Adjust Revolving Plans
Use this routine to make the following types of
adjustments to a customer's active revolving plan. For more information
about revolving receivables, see the Revolving
Receivables Overview.
the code of the customer whose plan is being adjusted. You can click the
Search button to access the Search for
a Customer routine.
NameAfter you indicate the customer
code, the customer's name from Customer
Settings displays.
Co-signer, Co-applicantIf the
customer's request for credit includes a co-signer, the customer ID and
name is displayed below the customer name. If a co-applicant exists, the
name displays below the customer name.

Customer Store, Home, Work, & Cell TelephoneThe following
information displays for the customer you indicated: the store assigned
to the customer, the home, work, and cell telephone numbers.
Due DayThe customer's due day (1-28)
displays, based on customer,
and control
settings. (For information on how the due day is determined, see the
Due Day field in Advanced
Customer Settings.)
Active PlansThis area
displays the plan
codes for all revolving plans that are currently active for this customer.
Credit Limit $The customer's
credit limit (if any) displays. If no limit was set, OPEN displays here.
Receivables $The customer's
A/R balance is displayed.
Potential Receivables $The total
open order balance due for this customer is displayed.
Available Credit $The amount
of credit currently available to this customer displays.
the code of the revolving plan being adjusted. Click the Arrow button
to select the code from a list of active plans for this customer.
ActivatedThe date
that the plan was activated for this customer displays. You cannot edit
this field.
In DisputeThis label
only appears if the plan you selected has items in dispute or the entire
plan is in dispute.
Current Due $The amount
currently due from the customer for this plan is displayed.
Last Charge $The date and amount of the
last charge to the customer's account is displayed.
Last Payment $The date
and amount of the last payment/credit to the customer's account is displayed.
This amount includes customer returns.
Current $The total
revolving amount due for the plan displays. This is the sum of the long
term and short term amounts due.
Highest $This field
displays the highest amount that the customer's revolving balance has
ever been since the plan became active.

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