This report displays commission and/or spiff information for selected salespersons. The report calculates the commissions earned by each salesperson on each product and gives the total commission for each salesperson and all salespersons. If you sort by location, the report also calculates commissions by location. Once the run-time options have been selected, choose Run to produce the report.
A report legend appears at the end of the report.
The data that appears on this report is affected by your selection at the
Sort Report By field on the Pricing and Commissions tab in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
The output of this report may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers
and locations to which you have access. If Regional Processing is
active, the report sorts first by district.
If you modify any commission
settings, the changes do not automatically affect existing sales orders
and thus do not affect the results of this report. For the changes to
affect existing sales orders and appear on this report, you must update
the individual orders either by
- editing the settings via the Commission/Spiff
Updates Screen or
- re-entering the individual line items.
This report includes commission lines for payment types defined with commission
adjustment rates (see below for more information).
For customer returns, and dollars-only debit/credit adjustments, the program
creates commission records based on the written date of the original invoice.
If the original invoice is no longer on file, the program bases
the date on the written date of the return/exchange/adjustment.
If you use commission add-on percentages (by product via the Pricing tab
in the Advanced
Product Settings or globally via the Costing
Control Settings), they reflect in this report.
This program includes payment commission adjustments based on payment types. The following describes how these lines appear on this report:
Product Number prints as ‘Pmt Adj xxxxx’, where the ‘xxxxx’ displays as the payment type code.
Brand is always null for these commission records.
Unit Price and Total Price are the payment type amount.
If the Report Type field in the Point of Sale Control Settings is set to Profit Margin, the following columns print:
- Total Cost is the adjustment factor.
- Total Margin and Marg Pcnt are null.
If the Report Type field in the Point of Sale Control Settings is set to Customer Name, the Customer Name prints in the same manner as the detail lines.
Comm Pcnt is the commission adjustment percent.
Comm Dollars is the calculated commission adjustment amount.
When using commission adjustments based on payment type, note that
in the Unit Price and Total Price columns, the totals for each salesperson
and the total at the bottom of the report include the payment type adjustment
amounts. Thus, these totals do not correspond to other reports that
display invoice (completed) numbers.