Use this routine to manage reports that were archived. When you first access this screen, two grids appear. The upper grid displays reports that were archived, and the lower grid is initially empty.
The archived reports available to the user depend on the user's permissions in Access Archived Reports on the Security tab of Create a User. Once archived reports have been selected from the upper grid and added to the lower grid, you can output, download, and/or delete the selected reports.
Description - Report title
Creator - User ID of person who ran the report to the report archive (on demand), was the "Run as User" for a report generated by a scheduled process, or the operator identified in Schedule a Process if the Run as User setting was left blank.
Date - Date the report archive was created
Time - Time the report archive was created
File Size - Size of the resulting XML file. The file size is reported in bytes. 1 billion bytes = 1 gigabyte of data
District/Region - Populated with district or region code if the report applies to a specific district or region; otherwise column is blank
Location - Populated with location code if the report applies to a specific location; otherwise column is blank
Source - Indicates how the report was generated - Regular, EOD, Manual, EOM.
Scheduled? - Indicates if report run as a scheduled process - Yes or No.
Description - Report title
Creator - User ID of person who ran the report to the report archive (on demand), was the "Run as User" for a report generated by a scheduled process, or the operator identified in Schedule a Process if the Run as User setting was left blank.
Date - Date the report archive was created
Time - Time the report archive was created
File Size - Size of the resulting XML file. The file size is reported in bytes. 1 billion bytes = 1 gigabyte of data
District/Region - Populated with district or region code if the report applies to a specific district or region; otherwise column is blank
Location - Populated with location code if the report applies to a specific location; otherwise column is blank
Deselect - If you click the
button on a row in the lower grid, that row is removed from the grid,
returned to the upper grid, and is no longer part of your selection.
The report is removed from selection, but is not deleted.
Source - Indicates how the report was generated - Regular, EOD, Manual, EOM.
Scheduled? - Indicates if report run as a scheduled process - Yes or No.
When reports have been moved to the selection (lower) grid, you can use the following buttons to complete actions on the selected reports.