System Administration > System Tools > Schedule a Process
Use this routine to schedule STORIS processes to run automatically at user-defined dates and times. You can schedule processes to
run one or more times during a single day, each with its own runtime options, and each with its own schedule.
email the results of the process to users or user groups.
Important: This process allows you to send
process results via email to selected users. STORIS recommends that prior
to scheduling processes, you ensure your settings do not cause the process
to distribute sensitive data to undesired users.
This process allows you to schedule processes to run as phantoms at scheduled
times. In order for the scheduled processes to execute, the Process Scheduler
phantom must be launched. See the Start Scheduler Phantom field in General
System Control Settings.
To specify run-time options for
a scheduled process, click on the Actions button and select Enter Process
Preferences from the menu that appears. You can specify preferences (via
the Actions button) for the View Summary of Sales Activity process and
for the Convert Comment Files process. However, security restrictions
may prevent certain users from accessing the preferences window. In addition,
restriction rules apply to the data available for view, such as costing
data, by specific users or user groups. Refer to Create
a User and Create a User Group
location restrictions and security settings.
DescriptionEnter the code of the process
to schedule. Click on the Search button to choose from a list of processes.
If you select an existing scheduled process, it displays below and you
can edit it.
Select the STORIS process you want to schedule. Your options are:
Collection Activity
Convert Comment Files - Use this process to schedule the periodic conversion of comment files to a structure that can be used in auditing. To set up preferences for the conversion, click the Actions button and select Enter Process Preferences. The Convert Comment Files screen displays.
Important Enhanced features regarding comment files are being introduced in an upcoming release. In order to take advantage of the new features, it is required that the comment files be converted before upgrading to Release 9.7 (or above). Before running this conversion program, please contact STORIS Product Services for assistance in scheduling the conversions to be run efficiently without affecting your daily operations.
Customer Credit and Scoring
Import Advanced Regional Vendor Information - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import District and Regional Product Information - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import External Data - Select this option to schedule the automatic load of a provider's catalogs from an FTP site. Currently this is available for Ashley catalogs.
Import Fabric Configuration - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import Grade Configuration - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import Kit Master Information - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import Order Comments - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import Product Information - Use in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time.
Import Purchase Order - Use this option in conjunction with Automated Data Import Settings to run this import at a scheduled day and time. Important Note: In order to run this import as a scheduled process, you must have the ATP - External Ashley module activated in the account.
Import Revolving Plan Deferments - Select this option to process deferments imported from your local PC or NFS drive. To set preferences for this import process, click the Actions button and select Enter Process Preferences to enter the import path of the spreadsheet.
Manage Transfer of Merchandise - Automatically manage transfers between locations. This process manages the transfer of merchandise from distribution center (DC) to DC and from DC to store. When processing, the system checks:
All DC to DC transfers to determine if there is available stock at the ship location of the line or the DC that is assigned to a store that delivers. If sufficient stock is found to fill an order at the DC servicing the store or the store that handles its own deliveries, the auto-transfer is deleted and the stock is reserved at that location.
All unreserved lines for a predetermined date range to determine if merchandise can be fulfilled from the store, the warehouse that is assigned to the store, or from another warehouse in the DC’s Stock Location Schema (when applicable).
The existence of multiple delivery dates for an order line. If multiple dates are found, only the first delivery date is filled by this process.
Merge Customers - Select this process to schedule the automated Customer Merge Process, which merges all duplicate customer scenarios that have been updated with a status of "merge" and are eligible to be merged "immediately".
Purge of Sensitive Data - Select this option to purge data based on settings established in the "on demand" Purge of Sensitive Data process.
Report Financing Aged Trial Balance - Select this option to run the report as a scheduled process. Use the Enter Process Preferences option from the Actions button to specify selection criteria for the report. When run as a scheduled process, the output settings are set to Report Archive and cannot be changed. The output is available in Review Archived Reports. Note: When the same report is run via Generate Daily Reports and Generate Monthly Reports, balances may not match those on the scheduled report. The report that is run via EOD and EOM is period specific.
Report Payables Aged Trial Balance - Select this option to run the report as a scheduled process. Use the Enter Process Preferences option from the Actions button to specify selection criteria for the report. When run as a scheduled process, the output settings are set to Report Archive and cannot be changed. The output is available in Review Archived Reports. Note: When the same report is run via Generate Daily Reports and Generate Monthly Reports, balances may not match those on the scheduled report. The report that is run via EOD and EOM is period specific.
Report Value of Inventory - Select this option to run the report as a scheduled process. Use the Enter Process Preferences option from the Actions button to specify selection criteria for the report. When run as a scheduled process, the output settings are set to Report Archive and cannot be changed. The output is available in Review Archived Reports. Note: When the same report is run via Generate Daily Reports and Generate Monthly Reports, balances may not match those on the scheduled report. The report that is run via EOD and EOM is period specific.
Retail Web Service - This option performs a full refresh of the Retail Deck data and updates the STORIS product selling price on existing products at the times specified.
Sales Performance Report - This option is not available to multi-tenancy Cloud users.
Schedule Daily Reports - Use this option to schedule end of day processing as an alternative to running Generate Daily Reports on demand. Select the Actions option Enter Process Preferences to set up Schedule Daily Reports preferences. When launched from the process scheduler, reports generated via Schedule Daily Reports are archived and made accessible using the Review Archived Reports process. Note: Only one instance of this process can be scheduled to run per day. If you attempt to schedule this process again for the same day, an error message displays.
Scheduled Settings Update - Use this process to automatically update the purchase status of products based on the Purchase Status field on the Settings tab in Advanced Product Settings. This process should be set to run once sometime after midnight, but before sales orders are entered.
View Summary of Sales Activity - This option is not available to multi-tenancy Cloud users.
schedule a data import process to run, you first establish settings
in the Automated
Data Import Settings screen. At the scheduled time, the system
looks for the import file based on the information you entered in
the Automated Data Import Settings. The system also checks to make
sure another product/district and regional product/kit master import
process is not already running. If the unprocessed import file is
found, and there are no other conflicts, the process is run. When
finished, processed files are renamed, thus ensuring that the files
are not processed again.
If you are converting comment files or you selected View Summary of
Sales Activity, use the Actions option Enter Process Preferences to
set up preferences for the process. (See Actions below.)
Specify the type of item to add to the schedule. You have the following options:
Day of Week - Schedule processes to run on one or more days of the week.
Date of Month - Schedule processes to run on one or more days of the month.
If running
Monthly Reports, this field only allows "Date of Month"
to be selected. Only one Generate Monthly Reports event can be scheduled
in this process. When running Schedule
Daily Reports, the selection is "Day of Week". Only
one Schedule Daily Reports event per day is permitted.
DaySelect the days you want to schedule. If you click
on the Arrow, a list of days appears from which you can choose.
This field is inactive until you specify a schedule type at the Type field. Once
you do, this field displays days of the week or days of the month, depending
on your selection at the Type.
To schedule the process to run at the same time on each of the days specified, enter the time of day in this field. Use military time in the following format.
HHMM (0000-2359)
If you click on the Action button you have the following options:
Multiple Times - Select this option to schedule the process to run at multiple times during the selected day(s).
Specify Interval - Select this option to schedule the process to run at specified intervals during an indicated time period.
To specify the user to be associated with this process when it is run, enter the initials of the user in this field. This field accepts the entry of any valid user ID. The user you indicate here is also associated with updates to audit comments and message logs resulting from this process. If you leave this field blank, the initials of the user who launched the Process Scheduler are used. (See also: Start Scheduler Phantom field in General System Control Settings.)
If scheduling
Daily Reports or Generate
Monthly Reports, use this field to indicate the user who is running
these processes. The value in this field is used to update the operator
initials in the audit comments and the Creator in Review
Archived Reports. If no value is supplied in this field, the Schedule
a Process ID is used for operator and creator initials.
Send Output ToSpecify
the user codes of the users to whom you want to send output from the selected
process. If you click on either the Action or Search buttons, a list of
user codes appears from which you can choose one or more.
If you specify a user for which no email address exists, a warning message
appears but you can proceed. However, the process skips emails to
users for which no email address exists in the system.
The grid displays the days of the week/month scheduled for processing, and the time of day for each. To edit an existing grid line, double-click on it.
Initially, the grid populates in the order of entry. Once you save the scheduled process, the grid re-sorts by days of the week by time, followed by days of the month, followed by time.
Enter Process Preferences – When you select this option, you access the pre-screen for the selected process, via which you can specify run-time options for the scheduled process.