Replenish Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate

(Automatic PO Replenishment)


Use this routine to report on inventory to be replenished based on sales rate. This routine normally runs during End-of-Day processing. However, you can also run this routine manually to generate automatic replenishment purchase orders on demand.

If purchase lead days have been specified for the selected vendor anywhere in the system, this routine references the lead days when making calculations for PO replenishment.

This program creates the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment Report showing the detailed calculations for each item selected. Note that when making replenishment calculations, the system includes purchase orders on Hold.

Once you complete the fields on this screen, select Run to build a list of products that meet the selected criteria. The same type of processing that occurs during the End-of-Day replenishment process occurs when run on-demand. The Items for Replenishment screen displays.

 If Regional Processing is active on your system, read the Report Exceptions portion of Regional Processing - Reporting Rules for details on how Regional Processing affects this routine.  

Warehouse Location






Vendor Model

Buying Group

Vendor Ship-From

Variance Percent

Reason Codes

Sort Criteria

Include Overstocks

Include Service Items  

Send Output to

Export Path