Buttons: Exit, Up System, Edit Assignments, Edit Codes, Refresh, EOD Close, Run Report
Use the STORIS Up system to maintain a salesperson rotation for a selected store location. The following list outlines the basic steps to using the UP system:
Each salesperson active in the Up system appears initially at the bottom of the Up main screen, represented by an icon. When salespersons arrive to work, each drags their icon to the Available pane, indicating they are available to assist customers and also establishing their position in the salesperson rotation for that day.
When salespersons become involved in tasks, they update the Up system by dragging their icon to the Assigned pane and selecting the action code that represents the task (for example "assisting a customer" or "gone to lunch").
When salespersons complete their tasks, they select the action code that best represents the result of their task (for example, "sale completed" or "no sale") and then return to the Available list.
At the end of the day, salespersons sign out of the Up system. When all salespersons have signed out for the day, the Up system administrator closes out the day and the system compiles the sales statistics for the day.
For a user to access the Up System,
the InTouch CRM feature must be active on your system and
the user must be associated with at least one store location, specified at the Valid Logon Locations field on the Output tab of the User file.
In addition, the Security tab of the User file contains the following Up System settings:
Up System Editing - allows individual users to edit opened or closed assignments (closed for that day only), as well as check out all staff for the day.
Up System Administrator - allows individual users to perform Up System administrative duties such as creating Up System action codes.
Users without either of the above security allowances can only move back and forth from the Available and Assigned lists (Basic access).
When you access the Up System, the STORIS Up System Login window appears, providing a layer of security for your system against unauthorized users. The Host Name and Account automatically fill in, but you must enter the Login ID and Password each time you log in. The Login ID and Password are the operating system User ID (O/S Login) and Password you use to initially log in to the server.
Next, if your Login ID is not the same as your STORIS User login, a screen appears into which you must enter your staff log in and, if you have access to more than one location, specify the location for which to run the Up system. If your Login ID is the same as your STORIS User login, the STORIS application user login name and password are not required.
Once you log in to a location, the Up System main screen appears and your icon appears at the bottom of the screen along with all other salespersons who have access to the log in location.
If a user does not have any selling stores assigned, they will not
be able to log in to the Up System. A user must have access to at
least one viable selling location from the Valid Logon Locations list.
If not, an error message will be displayed and the logon process
The following buttons appear at the top of the main screen:
Exit - exit the Up System.
Up System - the main screen. This screen appears first when you log in to the Up system. If you navigate away from this screen, you can use this button to navigate back.
Edit Assignments - edit current assignments and completed assignments.
Edit Codes - create or edit action codes. Only Up administrators can access this screen.
Refresh - manually refresh the screen. Note that the screen refreshes automatically every 2 minutes.
EOD Close - sign out your sales team for the day. Up System Administrators and any user with Up System Editing capabilities will have access to this button.
Run Report - list sales performance data generated via the Up System, or run a proof report against which you can check the day's data before you run EOD (end-of-day).
In the event that EOD was not run, an auto-cleanup process occurs if either
associates are assigned to an opportunity or are still available from
the previous day and an Up System user chooses to move a new associate
into the Up lineup or from available to assigned. If either of these
things happen, the system stops the user and automatically runs EOD close.
The user is then prompted to try their action again.
This pane contains salespersons currently available for assignment (that is, salespersons not assigned to a customer or out on a non-customer related activity). To add a salesperson to the Available list, click on the salesperson's icon at the bottom of the screen and drag it into the Available pane. At any point, users can double-click on a salesperson in the Available pane to access the Salesperson Status Screen and view sales statistics for that person for that day.
Left for Day - To indicate a salesperson in the Available pane has left the office for the rest of the day, select the salesperson from the list and click on the Left for Day button. The program removes the salesperson from the Available list and returns him/her to the bottom of the screen. This option is not available for salespersons currently assigned to a customer.
Line Up - To display the Original Line Up screen, click on this button. This screen can help assign salespersons if you have to "stack" customers (see the Stack option below).
Assign - To assign a salesperson to a customer/prospect, select the salesperson in the Available pane then click on the Assign button. The Assign Salesperson screen appears in which you must specify a reason for assignment and a description of the customer. The description helps distinguish the customer and avoid confusion amongst salespersons. Once you enter this information, the salesperson moves from the Available pane to the Assigned pane.
Salespersons appear in this pane when they have been assigned to a customer/prospect or are out on a non-customer related activity. If you double-click on a salesperson in the Assigned pane, the Salesperson Status Screen appears with information on the selected salesperson. If you double-click on an assignment, the Unstack or Available Screen appears for the selected assignment.
Available - When you click on this button, the Unstack or Available screen appears for the selected assignment.
Stack - To assign a customer to a salesperson who is already assigned to a customer, select a salesperson in the Assigned pane and click on the Stack button. To display a list of all salespersons added to the Available pane during the current day, in the order in which they were added, click on the Line Up button.
Left for Day - To indicate a salesperson has left the office for the rest of the day, select the salesperson from the list and click on the Left for Day button. The program removes the selected salesperson from the Assigned list and returns him/her to the bottom of the screen. This option is not available for salespersons currently assigned to a customer.
Use the Maintain Up System Report Headings routine to
specify a system day-end offset and
specify the product categories you want to include in the Up System Sales Performance Report.