Enter a Stock Adjustment
Tabs: Quantity, Transfer,
As-Is Transfer,
Bin to Bin, Move To As-Is, Move From As-Is,
As-Is Status,
Change SN, SO Info, Write
Off, Vendor Chargeback,
Use this routine to increase or decrease inventory
quantities in STORIS to accurately reflect the stock quantities at your
store and warehouse locations. To access any of the tabs in this routine,
you must first enter a response at the Adjustment Comment prompt. All
valid adjustment entries immediately increase or decrease inventory. Use
the processes available from this program to
adjust quantities,
transfer inventory,
move inventory to and from
as-is status,
modify as-is status,
adjust product serial numbers,
modify special-order
product detail, and
write off as-is goods.
locations, users must be authorized via the Adjust Inventory for Locations
When WMS is Active field in the Extended
Security Settings, and the system restricts inter-warehouse transfers
if the receiving location is a WMS location. Not all functions are available
for WMS locations. Instead, use your third-party WMS for those procedures.
If you use this routine to move a piece to as-is status or change the as-is
status of a product, the Inventory Label
Print screen appears when you click on Save, allowing you to print
a label for the as-is piece, if desired.
Once you enter and save an adjustment, you cannot recall it for corrections.
To fix a mistake, you must make another adjustment entry.
Adjusting a piece into inventory hits the following GL accounts:
- Inventory Value - debit for the cost of the piece
- Inventory Adjustment - credit for landed cost
- Landed Freight Asset - debit for landed cost
(if any)
Header Area
The following fields reside in the header portion of the screen for
all tabs.
LocationEnter the code of the location
whose products you want to adjust. If you click on the Arrow, a
list of valid locations appears from which you can choose.
ProductEnter the product number
of the item you want to adjust. If you click on the Search
button, the Search
for a Product window appears from which you can choose a product.
ModelThe vendor
model code displays from the Product record.
Adjustment DateEnter
the date of the adjustment. The current date defaults. If you click on
the Calendar Icon,
a calendar appears from which you can select a date.
Adjustment CommentEnter
comments describing the adjustment. You can enter up 40 alphanumeric
characters. You must enter a comment here before you can access
any of the tabs in this routine.
Once you specify a product code at the Product field,
the following fields display.
BrandThe Brand
code from the Product
record displays for the selected product.
Unit of MeasureThe unit
of measure from the Product record displays for the selected product.
Quantity On HandThe quantity on hand at the adjustment location displays
for the selected product.
Quantity ReservedThe quantity
reserved to sales orders at the adjustment
location displays for the selected product.
Quantity On P/OThe quantity
currently on purchase orders at the adjustment location displays for the
selected product.
Quantity As-IsThe quantity
currently designated As-Is at the adjustment
location displays for the selected product.
Use this tab to increase or decrease the quantity on hand of a selected
product at a selected location.
To access this tab, you must have clearance via the Adjust
inventory quantities within stock adjustment entry field in Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics
Security settings.
Adjustment Quantity
Cost Per UnitEnter
the amount per unit paid to the vendor for the adjusted items. If you
enter "0" (zero) or leave the field blank, the program provides
the cost based on the setting at the Positive Adjustments Zero Cost field
in the Costing
Control Settings.
This field is active only if the quantity adjustment is for a special-order product. In addition, the log-on
user must have permission via the View
and Access Product Cost Information setting in Create
a User/Group Actions - System Security.
Existing Bulk LocationEnter the existing bulk location.
If you click on the Arrow, a list of available locations (if any) appears.
Adjustment Reason
If this adjustment
is for a location for which Location
Tracking is active and/or the product is serial-tracked,
the Serial
Number/Storage Location Entry screen appears when you click on Save and you must enter the storage
location for each piece being adjusted. If the product being adjusted
is not serial-tracked, this additional screen does not appear. However,
the system still assigns an internal reference ID number to each piece.
Use this tab to transfer regular, saleable
inventory between stores and/or warehouses.
To access this tab, you must have clearance via the Transfer
merchandise within stock adjustment entry field in Create a User/Group Actions - Logistics
Security settings.
Transfer QuantityEnter
the quantity of the product you want to transfer.
Receiving LocationEnter
the warehouse location code of the store or warehouse to which you want
to transfer merchandise.
After you click on Save,
the Storage
Location Bin to Bin Transfer Screen - Select Pieces appears if
serial-tracking is active
on your system,
the product is serial-tracked,
the transfer is for a warehouse
or store location for which location tracking is active.
Use this screen to enter the serial/reference number and the "to"
storage location for each piece you are transferring.
After you click on Save, the
Location Bin to Bin Transfer Screen - No Select appears if
Use this screen to enter the quantity and the "to" and "from"
storage locations for each piece being transferred.
Use this tab to transfer specific inventory pieces already designated
"as-is", between warehouse/store locations. Note that
to access this tab, you must have clearance via the Transfer
merchandise within stock adjustment entry field on the Logistics
tab in the Extended
Security settings.
Adjustment QuantityEnter the quantity of this
as-is inventory product you want to transfer.
Receiving LocationEnter
the warehouse location code of the store or warehouse to which you want
to transfer as-is merchandise.
this transfer is for a location for which Location
Tracking is active and/or the product is serial-tracked,
the Storage
Location Bin to Bin Transfer Screen - Select Pieces screen appears
when you click on Save and you
must enter the Serial/Reference Number
and To Storage Location for each
piece being transferred.
Use this tab to transfer goods within the same warehouse from one storage
location to another. This process is available for location-tracked warehouses
only. The system tracks these transfers in Kardex inquiries if the Track
Bin to Bin Transfers field in the Inventory
Control Settings is enabled.
When transferring
As-Is pieces, you must use the As-Is Status
tab of this routine. You cannot move as-is items using the Bin-To-Bin
Adjustment QuantityEnter the quantity of this
inventory product you want to transfer from one storage location to another.
Select PiecesTo select
specific pieces for transfer by serial/reference number, check the box.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
To proceed with the transfer, click the Save
button. Depending on your response at the Select Pieces field, one of
the following screens appears:
Move To As-Is
Use this tab to segregate and track as-is
inventory. When you click Save,
the Inventory
Label Print screen appears, allowing you to print a label for the
as-is piece, if desired. For cycle count purposes, we recommend
you re-print labels for any items you move to or from as-is inventory.
Any action affecting inventory that results in the assignment
or removal of a reason code designated
as "As-Is Restricted" is prohibited unless the user has
the adequate security (via
a User/Group Logistics Security) or
acquires manager override credentials.
NumberEnter the serial or reference number of the piece
you want to move out of regular inventory and into as-is inventory. If
you click on the Search button,
the View All Serial/Reference Numbers for a
Product (Serial Number Tracking) screen appears, via which
you can identify the serial/reference number for the correct piece. The
screen displays the same information as shown in the inquiry screen program,
with an additional option to select an item from the list displayed.
Since STORIS tracks as-is items by piece, this is a required field.
Reason Code
R/A or P/O NumberUse this
field to enter the Return Authorization (R/A) number from the vendor or
the Purchase Order number if parts have been ordered to repair the damaged
item. This is not a required field.
As-Is Selling PriceUse this
field to specify an as-is selling price for this item. The selling
price (if any) defaults from the Product File, but if you enter an override
price, the system uses it (for example, when selling the piece or printing
labels). If you leave this field blank, the system uses the selling
price from the product file.
To determine this field's place in the pricing hierarchy, consult the Costing
and Pricing Rules.
Note that this field is active only for users with access via the Set or change as-is selling price within
stock adjustment entry field in Create
a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security.
Current Storage Location
Move ToEnter the storage location
at which you want the newly designated as-is piece to reside. The
storage location can be the same as the current storage location. The
current storage location defaults. For inventory tracking and count
purposes, the system segregates the piece from regular saleable items,
regardless of the storage location.
As-Is Comment
Move From As-Is
Use this tab to transfer inventory that is no longer considered "as-is"
back into regular saleable inventory.
Any action affecting inventory that results in the assignment
or removal of a reason code designated
as "As-Is Restricted" is prohibited unless the user has
the adequate security (via
a User/Group Logistics Security) or
acquires manager override credentials.
A NIL piece cannot be moved to a NIL location.
Serial/Reference NumberEnter the serial or reference
number of the piece you want to move out of as-is inventory and into regular
inventory. If you click on the Search
button, the View All Serial/Reference Numbers for a
Product (Serial Number Tracking) screen appears, via which
you can identify the serial/reference number for the correct piece. The
screen displays the same information as shown in the inquiry screen program,
with an additional option to select an item from the list displayed.
Since STORIS tracks as-is items by piece, this is a required field.
Current Storage LocationIf the
warehouse or store location of the piece you are moving from as-is inventory
is location-tracked, the current storage location displays here.
Move ToThis is
the storage location to which the As-Is piece will be moved and designated
regular saleable inventory. It may or may not be the same as the Current
Storage Location. (The default is the current storage location.) A different
storage location may be entered here. For inventory tracking and count
purposes, the piece will be segregated from As-Is items, regardless of
the storage location.
Enter the storage location to which you want to move the newly designated
as-is piece. The storage location can be the same as the current
storage location. The current storage location defaults. For inventory
tracking and count purposes, the system segregates the piece from regular
saleable items, regardless of the storage location.
For cycle count
purposes, we recommend you re-print labels for items moved to or from
As-Is inventory.)
For products with an as-is reason code of REP (repossessed),
the system prevents you from removing the as-is status from the product.
Use this tab to add or change the following information for as-is items:
Reason Code
R/A or P/O Number
As-Is Selling Price
Storage Location
Any action affecting inventory that results in the assignment
or removal of a reason code designated
as "As-Is Restricted" is prohibited unless the user has
the adequate security (via
a User/Group Logistics Security) or
acquires manager override credentials.
the serial or reference number of the as-is piece whose as-is status you
want to change. The piece associated with the number you enter must
exist in the location specified at the beginning of the routine. If you
click on the Search button, you
access the View All Serial/Reference Numbers for a
Product (Serial Number Tracking) routine, which you can use
to identify the serial/reference number for the piece.
The screen displays the same information as shown in the inquiry screen
program, with an additional option to select an item from the list displayed.
Since STORIS tracks as-is items by piece, this is a required field. Serial/Reference NumberEnter
the serial or reference number of the as-is piece whose as-is status you
want to change. The piece associated with the number you enter must
exist in the location specified at the beginning of the routine. If you
click on the Search button, you
access the View All Serial/Reference Numbers for a
Product (Serial Number Tracking) routine, which you can use
to identify the serial/reference number for the piece.
The screen displays the same information as shown in the inquiry screen
program, with an additional option to select an item from the list displayed.
Since STORIS tracks as-is items by piece, this is a required field.
Storage LocationFor pieces
from location-tracked
locations, the current storage location displays.
Move ToEnter the storage location
(if any) to which you want to move the piece the As-Is piece. The
current storage location defaults, but you can override the default. For
inventory tracking and count purposes, the system segregates the piece
from regular saleable items, regardless of the storage location.
Enter the code of the reason
you are moving this piece into As-Is inventory. This field is mandatory.ReasonEnter
the code of the reason you are moving this piece into As-Is inventory.
This field is mandatory.
If NIL is used, the piece is placed in RESEARCH.
If applicable, enter the
RA (return authorization) number from the vendor or the purchase order
number if parts have been ordered to repair the damaged item. This is
not a required field.RA / PO #If applicable,
enter the RA (return authorization) number from the vendor or the purchase
order number if parts have been ordered to repair the damaged item. This
is not a required field.
Sell Price $Enter
the default selling price (if any) you want Sales Order Entry to use when
creating an "As-Is" sale for this item. Note that this
field is active only if the user has access via the Set
or change As-is selling price within stock adjustment entry field
on the Logistics tab in the Extended
Security settings.
Also note that for repossessed
items, the program prevents you from entering an amount that exceeds the
amount displayed in the Repossession Maximum field. However, users
with access via the Increase Sell price above Max Sell price for Repossessions
field in the Extended
Security settings can override this restriction. If a user increases
the selling price to an amount greater than the maximum repossession price,
then the Repossession Maximum field updates to display the new price.
Repossession Maximum $For repossessed
items, the maximum selling price displays.
When you click Save,
the Inventory
Label Print screen appears, allowing you to print a label for the
as-is piece, if desired.
Change SN
Use this tab to adjust serial numbers that have been changed or entered
improperly. This program is available only
Current Serial NumberEnter
the serial number of the item you want to adjust. If you click on the
Search button, you access the
View All Serial/Reference Numbers for a
Product (Serial Number Tracking) routine, which you can use
to identify the serial/reference number for the correct piece. The
screen displays the same information as shown in the inquiry screen program,
with an additional option to select an item from the list displayed.
New Serial NumberEnter
the new serial number that is to be assigned to the selected piece. The
serial number entered here will replace the current serial number for
the selected piece.
SO Info
Use this tab to modify the detailed description of a specific special-order
product (SO).
Serial/Reference NumberEnter the serial or reference
number of the piece whose special order information you want to view or
edit. If you click on the Search
button, the View
Special Order Product Details appears via which you can identify the
serial/reference number for the correct piece. The screen displays
the same information as shown in the inquiry screen program, with an additional
option to select an item from the list displayed.
Once you select a piece, if special order detail information was entered
previously, the Special
Order Information Window screen. This screen displays the three
fields. To add or modify this information, access
each field and enter the new detail information for the specific piece.
Use this tab to write off inventory goods you do not want to return
to saleable inventory. For example, you can use this process in cases
where the item is non-repairable or the item has been donated and will
not be returned to regular inventory for future sale. This program allows
negative adjustments directly to as-is inventory, rather than removing
the items from as-is first and then performing the adjustment.
To access this tab, you must have clearance via the Adjust
inventory quantities within stock adjustment entry field in Create
a User/Group Actions - Logistics Security settings.
action affecting inventory that results in the assignment or removal of
a reason code designated as "As-Is
Restricted" is prohibited unless the user has the adequate security
a User/Group Logistics Security) or
acquires manager override credentials.
You cannot write off a piece that was assigned an "in service"
reason code, as indicated in the Inventory
Control Settings. You must change the reason code to a non-service
code before you can write off the piece.
Serial/Reference NumberEnter
the serial or reference number of the piece to remove from As-Is inventory.
If you click on the Search button,
the As-Is
Inventory Inquiry (View As-Is Product Details) appears via
which you can identify the serial/reference number for the correct piece.
The screen displays the same information as shown in the inquiry
screen program, with an additional option to select an item from the list
Since STORIS tracks as-is items by piece, this is a required field.
As-Is ReasonEnter
the code of the reason that best describes why you are writing the piece
off from As-Is inventory. The reason code associated with the move
to As-Is inventory defaults into the field, but you can override the default.
Adjustment Reason
Vendor Chargeback
Use this tab when you receive defective or otherwise unsatisfactory
merchandise from a vendor and you want to request a price adjustment (that
is, a chargeback)
for the pieces involved.
To access this tab, you must be authorized via the following fields
in the Extended Security
- View
and Access Product Cost Information
- Enter
Vendor Chargeback Adjustments
Reason Code
Vendor ReferenceEnter
a reference number the system can use to tie a credit to an A/P debit
voucher or Vendor Receivables record. This is a required field.
Current Storage LocationThe current
storage location for the selected piece appears.
Move ToEnter the storage location
(if any) to which you want to move the adjusted item. The current location
appears as the default, but you can change it to another storage location.
If you change the location, the system performs a bin-to-bin transfer
during the updating process.
Current Selling PriceThe current
selling price of the piece appears, drawn from the Product
file. If the piece was previously moved to As-Is, the system draws
the item’s selling price from the piece inventory file in STORIS.
As-Is CommentThe comment
from the Adjustment Comment field in the Header area of this routine appears.
You can edit this comment. This is a required field.
Vendor Chargeback Method
Original CostThe original
cost of the product/serial number entered appears.
Markdown $Use this
field to enter the vendor chargeback amount in dollars. The amount must
be greater than zero and less than or equal to the original cost of the
If you enter a dollar amount, you inactivate the Markdown % field but the
calculated adjustment percentage displays in the percentage field.
This amount displays in domestic currency.
Markdown %Use this
field to enter the percentage to use when calculating the vendor charge-back
dollar amount and the new cost associated with the product/serial number.
The percentage entered must be greater than zero and less than or equal
to 100 percent.
If you enter a percentage amount, you inactivate the Markdown $ field but
the calculated adjusted amount displays in the Amount field. The data
you enter (if any) must be numeric. You can enter up to two decimal places.
This amount is calculated in domestic currency.
New CostThe original
cost of the selected item displays until you enter a markdown amount or
percent. When you enter a mark down percentage or mark down amount, a
new cost recalculates and displays.
New Selling PriceSpecify the new selling price
for the specified item. The default selling price is a calculation of
the new cost plus an adjustment amount. The system calculates the adjustment
amount by multiplying the new cost times the 'Selling Price Recalculation
Percent’ from the Inventory
Control Settings. If the recalculation percent is zero, the adjustment
amount is zero and the system uses the new cost as the new selling price.
You can override the calculated new selling price.