System Administration > System Settings > Merchandising and Distribution System Settings > Purchasing Control Settings
Use this routine to specify your purchasing system preferences.
Many system control settings have powerful effects on your system and
thus are accessible
by STORIS personnel only. Consult your STORIS representative
before attempting to edit any of these fields.
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) To have the system automatically assign a sequential purchase order number to new purchase orders, enter the starting number of the sequence. You can enter a number up to seven digits in length.
The Enter a Purchase Order program uses the number in this field to number purchase orders, incrementing it by one for each new purchase order. STORIS suggests allowing the system to assign numbers to purchase orders.
To require your users to manually assign purchase order numbers to new purchase orders, leave the field blank.
See also the Allow Manual Entry
of Purchase Order Number field.
Days to Keep Voided Purchase OrdersEnter
the number of days you want voided purchase orders to remain in the system
before purging by the End-of-Month process.
Days to Keep Closed Purchase OrdersEnter
the number of days to retain closed purchase orders in the system. The
default is 180 days.
If TPA (Third-Party Accounting) Of or relating to an outside accounting software system such as QuickBooks® and used to interface STORIS data with such a system. The STORIS TPA interface is used as an alternative to STORIS Accounting. (third-party
accounting) is active on your system, a purchase order is classified as
"closed" once all items on the purchase order have been received
and the purchase order has been AP approved in full. If TPA is not active,
a purchase order is classified as "closed" once all items on
the purchase order have been received into the system.
You can filter the results of the Vendor Name Search by vendor class. Use one of these fields to specify one or more vendor classes to be included or excluded. The classes you enter here default into the Vendor Class field in the Vendor Name Lookup. As these fields are mutually exclusive, entry of a value in either the “Include” or “Exclude” text box clears any previously entered values in the other text box.
Click the Arrow button to select a vendor class to be included in your search on the Vendor Name Lookup screen. If you click the Action button, you can select one or more vendor classes from the list of existing vendor class codes. If you select one or more vendor classes to be included, you cannot also specify codes to exclude in the next field.
Click the Arrow button to select a vendor class to be excluded in your search on the Vendor Name Lookup screen. If you click the Action button, you can select one or more vendor classes from the list of existing vendor class codes. If you select one or more vendor classes to be excluded, you cannot also specify codes to include in the field above.
Click the Arrow button to select the print form you want to use when printing or transmitting purchase orders.
To create import
documents, use the Forms
Click the Arrow button to select the print form you want to use when printing return-to-vendor transactions.
Select the method by which to sort purchasing reports. You have the following options:
Model Number
SKU (stock-keeping unit) a unique number or code that distinguishes each product and service provided by a supplier. Number
If you set this field to (vendor) Model Number
but the Product record contains no vendor model number, the report
prints the product number appended by two asterisks (**) to indicate
that the vendor model number is not available.
Daily Exceptions Cost Change PercentEnter
the percentage for the End of Day Exception A condition or irregularity recorded by the system. Exceptions can appear in reports, for example, items on a delivery manifest that were not delivered.
report to calculate the difference between last purchase order cost and
current purchase order cost.
Use this field to control user access to the Purchase Order Reservations Screen, which you use to link sales order line items to open purchase orders during order entry. You have the following options:
Prohibit - Users cannot access the Purchase Order Reservations Screen.
Automatically - The Purchase Order Reservations Screen appears when you click on the Add button, provided insufficient quantity exists to fill the line item. This option also provides additional access to the Purchase Order Reservations Screen by activating the Action button at the Quantity Ordered field in the order entry routine (that is, either Enter a Sales Order or Enter an Exchange).
Manually - Activates the Action button at the Quantity Ordered field in the order entry routine (that is, either Enter a Sales Order or Enter an Exchange), providing access to the Purchase Order Reservations Screen.
Dropped/Discontinued Only - The Purchase Order Reservations Screen appears when you click on the Add button, provided insufficient quantity exists to fill the line item and the product has a purchase status of Dropped or Discontinued. Otherwise, an error message appears and you cannot continue.
Other conditions must
exist for the Purchase Order Reservations Screen to appear. Consult
that topic for details.
Check the box next to the version of the Product file you want to appear when creating products on-the-fly in Purchase Order Entry. You have the following options:
Product Settings (Quick)
Advanced Product Settings (Full)
Preset DiscountsUse this flag to control
whether or not the Purchase
Order Discounts Window displays during the initial entry of each new
line item on a purchase order when automatic discounts have been established
(via Advanced Vendor
Settings). If you check the box at this field, the Purchase Order
Discounts window displays in Purchase Order Entry, and you can use that
screen to verify or change the pre-set discount and/or apply additional
discounts. If you leave the box blank, the discounts window does not display
each time you add an item to the order. Instead, the system applies
the pre-set discounts automatically when you add the items to the order.
Use this setting to indicate the type of purchase order that defaults when creating new purchase orders. Click the Arrow button to select a type from the list of active purchase order types.
Use this field with the Inter-Regional Auto Transfers feature. When this feature searches for available inventory, if searching a location on the Auto Transfer List and none is found, the feature searches next for open purchase orders associated with the location. If inventory is found, the feature then attempts to determine if the purchase order will arrive in time to fill original order. If so, the system creates an auto transfer to transport the merchandise from the purchase order's receiving location to the stock location of the original order.
Use this field to specify the number of days you want to add to the merchandise reallocation days to account for the time it takes to receive items from purchase orders and prepare them for auto transfer to the ship-from location.
acceptable date = scheduled delivery date – (delivery lead days + auto schedule days + auto reallocation pad days)
Report Open to Buy Department Type
Select the method by which you want to run the Report Open To Buy Information routine. You have the following options:
Product Category/Group
Region/Buying Group
Sales Rate Replenishment Calculation
The Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment process references this field when calculating the sales rate. You have the following options at this field:
Written Units
Delivered Units
The calculation for sales rate is
Total Units Sold / Number of Weeks
STORIS references this field when determining your total units sold and also when calculating average units sold for the two defined periods.
Vendor Rebate Chargeback Method
Use this setting to specify your preferred method for charging rebates back to their associated vendor. Choose between the following options:
Vendor Receivable - Select this option to create a vendor receivable open item and have Vendor Receivable debited for the vendor's portion of the rebate.
Accounts Payable - Select this option to create an AP credit bill and have Accounts Payable debited for the vendor's portion of the rebate.
AS-IS RECEIVING - Single P/O Transfers
As inventory is received transfers are automatically added to or created. This setting determines when to add received inventory to an existing transfer and when to create a new transfer.
If you check this box, then when As-Is inventory is received, the system searches for a transfer already created for that purchase order. If found, the inventory is added to that transfer. Otherwise, a new transfer is created. With this setting checked, each transfer that is created contains only inventory received against a single purchase order.
If you leave this box blank, each transfer can contain inventory from multiple purchase orders but is limited to inventory received against purchase orders associated with the As-Is receiving process. The process attempts to add inventory from multiple receipts for the same purchase order to the same transfers. If a transfer for the same purchase order is not available, it attempts to add inventory for other transfers created by this process. If this cannot be done, a new transfer is created.
DELIVERY DATE/DIRECT SHIP - Calculate in Acknowledge a Purchase Order
Check this setting to use in-transit days to when calculating delivery and shipping dates in Acknowledge a Purchase Order. If the Shipping Date field in the companion area in this routine is updated, the Delivery Date field in the companion area automatically is recalculated using the number of in-transit days established in Vendor Settings or Vendor Ship-From Settings.
Uncheck this setting to calculate delivery and shipping dates independently of each other, meaning that in-transit days are not used for the Acknowledge a Purchase Order routine.
If using EDI, the shipping and delivery date fields may be pre-populated in Acknowledge a Purchase Order via an EDI acknowledgement. If this setting is checked, those fields are overridden using the in-transit calculation when manually changed.
DIRECT SHIP - Place Direct Ship Purchase Orders on Hold
To assign a Hold status to direct-ship purchase orders, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Users cannot transmit purchase orders on Hold until the Hold status is manually removed.
This field overrides
the setting at the PO Submission from Order Entry field on the Miscellaneous
EDI - Allow Acknowledgment to Adjust Order Quantity
Check this box to enable in-transit quantity updates to the purchase order via the EDI-856 Ship Acknowledgement process. If this box is not checked, in-transit quantity updates are not performed.
In-transit quantity updates occur as follows:
If the existing in-transit quantity matches the ship quantity, no update is performed.
If the existing in-transit quantity is different than the ship quantity, the in-transit quantity is replaced with the ship quantity.
The purchase order quantity ordered is updated with the ship quantity.
The in-transit quantity on the purchase order line item is changed to the ship quantity.
STORIS Messenger e-mails are sent to the buyer with notification of the quantity change for the purchase order item. The purchase order number, product ID, line number, and quantity change are provided in the message.
Purchase order comments are updated, showing the EDI Ship Acknowledgement and PO quantity ordered changes.
Use the following enhanced laser print fields to specify your preferences
for printing a purchase order addendum and additional copies. If you enable
one or more of the following options, the documents print automatically
after the purchase order prints, at the same printer as the purchase order.
These fields are active only if you select Forms Designer at the
Purchase Order form field. STORIS provides a standard version of each
of these options in the Forms
Designer. You can copy these forms and customize the copies
to suit your needs.
Copy To print
a buyer’s version of the purchase order, check the box at this field.
Otherwise, leave the field blank.
ENHANCED LASER PRINT - Print Domestic AddendumsTo print
addendums for domestic purchase orders, check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the field blank.
ENHANCED LASER PRINT - Print Import Addendums
To print addendums for imported purchase orders, check the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.
ENTRY - Allow Manually Entered Purchase Order Numbers
To provide the option to manually enter a purchase order number when auto-numbering is active, check the box at this field. The Next Purchase Order Number field determines whether or not auto-numbering is active.
GENERAL - Activate Buying Group
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) To activate the Buying Group feature, check the box at this field. If you check the box at this field, all products added to a purchase order must contain a buyer and they must all contain the same buyer.
If this setting is active, the system does not specify a buyer when
a purchase order is created from Replenish
Inventory for Current Back Order Needs; in this case, the purchase
order must be re-accessed in order to specify a buyer, otherwise,
the system keeps the purchase order on hold.
GENERAL - Exclude Weekends in Vendor Lead Days
To exclude weekend days from the calculation for purchase lead days, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. If you check the box at this field, the system calculates lead days in business days and not actual days. For example, if you check the box at this field and your lead days is set to 10, the system calculates your lead days to be 10 business days from the current date, rather than 10 actual days.
If you change
the setting at this field, any existing purchase lead days information
changes accordingly.
GENERAL - Generate Daily Reports Links POs to
Sales Orders
If you check the box at this field, the End-of-Day process automatically links un-reserved A line-item status indicating the system was able to find and allocate inventory to the line item. sales order line items to purchase orders for all lines in which open purchase orders exist for the product on that line, provided the receiving location of the purchase order matches the stocking location of the line item. This field affects stock products only and not hard kits.
If you leave this field blank, you must manually link line items for stock products to purchase orders.
GENERAL - Include As-Is Quantities in GMROI CalculationTo include
the As-Is A status of inventory. Most inventory is considered "regular" inventory. As-is inventory includes everything other than regular inventory, including floor samples, damaged and clearance items, etc. average quantity in the GMROI Gross market return on investment.(percentage) and Inventory Turns calculation for all reports
and inquiries, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
if Purchase Order Date is Greater
Check the box at this setting to indicate that the ATP Lead Date calculation can be modified to extend the lead days in order for an existing purchase order to be included in the source of supply. If any purchase orders exist with a date outside of the lead days, the lead days are extended to the latest purchase order’s date so that it can be included as a source of supply. If the lead days are extended, the ATP calculation includes sources of supply with dates on or earlier than the extended lead days. Since the extension of the lead days is based on the existence of a purchase order, this allows existing purchase orders to be considered as sources of supply even if they are outside of the configured lead days. You can also set this override for specific vendors. See Advanced Vendor Settings.
If you leave this box blank, the ATP Lead Date calculation is not modified to extend the lead days.
NUMBERING - Add Location Prefix to the Purchase Order
To add a Location Prefix established in Warehouse/Store Location Settings to purchase order numbers, check this box. If you check this box, the alphanumeric Location Prefix is used as a prefix to the purchase order number when generating purchase orders for those locations.
You can use this prefix feature
only when you auto-assign purchase order numbers. (The Next Purchase
Order Number field must contain a value.)
If you also allow manual assignment via the Allow Manual Entry field,
you can use this feature, but only for new PO's that are auto-numbered
and it only prefixes the purchase order based on the default location
specified in the Receive At prompt
on the PO.
Also note that if you use the prefix feature and also allow manual
entry of PO numbers, once you auto-assign a new PO number that includes
the location prefix, the PO number cannot be changed by selecting
a different Receive At location.
PRINT - Prompt the User Within Enter a Purchase Order
Specify your preference for printing purchase orders directly from Purchase Order Entry. You have the following options:
Don't Ask User - If you select this option:
- the Transmit Type window appears from which you can email and fax, but not print, purchase orders. The vendor must have an email address in the vendor settings to use the email option.
- to print purchase orders, you must access the Print a Purchase Order routine from a menu.
Ask the User - when you click on Save in Purchase Order Entry, the Print a Purchase Order screen appears (except for orders on hold). From this screen, you can print, email, or fax the purchase order.
PURCHASE STATUS - Product can be 'Dropped' with Open POS QuantityTo allow
users to edit the Purchase Status field in Advanced Product Settings to
a status of Dropped (D) when the current open order quantity for the product
exceeds the quantity on hand plus the purchase order quantity, check the
box at this field. If you leave the field blank, users cannot change
the purchase status to "D" if the quantity on order for the
selected product exceeds the quantity on hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse..
PURCHASE STATUS - Product can be 'Discontinued' with Open POS QuantityTo allow
users to edit the Purchase Status field in Advanced Product Settings to
a status of Discontinued (T) when the current open order quantity for
the product exceeds the quantity on hand plus the purchase order quantity,
check the box at this field. If you leave the field blank, users
cannot change the purchase status to "T" if the quantity on
order for the selected product exceeds the quantity on
hand The total quantity of inventory-type items physically in the warehouse..
RECEIVING - Supply Purchase Orders must be Received
Check this box to receive supply item (non-stock items such as office supplies) purchase orders, either partially or fully, using the Receive a Purchase Order process. The rules for receiving a purchase order for supply items are the same as receiving a purchase order for merchandise. If this box is unchecked, supply items cannot be received via Receive a Purchase Order.
Even if this box is checked, you cannot receive supply item orders
in the following processes - Receive a Purchase Order with a Separate
Freight Bill, Receive without a Purchase Order, Assign Purchase Orders
to a Bar Code Receiving Batch, Receive a Purchase Order Using a POS
SALES RATE REPLENISH - Replenish Orderable ProductsUse this field with the Automatic
Purchase Order Replenishment process. To include "orderable"
products in the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment process, check
the box at this field. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Orderable products are products and kit components for which the PO From
Order Enter field has been enabled in the Advanced
Product Settings or Product
Kit Settings, respectively. The Auto PO Replenishment process
excludes orderable products unless you check the box at this field.
SALES RATE REPLENISH - Include Store Stock Availability in CalculationsUse this field with the Automatic
Purchase Order Replenishment process. To include store stock availability
when calculating available quantities during the Automatic Purchase Order
Replenishment process, check the box. If you leave the box blank,
the system includes only warehouse inventory when calculating available
SALES RATE REPLENISH - Utilize standard rounding for Recommended Order
This rounding method applies to the units required quantity based on sales rate and the additional units required based on lead days calculations used during Replenish Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate. The units required quantity refers to the Required column and the additional units required refers to the Additional Required column of the Items for Replenishment Screen, which is the screen accessed after the Replenish Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate routine is run. The default setting is unchecked.
If this setting is checked:
-Units required are calculated by using standard rounding, meaning, for example, 2.1 through 2.4 round down to 2.0, while 2.5 through 2.9 round up to 3.0.
-Additional units required are calculated by using standard rounding, meaning, for example, 2.1 through 2.4 round down to 2.0, while 2.5 through 2.9 round up to 3.0.
If this setting is unchecked:
-Units required are calculated by rounding numbers containing a decimal up to the next whole number. For example, 2.1 and 2.8 both round up to 3.0.
-Additional units required are calculated by rounding any number less than 0.5 to zero; for example, 0.4 would round to 0. All other numbers containing a decimal are rounded up to the next whole number. For example, 2.1 and 2.8 both round up to 3.0.
SPECIAL ORDERS - Allow Electronic Transmission of POs During Sales Entry
To allow users to transmit special-order purchase orders to vendors during Sales Order Entry, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. This field is active only if the Set Purchase Orders to Hold field is not checked.
SPECIAL ORDERS - Place Purchase Orders Created on-the-Fly on Hold
To assign a Hold status to new
purchase orders created on-the-fly via order entry, check the
box. Otherwise, leave the box blank. Users cannot transmit purchase
orders on Hold until the Hold status is manually removed via the On
Hold field in Enter
a Purchase Order.
This field is active only if the PO Submission from Order Entry field
is not checked.
Regardless of
the setting at this field, for foreign vendors, the system places
on Hold all purchase orders created via order entry. For EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) An optional feature of the STORIS system used to electronically transmit purchase orders to vendors and receive acknowledgements and invoices from vendors. vendors, the system places on Hold all purchase
orders EXCEPT when transmitting directly from order entry.
SPECIAL ORDERS - Use Replacement Cost as a DefaultTo use
the replacement cost for zero-cost, special-ordered products, check the
box. If you check the box and no replacement cost is found, the cost defaults
to zero. If you leave the box blank, the system checks the Zero Cost Written
Retail Percent field in the Special
Order Control Settings. If the field contains a percentage, the system
uses that percentage when calculating the approximate cost for zero-cost
products. If no percentage appears, the cost defaults to zero.
VENDOR RETURNS - Calculate FreightTo calculate
freight for the return-to-vendor process, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.