Category Settings
Files: Location Settings.
General, Twilight Pricing,
User Defined
Within the STORIS Inventory Management feature
is the following three-tiered hierarchy
Prior to creating your product records, you must
create your product groups. And prior to creating your product groups,
you must create your product categories. Your product groups should be
relatively descriptive. Typical STORIS users have between twelve and twenty-five
product categories. By contrast, you can have an unlimited number of product
groups. Click
here for specific examples of the category/group/product relationship.

Product CategoryEnter the code that represents
this category. This can be alphanumeric.
the text description for this product category.
Inventory FamilyThe system references this
field when creating sales
analysis reports. An inventory family is a user-defined criteria and
does not require a specific file to be built. This allows several categories
to be linked together for the purpose of reporting and analysis. For example,
if you had categories of TV, STEREO, DVD, and VCR, you may choose to have
a family of HOME ENT (for Home Entertainment).
Non-InventoryIf the
products you want to link to this category are non-inventory
products such as warranties and fabric protection, check
the box at this field. For inventory products,
leave the field blank. For more information on product types, see the
Advanced Product Settings.
Action RequiredIf the
products assigned to this category require an action to be taken during
the delivery process (for example, apply a fabric protection), check the
box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank. Note that STORIS
sends this information to Warehouse
Management System (WMS) Interface.
This field is active only for non-inventory
Ledger Account Numbers
The Ledger Account Number fields on this screen are optional. If you
leave blank any of the GL account fields in this Category record, your
accounting system
uses the default general ledger accounts set up in the General
Ledger Assigned Account Settings.
InventoryUse this field to specify
an inventory General Ledger account for this category. If you click
on the Action button, the screen appears, which you
can use to specify the balance sheet Inventory General Ledger account
for this category of products.
Inventory values for all products linked to this category post to this
account. If you leave this field blank, inventory values for linked products
post to the default account established at the Inventory Value field on
the Inventory tab of the General
Ledger Assigned Account Settings.
SalesUse this
field to specify a sales GL account for this category. If you click
on the Action button, the screen appears, which you
can use to specify the operating statement sales GL account for this category
of products.
Sales values for all products linked to this category post to the account
you enter here. If you leave this field blank, sales values for linked
products post to the default sales account established at the Sales field
on the Sales tab of the General
Ledger Assigned Account Settings.
Cost of SalesUse this
field to specify a cost of sales (COS) GL account for this category. If
you click on the Action button, the screen appears, which you
can use to specify the operating statement Cost of Sales GL account for
this category of products.
COS values for all products linked to this category post to the account
you enter here. If you leave this field blank, sales values for linked
products post to the default account established at the Inventory COS
field on the Inventory tab of the General
Ledger Assigned Account Settings.
Inventory AdjustmentUse this
field to specify an inventory adjustment GL account for this category.
If you click on the Action button, the screen appears, which you
can use to specify the balance sheet inventory-adjustment GL account for
this category of products.
Inventory adjustment values for all products linked to this category post
to this account. If you leave this field blank, inventory adjustment values
for linked products post to the default account established at the Inventory
Adjustment field on the Inventory tab of the General
Ledger Assigned Account Settings.
Line Discount
Line Discount Recovery
Order Zero Cost Retail
Minimum Gross Profit
Repossession DepreciationsEnter
the percentage at which to depreciate items from this product category
marked as repossessed.
The system uses the Primary and Secondary Warehouse
fields with the Automatic
Stock Replenishment feature. You can set replenishment locations in
several files. When searching for a replenishment warehouse, the system
checks the Primary and Secondary Warehouse fields in the following routines,
in the following order:
product Group
product Category
Location Settings
If none are found,
the system uses the settings in Inventory
Control Settings
Primary WarehouseIf using the Automatic Stock
Replenishment feature, enter the code of the warehouse location you want
the system to check first for replenishment stock. If using Auto
Stock Replenishment, this field is mandatory. The warehouse location you
enter here must be set up as a warehouse-type location at the Location
Type field on the General tab of Warehouse/Store
Location Settings.
Use this field in conjunction with the Target Location(s) field below
to indicate where you want the replenishment quantities of products in
this group to transfer "from" (replenishment warehouse) and
"to" (target locations).
Secondary WarehouseIf using
Auto Stock Replenishment, enter the code of the warehouse location you
want the system to check for replenishment stock if insufficient stock
exists at the Primary Warehouse specified above. The warehouse location
you enter here must be set up as a warehouse-type location at the Location
Type field on the General tab of Warehouse/Store
Location Settings.
Use this field in conjunction with the Target Location(s) field below to
indicate where you want the replenishment quantities of products in this
group to transfer "from" (replenishment warehouse) and "to"
(target locations).
Target Location(s)

Use this tab to create and edit a twilight
discount pricing scheme for the selected product category.
discount pricing applies to As-Is
inventory only. You set up a discount scheme in which product prices decrease
over time for items that remain unsold. Note that twilight pricing
by category overrides other twilight pricing.
Period MeasurementSpecify the unit of time
you want to use for your twilight discount pricing scheme. You can choose
either Months or Days.
Reduction PeriodEnter
the amount of time (based on the response in the Period Measurement field)
that must elapse before the system applies twilight discount pricing.
For example, if you set your reduction period to 30 days, the system applies
twilight discount pricing every 31st day until the item is sold.
Reduction PercentEnter
the discount percentage you want to apply to a twilight product's As-Is starting price when a reduction period expires.

Defined Settings
Use this tab to enter additional information for the current product
category. The active prompts that you defined via User
Defined Settings are displayed in the first column of the grid on
this screen. In the second column, you can enter responses to any of the
prompts listed. In the third column, if there are predefined responses
you can click the Select button to specify your response.
You can also use this screen to edit a response. Entries on this screen
are for information only; no processing occurs based on this information.