. Substitute the
user's ID for USERID.
C:\Documents and Settings\USERID\My
The above pathnames are for Windows XP®
PCs. For Vista®
and Windows 7®
PCs, substitute "Users" for "Documents and Settings"
in the above paths.
Printer ZoneIf using
Printer Zones, enter the name of the zone
this employee is assigned to for printing. If not using Printer Zones,
leave this field blank.
Default Logical PrinterEnter
a Printer Number (from the Printer Settings
file) to be used as the default printer. If no other printer is found,
the system will print to this printer.
Default Print FormThis is
the STORIS Form Number (from the Form Settings
file) that will be used as the default print form for this user.
Default Hold QueueTo allow
the system to create a hold file for all print jobs generated by this
user, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
If you check the box at this field, the user can view reports and
documents that were already printed and view them on screen or reprint
Default Suppress QueueTo suppress
any print jobs for this user, check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the box blank. If you check the box at this field, you can also
use the Default Hold Queue option to create hold files for print jobs
that were suppressed and not printed.
Default Number CopiesThe number
entered in this field (1-999) is used as the default number of copies
to be printed. The default for this field is one (1).
Include Report BannerSelect
this option to print a system banner when printing reports. The banner,
which prints on separate pages, prints the user ID, date, time, and other
system information about the print job. If this field is not selected,
the normal report headers will still print.
Start Forms
Printer at LogonTo launch the Forms Designer
print application during the user login process, check the box at this
field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. Note that no jobs
print as a result of this field.
Forms Designer print jobs run quicker once the print application is loaded
in STORIS. The print application is a large program that takes time
to load. Thus, if you load the print application during logon, you save
time when printing your first job of the logon session.
Enter a unique password for this employee using up to 10 alphanumeric,
upper-case characters. If Extended Security is active, the system
verifies this password during security checks and when the user attempts
to log-on to the system at the User
Log-In screen. When a password field appears, the user must enter
a valid password to proceed.
If not using complex
passwords, you can reset the password by clearing the entry from
this field. This sets the password to Null, causing that user to be
prompted (via Change
User Passwords) to enter a new password the next time they log
When complex passwords are in use, this field is not accessible for
change in the usual manner. When you create a new user, the Password
field is automatically set to RESET and cannot be changed. When the
new user logs in for the first time, they are prompted to enter a
password via the Change User Passwords window. Once a password has
been established, the Password field is encrypted and displays a series
of 8 asterisks (********), regardless of the number of characters
entered in the password.
You cannot change or reset a user's password when they are currently
logged on to any account on the system.
If you are set to use Complex Passwords, you can use this feature. To reset a user's password, you click the Reset Password button to the right of the Password field. (You can click it again to cancel this action.) When you choose to reset a password, the user's current password is cleared and the word RESET is displayed in place of the 8 asterisks, indicating that the password is to be changed. The next time the user logs in, they are prompted to enter a new password via the Change User Passwords window.
You cannot change or reset a user's password when they are currently
logged on to any account on the system.
Exempt from Active Directory Authentication
Check this box to prevent STORIS from validating the user's login information against the Windows® Active Directory. Enabling this setting means that the user has separate login information for STORIS and Windows®.
If this check box is not checked, the ability to change or reset the user's password is disabled, nor is it possible to view the password.
STORIS recommends that at least one administrative user be exempt
from using this Windows® Active Directory validation, in case an emergency
should arise that prevents users from logging into STORIS via Windows®
Active Directory.
Enter the user's STORIS Login ID (also know as the O/S Login ID or the Server ID), using up to 20 alphanumeric characters. This is not a required field. If the Login ID is the same as the User ID, you can leave this field blank. However, if the user's Login ID is different than their User ID, enter the Login ID here.
Use this field in conjunction with the Allow Logon Passthrough field to identify the User ID if it is different than the Login ID, for example if your Login IDs are longer than the 4-character maximum allowed by the User ID field. Although you can set up your system to use the User ID as your Login ID, if you want to use longer login IDs for your employees, enter them here.
When accessing the STORIS system, users first enter their Login ID and password into the System Login Form. Before displaying the User Log-In screen, the system checks the following fields in the User file:
User ID field
Login ID field
If the system finds a match to the Login ID in either of the above fields, the User Log-In screen appears and log-in continues as usual. If the system does not find a match, an error message appears and the log-in process aborts.
Allow Logon PassthroughTo suppress
the User Log-In screen for
this user, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Note that if
you click on the Restart button, the User Log-In screen appears regardless
of the status of this field.
Maximum number of concurrent sessions
This field is used to determine the number of STORIS sessions a user can log into at one time. The field accepts a numeric value from 1-999.
If you leave this field blank, the user is permitted an unlimited number of concurrent sessions.
If you enter one (1) in this field, the user is limited to a single STORIS session. If the user opens another session, a prompt asks if the user wishes to terminate the first session; if yes, the session is terminated once the user accesses an input point outside of an entry process at which point the STORIS license is released.
If you enter a number greater than 1, the user is limited to a maximum of that number of concurrent sessions.
This field is used to block a user from logging in to the STORIS system. A user can be locked out temporarily by the system or permanently by an administrator.
If this user has made six unsuccessful login attempts, this box is checked by the system and the word "Temporarily" appears to the right of the check box. Additionally, the field displays the lockout date and time in the form internal date:internal time. A temporary lock can be cleared by one of the following:
After 30 minutes, the system clears the lock when a new logon attempt is entered.
A system administrator can clear the lock by removing the check in the box.
A system administrator can clear the lock by clicking the Reset Password button to the right of the Password field.
If this box is blank, a system administrator can check the box to permanently lock a user out. The word "Permanently" appears to the right of the check box and that user is prevented from logging in to the system. When the user is locked out in this manner, the system does not automatically clear the lock as it does in the case of a temporary lock (see above). A system administrator must remove the check from this field to remove the lock.
If you click on the PC button at this field, you access the PC Applications Window, which contains a list of PC applications to which you can grant the user access. You can choose from the following:
EIS (Executive Information System) A STORIS module used to create advanced sales and merchandising reports in the form of spreadsheets, graphs, and charts. Merchandising
Executive Vision This is a data analysis tool you can use to display (graphically or in grid form) STORIS data on your computer screen.
Finance II (Finance at a Glance, a.k.a. FGII) STORIS' financial report generator available from STORIS as an add-on product. Rpt Writer
Limit to Company
If you click on the PC button at this field, you access the PC Applications Window, which contains a list of PC applications to which you can grant the user access. You can choose from the following:
EIS (Executive Information System) A STORIS module used to create advanced sales and merchandising reports in the form of spreadsheets, graphs, and charts. Merchandising
Executive Vision This is a data analysis tool you can use to display (graphically or in grid form) STORIS data on your computer screen.
Finance II (Finance at a Glance, a.k.a. FGII) STORIS' financial report generator available from STORIS as an add-on product. Rpt Writer
Limit to Company
File Security GroupsUse this
field to specify one or more file security
groups to which you want to grant this user Report
Builder Formerly called Query Wizard - STORIS feature used to create custom reports access. You can enter a single code directly into
the field, or you can click on the Search button to access a list of file
security groups via the Multiple
Selection Lookup window.
The file security groups in the Multiple Selection Lookup window include
one or more source files. The presence of a file security group in this
window indicates that the staff member is restricted from the source files
included in the file security groups. The restriction prevents you from
accessing any Report Builder report that references one or more of the
source files in any of the file security groups.
To override the restriction to a file security group, check the box next
to the group. The check means you can access all the source files in the
group, even if the source file A main repository of STORIS data, for example, the Customer file. appears
in another file security group.
Field Security CodesUse this
field to specify one or more field security codes to which you want to
grant this user access. You can enter a single code directly into the
field, or you can click on the Search button to access a list of field
security codes via the Multiple
Selection Lookup window.
All users are restricted from accessing Report Builder report data generated
from a STORIS field to which a field security code has been attached.
To override the restriction, check the box next to the code. Note that
even if you have access to a field via this field, you must have access
to the source file that contains the field. Access to source files is
granted via the File Security Groups field.
More information is available on field
security codes and Report
Builder Security (Query Wizard Security).
The system restricts access to InTouch CRM (Customer Relations Management) data such as sales leads. To grant user access to some or all sales leads in the system, use the following fields.
You can also grant access at the salesperson level. If you enter
a valid response at the Salesperson Code field on the General tab, the
employee can access sales leads for that salesperson, in addition to any
access you grant via the Corporate Access, District Manager, or Store
Manager Locations fields.
Users who have not been defined as one of the above cannot create or update
any leads.
Enable Corporate AccessTo give
this user unlimited access to CRM data, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank. If you check this box, you de-activate the following two
District ManagerTo give
this user access to all CRM data associated with the stores assigned to
a selected district manager,
enter the code of the district manager. If you click on the Search
button, a list of district managers appears from which you can make a
selection. Otherwise, leave the field blank. If you enter a district manager,
you de-activate the Store Manager Locations field.
Store Manager LocationsTo give
this user access to a selected group of stores, enter the stores here.
If you click on the arrow, a list of available stores appears from which
you can make a selection. If you click on the Action
button, the Multiple Location Selection window appears from which you
can choose one or more locations.
Use this field with the Up System Administrator field below to define the current user's access level in the STORIS Up System. You have the following options:
Both boxes blank (Basic user access) - users can perform only movements from one list to another.
The Enable Up System box checked (Intermediate access) - users can also edit opened or closed assignments (closed for that day only).
The Up System Administrator box enabled (Administrator access) - users can
- create Up system action codes.
- check out all staff for the day.
- purge all activity for a day.
- edit/delete completed activity information.
Use this field with the Enable Up System field above to define the current user's access level in the STORIS Up System. You have the following options:
Both boxes blank (Basic user access) - users can perform only movements from one list to another.
The Enable Up System box checked (Intermediate access) - users can also edit opened or closed assignments (closed for that day only).
The Up System Administrator box enabled (Administrator access) - users can
- create Up system action codes.
- check out all staff for the day.
- purge all activity for a day.
- edit/delete completed activity information.
Use this field to specify the printer access level when the selected user is logged on to the system. You have the following options:
Cannot Change Printer - log-on users can print only their own print jobs.
Change Only Within Zone - log-on users can access the printers in the current printer zone via the Printer Definitions Screen, as well as review and print their own print jobs.
Can Make Any Changes - log-on users can print all print jobs and establish Printer Zone Settings.
This setting determines user access to reports and documents in the Review Archived Reports and Review Print Jobs processes. If this field is set to All Archived Reports, the user has access to all available reports and documents in these processes. If the field is set to User's Archived Reports, the user can only view/print reports and documents that the user created. When creating a new user, this field defaults to User's Archived Reports.
Click on the Actions button on the Security tab to access a menu with the following security options. Click on an option to access that module's extended security settings.
Security settings on these screens are only effective if extended
security is active on your system via the General
System Control Settings.
Use the fields on this tab to apply location restrictions and/or regional restrictions to the selected user. In this way, you can prevent the user from accessing data from selected locations.
You can create a global list of locations via the Action button at the Global Location List field directly under the Company field. Use this list to restrict the user to those locations. Or, you can restrict the user to a list of locations for specific areas of functionality. For example, you can select the Location List option under Sales Entry and create a list by accessing the Action button at the Location List field below the Entry options.
You can also restrict the user to a combination of regions, districts, and log-on locations via the four Sales & Inventory selection prompts on the screen. However, for users on whom you place restrictions, STORIS recommends you assign each user to a single setting across the board (for example, Logon Location).
To restrict user access to regions and districts, Regional
Processing must be active in the General
System Control Settings.
The Order
Access Limited to Selling Store setting in your
of Sale Control Settings may also
affect user access to orders, in addition to the user’s location restrictions.
Specify the warehouses and stores to which you want to grant this user access. To select multiple stores and/or warehouses, click on the Action button to access the Multiple Location Selection screen. STORIS includes one "pre-built" location (88). You can use that location as a temporary valid location for this user to log into until you build the rest of your locations.
If a check appears at the Default a Login Location field below, then when this user logs onto the STORIS system via the User Log In Screen, the system defaults the first location that appears on the list.
The Report Time Clock Activity routine also references this field when you run the report by store or district.
If you check this box, the system offers a default store location on the User Log In Screen when this user logs onto the system. The system uses the first location listed at the Valid Logon Locations field as the default.
If you leave this field blank, the system does not provide a default location during the log-on procedure. However, since the Store Location field is a required field, you must enter a response at that field before you can proceed with the log-on.
You can also change your default log on location at the User
Log In screen.
Use this setting to define the companies to which this user has informational access. Multiple companies can be defined for each user. Click the Search button to access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window or click the Action button to access the Multiple Company Selection Window. If no companies have been defined, the user has access to information for all companies.
Costing processes present information based on the locations of companies to which the user has access.
When prompted for Company in STORIS processes, the system validates that the user has access to that company.
If you created a global location list, enter the code of the list of locations (if any) to which you want to grant this employee access. If you click on the Search button, you access the Global Location List, from which you can choose a list.
To create a global location list or to edit an existing list, click on the Action button to access the Program List Creation Window.
Once you specify a global location list here, you can restrict this employee to sales and/or inventory data associated with the locations specified in the global location list by selecting the Global Location List radio button in the Sales and Inventory sections below.
Regional Processing does not have to be active to enforce global location
restrictions specified at the Global Location List field. Global Location
Lists override regional and district boundaries. Also, during the
log-on process, if no list is specified for an employee in their User record, the system checks the Location Settings
file for a list associated with the log-on location. Finally, note
that the system checks to insure that the user has list access to
the location to which they log on.
To access the fields below, Regional
Processing must be active in your system. After you set your preferences,
Regional Processing must remain active for the system to enforce regional
Use this field to specify the location restrictions (if any) you want to place on this employee's ability to create, edit, or delete sales documents. You have the following options:
None – Do not restrict this employee's ability to create, edit, or delete sales documents.
Logon Location – Restrict this employee to sales data associated with their current log-on location.
District – Restrict this employee to sales data associated with their current log-on district.
Global Location List – Restrict this employee to sales data associated with the locations specified at the Global Location List field just below the Company field on this screen.
Location List - If you select this radio button, you are then required to specify the list code in the Location List field directly below this field.
If you selected the Location List radio button above, you must indicate a location list here. Enter the code of the list of locations to which you want to grant this employee access. If you click on the Search button, you access the Location List, from which you can choose a list.
To create a location list or to edit an existing list, click on the Action button to access the Program List Creation Window.
This field does not apply
to customers. You can manually enter customers from any region.
Use this field to specify the location restrictions (if any) you want to place on this employee's ability to inquire about sales documents. You have the following options:
None – Do not restrict this employee's ability to inquire about sales documents.
Logon Location – Restrict this employee to sales data associated with their current log-on location.
District – Restrict this employee to sales data associated with their current log-on district.
Global Location List – Restrict this employee to sales data associated with the locations specified at the Global Location List field just below the Company field on this screen.
Location List - If you select this radio button, you are then required to specify the list code in the Location List field directly below this field.
If you selected the Location List radio button above, you must indicate a location list here. Enter the code of the list of locations to which you want to grant this employee access. If you click on the Search button, you access the Location List, from which you can choose a list. To create a location list or to edit an existing list, click on the Action button to access the Program List Creation Window.
Use this field to specify the restrictions (if any) you want to place on this employee's ability to create, edit, or delete inventory documents. You have the following options:
None – Do not restrict this employee's ability to create, edit, or delete documents related to inventory functions.
Logon Location – Restrict this employee to inventory data associated with their current log-on location.
Region – Restrict this employee to inventory data associated with their current log-on region.
Global Location List – Restrict this employee to inventory data associated with the locations specified at the Global Location List field just below the Company field on this screen.
Location List - If you select this radio button, you are then required to specify the list code in the Location List field directly below this field.
If you selected the Location List radio button above, you must indicate a location list here. Enter the code of the list of locations to which you want to grant this employee access. If you click on the Search button, you access the Location List, from which you can choose a list. To create a location list or to edit an existing list, click on the Action button to access the Program List Creation Window.
Use this field to specify the restrictions (if any) you want to place on this employee's ability to inquire/report on inventory data. You have the following options.
None – Do not restrict this employee's ability to inquire/report on inventory data.
Logon Location – Restrict this employee to inventory data associated with their current log-on location.
Region – Restrict this employee to inventory data associated with their current log-on region.
Global Location List – Restrict this employee to inventory data associated with the locations specified at the Location List in Create a User.
Location List - If you select this radio button, you are then required to specify the list code in the Location List field directly below this field.
If you selected the Location List radio button above, you must indicate a location list here. Enter the code of the list of locations to which you want to grant this employee access. If you click on the Search button, you access the Location List, from which you can choose a list. To create a location list or to edit an existing list, click on the Action button to access the Program List Creation Window.