Report Value of Inventory
Selection, Sort Options
This report shows the total value of all on-hand
inventory. You can run this report for all products or for a specific
Additionally, you can run this report to display unit costs or selling
prices. Sort options are
Once you select your run-time options, choose Run to produce the report. This
report generates a separate output item for each format – Detail
by Location, Recap by Location.
The output of this report may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions.
This report runs as part of the End-of-Month
This report includes a column for each landed add-on value that is active
in your system (via the Costing
Control Settings). If all your add-on values are active,
the report truncates certain values in the report that exceed 9 digits
(that is, 1,000,000.00 - one million - or more). However, if you
inactivate one or more of the landed add-ons, the columns used for those
add-ons become available, creating space on the report to fully display
all values on the report.
The Region, Store, and Recap
Only fields are available for entry only if you select Warehouse at the
Source field.
The Costing Period and Costing Method fields are available for entry only
if you select Cost at the Show Cost or Sell Price field.
ProductEnter the codes of the products
you want to include in this report. If you click on the Search button,
you access the Search
for a Product window from which you can create a list of products
for your report. If you leave the field blank, you select all products.
GroupEnter the code of the product
group you want to include in this report. If you click on the Search button,
a list of groups appears from which you can make a selection. If you leave
this field blank, the report includes all product groups.
the code of the product category you want to include in this report. If
you click on the Search button, a list of categories appears from which
you can make a selection. If you leave this field blank, the report includes
all product categories.
BrandEnter the code of the brand
whose products you want to include in this report. If you click on the
Search button, a list of brands appears from which you can make a selection.
If you leave this field blank, the report includes all brands.
the code of the product collection you want to include in this report.
If you click on the Search button, a list of collections appears from
which you can make a selection. If you leave this field blank, the report
includes all product collections.
Type of Retail ProductYou can
run the report for all types of retail products, multiple types, or for
one type. To run the report for all types of retail products, click the
Arrow button and select All. To
run the report for multiple types, click the Arrow button and select Multiple or click the Action button
to access the multiple select window. To run the report for one type,
click the Arrow button and select Inventory,
Bulk Product, or Special
Purchase Status
Product File to have the report
print all product numbers that fall under the selected parameters along
with summarized data encompassing all warehouse/store locations. Select
Warehouse File to include total
product information and individual warehouse/store location details on
the report.
LocationEnter the locations you want
to include in this report. If you know the code of the location, enter
it directly. If you click on the Arrow, you can choose a location from
the list that appears. If you select Multiple Locations from the list,
you access the Multiple
Locations Selection Window, from which you can choose one or more
locations. You can also access the Multiple Locations Selection window
if you click on the Action button. If
you click on the Search button in the Multiple Locations Selection Window,
you access the Multiple Selection Lookup Window. Use this window to select
all locations (that is, all locations available to you) by clicking on
Select All.
At this and any other Location field, the locations
you see (that is, the list of locations available to you) may be affected
by Regional
Processing restrictions.
RegionIf not
using Regional Processing, leave this field blank to select all regions
for the report.
StoreThis field is used to indicate
the store or stores to be included in this report. One, multiple, or All
store locations may be selected. To report on a single store, select a
specific store location code at this field. To report on All Stores, leave
this field blank. To report on multiple stores, use the Multiple
Location Selection screen (available from Actions)
to select the stores for this report.
Recap OnlySelect
this option to produce a recap report only, which will print totals by
warehouse/store location. If this option is not selected, a recap report
will print in addition to the detail or summary report.
Show Cost or Sell PriceSelect Cost
to display the cost of each product on the report.
Select Sell
Price to display the selling price of
each product on the report.
Costing PeriodSelect
Perpetual to report current (perpetual)
inventory values. Select End of Period
to report on end of month/period costs. End of period is not available
for selection if End of Month has already been run.
Costing Method
Sort Options
If you select the Recap Only option, you inactivate the Sort fields and
the Detail or Summary option described below.
Primary SortSelect
Brand (B),
Category (C),
Group (G),
or Warehouse (W)
to indicate the item by which the report data is to be sorted in the Primary
(first) sort. (The Warehouse sort option is only available if Warehouse
File is selected at the Source field.)
Secondary SortSelect
Brand (B),
Category (C),
Group (G),
or Warehouse (W)
to indicate the item by which the report data is to be sorted in the Secondary
(second) sort. If no secondary sort is desired, choose None
Selected. (The Warehouse sort option is only available if Warehouse
File is selected at the Source field.)
Tertiary SortSelect
Brand (B),
Category (C),
Group (G),
or Warehouse to indicate the item
by which the report data is to be sorted in the Tertiary (third) sort.
If no tertiary sort is desired, choose None
Selected. (The Warehouse sort option is only available if Warehouse
File is selected at the Source field.)
Detail or SummarySelect
Detail to print detail product
or warehouse (depending on selection at Source field) information. Select
Summary to print summary information
by product or warehouse (depending on selection at Source field).
Send Output toThe output
destination of the report displays. To change the output destination,
click on the Actions button and select Output
Export PathIf you
select either the Personal
Report Viewer (PRV), Excel Export,
or ASCII Export, this field displays the pre-set computer drive and folder
location to which the system exports the report data. You cannot edit
the export path using this process.