General Ledger Assigned Account Settings
Tabs: Accounts
Payable, Accounts
Receivable, Cash Balancing,
Finance Receivable,
Inventory, Sales, Service,
Vendor Receivable,
Importing, Purchasing
Each module tab described below contains fields
into which you specify default GL account numbers the system can use when
posting transactions for that module. If GL account numbers for particular
accounting categories are not found at the previous level in the account
hierarchy, the system uses the default account numbers specified here.
For example, if posting a finance receivables usage fee, the system
checks for a usage fee in
the Usage Fee GLA field in the Financing
Payment Plan Settings. If none exists, the system
checks the Usage Fee Default
field on the Finance Receivable tab in the General
Ledger Control Settings. If no GL account number exists there,
the system
uses the GL master account
specified at the GL Account Number Default in the General Ledger Control
Many GL accounts allow you to enter a wild
card in place of the cost center.
At each GL account field on these tabs, you can click the Action button
to access the GL
Account Entry Screen.
STORIS determines the cost center for transactions and AR balances based
on the location assigned to the customer, regardless of the location at
which transactions occur. Customer store assignment resides at the
Store Assignment field on the Point of Sale tab in the Advanced
Customer Settings.
Accounts Payable
For each account description below, the account type lists first. Note
that some of the fields on this tab reject any cost center you enter and
require you to use the No Cost Center Indicator. To specify the
No Cost Center Indicator, use the General Cost Center Indicator field
in General
Ledger Control Settings.
If either of the below "Paid with" GL accounts is not
specified, the system uses the Bank AP Cash GL account.
Accounts PayableThis account
is credited during AP bill entry and debited through accounts payable
check processing. If using STORIS Accounting, this account is credited
for customer refunds and debited through accounts payable check processing.
Sales Tax Expense Account
This account is sales tax charged on an invoice from the vendor and therefore
gets paid through the AP bill process. It gets debited at time of
AP bill entry.
This account is distinct from the Sales Tax Payable
account defined on the Sales tab.
Terms Discount Other Current Liability
Cash discounts earned based upon timeliness of payments, and credited during
check processing in your accounting package.
Freight Expense or Liability
Freight charged on a vendor invoice gets paid through the AP bill process.
Either debited to expense or credited to liability if using landed
Miscellaneous DebitExpense or Liability
This account may be used for additional charges and fees, expenses, posted
through the AP bill process.
Received Not Recorded Liability
This is the account that merchandise values are posted to upon receipt,
before the AP bill process. Upon creating the AP bill, the previous posting
to this account is reversed.
Returned Not Recorded Liability
This is the account that merchandise values are posted to after they are
returned to the vendor, before credit is received from the vendor. Upon
processing the credit AP bill, the previous posting to this account is
Delivered Not RecordedLiability
This is the account that merchandise values are posted to upon completion
of a direct-ship order but prior to paying for the merchandise. Accounts
Payable account that is credited during the completion of a sales order
and debited once the AP bill is processed.
If using the Direct Shipments feature, this field
is mandatory.
Exported Not RecordedSuspense
This is the account that is temporarily used when printing checks on a
third party package. When the Export
Payable Checks process is run, a debit is posted to this account and
a credit is posted to Accounts Payable. When the Import
Completed Checks process is complete then a credit is issued to this
account and a debit is posted to Accounts Payable.
Direct-Ship Value Difference Cost of Goods Sold
This account is debited/credited if there is a price difference between
the purchase order and the AP Bill.
This field is mandatory if using the Direct Shipments
Use this account for non-inventory goods
and services such as labor, fabric protection, and warranties.
COM ValueOther Current Asset
COM (customer’s own materials) is merchandise ordered from
one vendor and sent to another vendor to complete the special order product.
This is a suspense account which is credited during warehouse receipts
of finished goods and debited through AP bill processing.
Customer Refunds Payable
Paid with CashThis field
is used only when STORIS
AP Processing is active. The GL account entered here is credited (instead
of Cash in Bank) when manually paying an AP Bill (via Enter
Multiple Vendor Invoices) using the Cash payment type. This account
always uses the "no cost center" indicator.
This field is inactive when the GL module is not active.
Paid with Credit CardThis field
is used only when STORIS AP processing is active. The GL account entered
here is credited (instead of Cash in Bank) when manually paying an AP
Bill (via Enter
Multiple Vendor Invoices) using the Credit Card payment type. This
account always uses the "no cost center" indicator.
This field is inactive when the GL module is not active.
EFT Payment
Recorded Not ReceivedReceivable (asset)
When paying a Pending Bill, this account is the debit
offset to the credit to Cash in Bank. When the merchandise has been
received and the pending bill is converted then this account is credited
to offset the debit to Inventory Value as well as Freight, Tax, and Miscellaneous
(if applicable). This account always uses the "no cost center"
Accounts Receivable
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable AdjustmentsExpense
Adjustment amounts written off in A/R cash application screen. This
account is offered as the offset to AR.
Bad DebtsExpense
Amounts charged off through Accounts Receivable Bad Debt Entry.
Bad Debt Repossession
Charge off Overpayments
Deposit Liability Other
Current Liability
All money posted to customer open orders through the Accounts Receivable
and Sales Order Entry programs. The account is credited through
these processes and debited during sales order completion.
Gift Certificate Other
Current Liability
Gift Certificates post to this account if the Gift Certificate Payment
Type file does not contain a General Ledger account number. This
account is credited when gift certificates are purchased and debited when
they are redeemed.
Gift Certificate RewardsOther
Current Liability
This account is used when a gift certificate is issued using reward points.
Installment AdjustmentsThe General Ledger account number you enter in
this field is used in conjunction with the Installment
Payment Plan Settings as the default posting for all balance adjustments
made via Manage
and Adjust Installment Contracts or Automatic Sales Document Credits.
This field is active only if Advanced Receivables is active on your
Installment Deferment FeesThe General Ledger account number you enter in
this field is used in conjunction with the Installment
Payment Plan Settings as the default posting when deferring a payment
in the deferment portion of Manage
and Adjust Installment Contracts for the fee that can be assessed.
This field is active only if Advanced Receivables is active on your
Installment Late FeesThe General Ledger account number you enter in
this field is used in conjunction with the Installment
Payment Plan Settings as the default posting for all late fee adjustments
completed during Cycle Processing. This field is active only if
Advanced Receivables is active on your system.
Installment Miscellaneous FeesThe General Ledger account number you enter in
this field is used in conjunction with the Installment
Payment Plan Settings as the default posting for all non-filing fees
during the contract activation portion of Cycle Processing. This field
is active only if Advanced Receivables is active on your system.
NSF Check ChargeIncome
This account will be credited when NSF (that is, insufficient) check charges
are applied to a customer’s account. The cash account will be debited
when payments are received.
Manual Posting Income
This account will be posted to when manual adjustments are made in Open
Item Receivables.
Revolving AdjustmentsThe General
Ledger account number you enter in this field is used in conjunction with
the Revolving Receivables
Payment Plans settings as the default when posting balance adjustments
completed via the Adjust
Revolving Plans routine, Adjust
Balance action. This field is active only if Revolving
Receivables is active on your system.
Revolving Late FeesThe General
Ledger account number you enter in this field is used in conjunction with
the Revolving Receivables
Payment Plans settings as the default when posting all late fee adjustments
completed via the Adjust
Revolving Plans routine, Update
MMP action. This field is active only if Revolving
Receivables is active on your system.
Service Charges Income
Open Item Receivable service charges billed to customers on overdue balances.
Terms Discount – COSCost of Goods Sold
Discounts given to customers for timely payment of their AR balance.
Sales Tax Adjustments for
Cash Balancing
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Over or ShortIncome or Expense
During the cash balancing process, if a drawer fails to balance, the system
debits or credits this account with the difference. The system also posts
to this account during the Reconcile
Cash Drawer process.
Use the next two fields, Prompt and
GL Account, to establish the prompt text and GL accounts used when entering
petty cash disbursements via the Petty
Cash Disbursement screen. Up to 60 sixty prompts and corresponding
GL accounts can be entered on this screen. (The Petty Cash Disbursement
screen is available from the Balance
a Cash Drawer and Balance
Approval by Manager routines and is used to disburse an operator-entered
petty cash payment amount.)
the prompt name you want to appear on the Petty
Cash Disbursement screen, for example "Postage".
GL AccountEnter
the account you want to hit when petty cash amounts are entered for the
current petty cash type.
Finance Receivables
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Finance Receivable
This account is used when making manual post adjustments to finance receivable
Usage Fee DefaultExpense
The system uses this account if the Usage Fee GL Account field in the finance
payment type is empty. This account is debited when the transaction
posts to Finance Receivables.
Customer Payments
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Inventory TransfersOther Current Asset
This account is used when transfers of inventory occur between stores via
the Sales Order Entry or Inventory Adjustment programs.
Inventory Value Other Current Asset
Enter your default inventory value account. This account records the total
value of your inventory. It debits through programs such as Inventory
Adjustments and the PO receiving routines. It credits through
programs such as order
completion and PO un-receiving. Note that the Inventory field
in both Product Group and Product
Category overrides this field.
Inventory COSCost of Sales
Enter your default COS account. This account debits during sales
order completion in order to record the cost of merchandise. Note
that the Cost of Sales field in both Product
Group and Product Category overrides
this field.
Inventory Adjustment Expense
Enter your default inventory adjustment account. This account offsets inventory
during inventory adjustments. Note that the Inventory Adjustment
field in both Product Group and Product Category overrides this field.
Valuation DifferenceCost of Goods Sold
Cost discrepancies for merchandise no longer part of the company’s
inventory post a debit to this account. For cost differences that are
specific to Return to Vendor, use the RTV
Valuation Difference account.
RTV Valuation Difference
Cost Exceptions Other Current Asset
Cost discrepancies for merchandise still owned by the company post a debit
to this account. Resolution of cost exceptions credit this account.
Landed Freight Asset Other Current Asset
This account is debited during warehouse receipts and credited during sales
order completion.
Landed Freight Liability Other Current Liability
This account is credited during warehouse receipts and debited during AP
bill entry.
As-Is Write-off Expense
This account is debited when merchandise with an as-is
status is removed/written off from the inventory through the Write Off
tab in the Enter
a Stock Adjustment routine.
Vendor Chargeback Adjustment
Trailing Credit
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Sales Postings
Posting Method
Customer Returns
Exchange Sale
Exchange Return
Debit Dollar Adjustment
Credit Dollar Adjustment
Sales Tax Payable (STORIS)Other Current Liability
This account is the sales tax collected from customers and credited during
sales order completion. This field is used only if the General Ledger
Account field in the Sales Tax file is left blank for a given jurisdiction.
Customer DiscountExpense
Sales order discounts debit this account during sales order completion.
Delivery ChargeIncome
Delivery charges entered in the delivery field in sales order credit this
account during sales order completion.
Installation ChargeIncome
Installation and credit memo restocking charges credit this account during
sales order completion.
Miscellaneous Fee/ChargeOther Current Liability
Enter the default general ledger account number (if any) to which you want
to post all miscellaneous fees and charges for which an account number
does not exist in the Miscellaneous
Fee Settings. If you click on the Action button, the GL
Account Entry Screen appears from which you can select an account
Repossession SalesEnter
the default general ledger account number to which you want to post all
repossession sales.
If you click on the Action button, the GL
Account Entry Screen appears from which you can select an account
Repossession Cost of SalesEnter
the default general ledger account number to which you want to post all
repossession cost
of sales. If you click on the Action button, the GL
Account Entry Screen appears from which you can select an account
Sales Line Discount
Sales Line Discount Recovery
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Part SalesIncome
This account is credited with parts sales during service order completion.
Part Costs of SalesCost of Goods Sold
This account is debited with cost of parts during service order completion
Labor SalesIncome
This account is credited with labor sales during service order completion.
Labor Cost Of SalesCost of Goods Sold
This account is debited with the cost of labor sales during service order
Labor Costs ValueOther Current Asset
Account used to record the value of your labor.
Charge SalesIncome
This account is credited with charge sales during service order completion.
Charge Cost Of SalesCost of Goods Sold
This account is debited with the cost of charges during service order completion
Charge Costs ValueOther Current Asset
Account used to record the value of your charges.
Receivables from Vendor
Vendor Receivables
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
The following accounts are mandatory only if
the Vendor
Receivables module is active on your system.
Vendor ReceivableOther Current Asset
Receivables owed to your Company by vendors for bill backs, volume rebates,
or manually posted receivables.
Amounts written off in V/R cash posting.
Manual Post OffsetExpense
This account is used when making manual post adjustments to a vendor’s
receivable account.
For each account description below, the account type is listed first.
Multi-Company Due ToOther Current Liability
Enter the account number to use for inter-company transactions in which
money moves into a company.
Multi-Company Due FromOther Current Asset
Enter the account number to use for inter-company transactions in which
money moves out of a company.
Landed Add-On 1 AssetOther Current Asset
Additional costs (for example, broker’s fees, import duties, etc.) which
are included in the cost of the item. This account is debited during
warehouse receipts and credited during sales order completion.
Landed Add-On 1 Liability Liability Other Current Liability
This account is credited during warehouse receipts and debited during AP
bill entry.
Landed Add-On 2 AssetOther Current Asset
Additional costs (for example, broker’s fees, import duties, etc.) which
are included in the cost of the item. This account is debited during
warehouse receipts and credited during sales order completion.
Landed Add-On 2 LiabilityOther Current Liability
This account is credited during warehouse receipts and debited during AP
bill entry.
Landed Add-On 3 AssetOther Current Asset
Additional costs (for example, broker’s fees, import duties, etc.) which
are included in the cost of the item. This account is debited during
warehouse receipts and credited during sales order completion.
Landed Add-On 3 LiabilityLiability Other Current Liability
This account is credited during warehouse receipts and debited during AP
bill entry.
Landed Add-On 4 AssetOther Current Asset
Additional costs (for example, broker’s fees, import duties, etc.) which
are included in the cost of the item. This account is debited during
warehouse receipts and credited during sales order completion.
Landed Add-On 4 LiabilityOther Current Liability
This account is credited during warehouse receipts and debited during AP
bill entry.
Use this tab to determine how rebates impact the general ledger. You
may select a wild card in place of the cost center.
Rebate Revenue
Rebate Contra-Revenue