Repossessions Overview

Use the Repossessions feature to

Set Up for the Repossessions Feature

- As-Is Status tab - Repossession Maximum $ field displays the maximum price at which you can sell a repossessed piece.  Users with access via the Increase Sell Price Above Max Sell Price for Repossessions field in the Extended Security settings can override this restriction, in which case the maximum price increases to that new selling price.

- Move From As-Is tab - For products with an as-is reason code of REP (repossessed), the system prevents you from removing the as-is status from the product.  

- Vendor Chargebacks tab - prevents selection of REP (repossessed) items for vendor chargebacks.

- regular sales orders

- sales portion of exchange orders

- Quick sales orders

- return portion of exchange orders

- service orders

Depreciation on Repossessed Items

STORIS performs depreciation by table rate for full months only.  The system

  1. calculates the number of months since the completion of the sales document by comparing the day, month, and year of the original completion date with today's date.  

  2. If

- today’s day is less than the completion day, the calculation subtracts 1 from today’s month.

- the original completion year is less than today’s year, the calculation adds the difference between the two, multiplied by 12, to today’s month.

  1. Then, the calculation subtracts the completion month from the value of today’s month.

Repossession Returns

The following is a basic outline of the steps involved in the repossession process.

  1. Access the Request Legally Entitled To (LET) Documents routine and create a LET document for a customer from whom you want to repossess merchandise.  Once you retake possession of the merchandise, you must re-enter the items back into inventory.

  2. Access the Process Repossessed Items screen and specify a customer.  The program ensures that current LET document (that is, a document produced within the customer's current cycle period) exists for the customer before you can proceed.

  3. If a current LET document exists, the grid populates with the items deemed eligible for repossession on the LET document. Check the boxes next to the items in the grid you have repossessed, then click on Save. The Original Document Select (Repossessions) screen appears.

  4. On the Original Document Select (Repossessions) screen, you can update information on selected items.  You can also access the Waived Item Select screen in which you can access a list of other items purchased by the selected customer.  You can then select one or more of these items for inclusion in the return.  You can also use this screen to override the default settings for the return storage location, and/or enter the identifying piece reference number for serial-tracked special-order pieces.

Return Completion

When you finish specifying the items for return, click the Save button on the Process Repossessed Items screen.  The program

The completion of the return includes several updates. The system:

 If using Metro 2 Credit Reporting, once you repossess a customer’s merchandise, you must manually set the Metro 2 Code Settings to the account status and special comments you want to report to Metro 2.


When applying credits to the customer’s receivables, the system applies the maximum amount possible to open Revolving plans. If the customer has multiple Revolving plans, then all plans with an open balance are available for posting of credits.  If the repossession includes multiple completed orders, you can post the credits earned from the repossession of items in any one of the completed orders to any one or more of the customer’s plans with an open balance. The order of preference is

  1. post credits earned on completed orders to plans used to finance that completed order, using first any plans used for deposits and next the plan used for financing.

  2. If these plans do not exhaust the credits earned on that completed order, then post to any other plans used on any other completed orders in the repossession up to their open balance.

  3. If these plans do not exhaust the credits earned, then post to any other plans not used on any completed orders involved in the repossession up to their open balance.

  4. If these plans do not exhaust the credits earned on that completed order, then post to the master plan up to its open balance and post any remaining credits to Open Item.

Item Price/Cost Calculation

The system adds returned items into the STORIS inventory files using the same process used for regular customer returns. The system calculates the selling value and return cost value based your selection on the General tab in the Costing Control Settings - either a depreciation table or the prorated method.

The selling price and returned cost are reduced from their original values by the same percentage.

For each returned item, the sell price updates with the calculated (depreciated) selling value. The Costing Table updates with the calculated (depreciated) costs.  The system flags the pieces as repossessed and records their maximum selling prices.  You can change the price of these pieces but only authorized users (via the Increase Sell Price Above Max Sell Price for Repossessions field on the Sales tab in the Extended Security settings) can exceed the maximum selling price.  You can change the cost of the pieces using the Update a Product Cost routine.  Dictionaries are available in the Report Builder to provide access to these fields.

Selling Repossessed Pieces

To sell a repossessed piece, you must first identify the piece as "as-is" (via the Merchandise tab of order entry) and then enter the reference number of the piece. If you attempt to override the default price with a price that exceeds the repossession maximum (displayed at the Repossession Maximum $ field on the As-Is Status field in the Stock Adjustments routine), an error message appears and the previous price reinstates.