This routine displays an up-to-the-minute, on-line summary of all revenue for a given day. Included in the summary portion are daily and month-to-date figures. Additional screens provide a breakdown of sales figures for completed sales and for written (completed and open) sales.
Month to Date figures shown on this inquiry include amounts for the entire
month, not just up to the date you select at the Date field.
The output of this inquiry may be affected by Regional
Processing restrictions. That is, you can inquire only about customers
and locations to which you have access.
Once the run-time options have been selected, click the Run
button to display the inquiry.
The Summary tab of this inquiry displays the Daily Dollar, MTD Dollar, and MTD Profit figures for Written and for Delivered business.
MTD (Month-To-Date) Profit figures display as dollars, percent, or not
at all, depending on the Display Profit
Dollars field in the Point
of Sale Control Settings (Sales Order Module System Control Settings).
The Delivered tab of this inquiry displays the gross Sales and Profit, for delivered orders only. The next three columns, Returns, Profit, and Adjustments, show the effect of returns and adjustments. The last two columns, Net and Profit, show net sales and profits after returns and adjustments are taken into account.
The Written tab of this inquiry displays the gross Order and Profit figures for written orders. Also shown are the effects of returns, exchanges, adjustments, and cancelled orders. The last two columns, Net and Profit, show net sales and profits after returns, exchanges, adjustments, and cancellations are taken into account.