Create a User


Tabs:  General, Output, Security, Access

Support Files:  User Group, Location Settings, Printer File and Printer Zone.

Use this routine to set up user records for everyone in your organization who accesses the STORIS system. The user IDs you establish here identify users in comment tracking records and are required for access to certain programs.  This file is also used to specify:

 If you make a change to the User file, you must restart STORIS before the change can take effect.

 User ID  



User Group


Email Address

Employee ID

Email Preference

Salesperson Code

Buying Group

Language Code

Default at Login

Cash Drawer

Payment Terminal

Enable Signature Capture

STORIS Messenger Settings

Enable Messenger Access

Review Messages at Logon

Messenger Administrator

Default Messenger Form


Printed Document Destination

Printer Zone

Default Logical Printer

Default Print Form

Default Hold Queue

Default Suppress Queue

Default Number Copies

Include Report Banner

Start Forms Printer at Logon



Exempt from Active Directory Authentication

Login ID

Allow Logon Passthrough

Maximum number of concurrent sessions

User Locked Out

PC Applications  

Report Builder

File Security Groups

Field Security Codes

CRM - InTouch

The system restricts access to InTouch CRM (Customer Relations Management) data such as sales leads. To grant user access to some or all sales leads in the system, use the following fields.

 You can also grant access at the salesperson level. If you enter a valid response at the Salesperson Code field on the General tab, the employee can access sales leads for that salesperson, in addition to any access you grant via the Corporate Access, District Manager, or Store Manager Locations fields.

Users who have not been defined as one of the above cannot create or update any leads.

Enable Corporate Access

District Manager

Store Manager Locations

Enable UP System

UP System Administrator

Printer Admin Level

Access Archived Reports


Use the fields on this tab to apply location restrictions and/or regional restrictions to the selected user. In this way, you can prevent the user from accessing data from selected locations.

You can create a global list of locations via the Action button at the Global Location List field directly under the Company field. Use this list to restrict the user to those locations. Or, you can restrict the user to a list of locations for specific areas of functionality. For example, you can select the Location List option under Sales Entry and create a list by accessing the Action button at the Location List field below the Entry options.

You can also restrict the user to a combination of regions, districts, and log-on locations via the four Sales & Inventory selection prompts on the screen. However, for users on whom you place restrictions, STORIS recommends you assign each user to a single setting across the board (for example, Logon Location).

 To restrict user access to regions and districts, Regional Processing must be active in the General System Control Settings.

The Order Access Limited to Selling Store setting in your Point of Sale Control Settings may also affect user access to orders, in addition to the user’s location restrictions.


Warehouse/Store Location

Default a Login Location



Global Location List  


To access the fields below, Regional Processing must be active in your system. After you set your preferences, Regional Processing must remain active for the system to enforce regional restrictions.


Location List


Location List



Location List


Location List