Send/Review Mail Messages

(Send/Review Mail Messages)


Tabs:  Inbound, Outbound, Tasks, Closed, New Message

Use this routine to create and/or review communications between STORIS users using the STORIS Messenger. You can

When you first access this routine, the Inbound tab displays new messages (if any) for the log-on user. To access another user's mailbox, click the Clear button at the bottom of the screen and enter the ID of the new user into the Viewing Mail For field.  Note that the Clear button is active only for mail administrators (that is, users with a check at the Mail Administrator field in the User file).  

Header Area

Viewing Mail for  

Unread Mail

Open Tasks

Inbound Tab

Use this tab to access STORIS Mail messages received for the selected user.  

Received mail messages display in the grid and include the following information:

To open a message, double-click on the line from the grid to access the Message Review window.

Outbound Tab

Use this tab to access STORIS Mail messages sent by the selected user, including the following information:

To review a sent message, double-click on the line from the grid to access the Message Review window.

Tasks Tab

Use this tab to access open and closed tasks assigned to the selected user, including the following task information:

If using Customer Service, the system

To review a task, double-click on the line from the grid to access the Message Review window.

 When you select an item from the grid, you have the option to execute the attached link via the Link option at the Action field on the Message Review screen.  The link accesses a STORIS document via either the Entry or Inquiry process for that document.  For example, for customer service documents, the link is to the Service Order.

To delete a task with a linked document, if the Mandatory option on the New Message tab is enabled for the task, you must first access the linked document before you can delete the task.

Closed Tab

Use this tab to access deleted mail messages, including the following information:

Deleted mail messages are eligible for purging via the Purge Messenger Activity routine.  To review and/or manually purge a message, double click on it and then click on the Delete button in the Message Review window.  

New Message Tab

Use this tab to create and send new mail messages to other mail users/groups. Included on this tab is the option to link STORIS documents to the mail message, for example orders, invoices, or purchase orders.





Linked Document Type

Document Number


Following entry of the new message information, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen to send the mail message.