Customer > Settings > Purchasing Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Buyer Tools > Settings > Vendor Information > Advanced Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Vendor Information > Advanced Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Vendor Information > Advanced Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Settings > Purchasing Settings > Vendor Information Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Settings > Purchasing Settings > Vendor Information Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Accounting > Vendor Receivables > Vendor Receivables Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Accounting > Settings > Vendor Receivables Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Accounting > Payables > Payables Settings > Vendor Information Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Accounting > Third Party Accounting > Payables > Payables Settings > Vendor Information Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Merchandising and Distribution System Settings > Vendor Information Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Payables System Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Vendor Receivables Systems Settings > Advanced Vendor Settings
Support Files: Vendor, Product Category, Product Group, Discount Codes.
Tabs: General, Shipping, PO Cutting Date, Auto PO Replen
Use this file to create vendor-specific criteria for
sales order product reservations,
purchase order discounting,
merchandising, and
forecasting reports.
Use this file to store and track cut dates for specific vendors and product collections. Additionally, you can use the fields in this file to determine if and when to create automatic purchase orders for vendors, as well as whether to place automatic purchase orders on Hold.
Vendor CodeEnter the code assigned to
this vendor. Click the Search
button to select a vendor code from the list of valid vendors.
Buying GroupIf using the Buying
Group feature, use this field to indicate the buying group you want
to associate with this vendor. If you click the Search
button, a list of buying groups appears from which you can choose.
If you click on the Action button at any of the following five fields,
the option appears to establish settings for these fields at the product
category and/or product group
level for a specific vendor.
Enter the Auto-Fill
Days value you want to use for this vendor for the Just-In-Time
Inventory feature. When determining the auto-fill days for
an order, the system first checks for auto-fill days value in the
Advanced Vendor Settings (first by product group, then by product
category, then by vendor). If no value exists at any those fields,
the system references the number in the Auto-Fill Days field in the
of Sale Control Settings.
This is not a required field. To enter auto-fill days exceptions
by product category and/or by product group, select either Category
Exceptions or Group Exceptions
from the Action menu available at this field.
Lead DaysEnter
the purchase
lead days for this vendor. That is, enter the usual number of
days it takes to receive goods from this vendor after a purchase order
has been generated for the current ship-from address.
If a purchase order does not exist, this field is used in the available to promise (ATP) calculation to estimate an ATP date.
Enter the number of lead pad days you want added to the number of lead days to estimate a promise date.
PO Pad DaysEnter
the number of purchase
delivery pad days (if any) for the selected vendor. The pad days you
indicate here are added to the purchase
lead days, which are used to establish an estimated ship date for
incoming merchandise from the vendor. This additional "cushion"
can be used to prevent salespeople from making inaccurate delivery date
promises to the customers. You can enter any number from 0 to 999.
Enter the usual excess stock days used for merchandising analysis for this vendor (that is, the default excess stock days for this vendor). This value represents the number of days' supply of merchandise you consider to be beyond your requirements. This field is used in conjunction with the Report Automatic Purchase Order Replenishments routine, which calculates total days supply by dividing the current net available by the calculated weekly sales rate.
To enter excess stock days exceptions by product category and/or
by product group, select either Category
Exceptions or Group Exceptions
from the Action menu available at this field.
When determining excess stock days, the system checks the following
fields for a value, using the first one it finds:
Lead Days fields on the Advanced Vendor Group Exception Settings - Excess Stock Days screen
Lead Days fields on the Advanced Vendor Category Exception Settings - Excess Stock Days screen
Excess Stock Days field in the Advanced Vendor Settings
Enter the minimum stock days used for merchandising analysis for this vendor (that is, the default minimum stock days for this vendor). This value represents the number of days' supply of merchandise you consider to be below the safe stock level. This field is used with the Product Performance and Purchase Recommendations, which calculates total days supply by dividing the current net available by the calculated weekly sales rate.
To enter minimum stock days exceptions by product category and/or
by product group, select either Category
Exceptions or Group Exceptions
from the Action menu available at this field.
When determining minimum stock days, the checks the following fields
for a value, using the first one it finds:
Lead Days fields on the Advanced Vendor Group Exception Settings - Minimum Stock Days screen
Lead Days fields on the Advanced Vendor Category Exception Settings - Minimum Stock Days screen
Minimum Stock Days field in the Advanced Vendor Settings
Use this field to associate factory warranties with products by vendor (rather than by Product). When a product appears on an order, the system checks the Product file and then the Advanced Vendor Settings for a factory warranty, attaching the first warranty it finds or none if one is not found.
If the system attaches a factory warranty to an order item via the
Advanced Vendor Settings, the system does NOT also update the Product
file with the warranty. You must manually add the warranty to
the product via the Product file.
If you click on the Search button, a list of factory warranties appears from which you can choose. If you click on the Actions button, you access the Advanced Vendor Category and Group Exception Settings - Factory Default Warranty window, which you can use to exclude certain categories or groups.
Options for this field are:
Use Purchasing Control Settings - This is the default setting at this field. If you leave this field set at the default, the lead days calculation uses the setting in the LEAD DAYS CALCULATION Override Lead Days if Purchase Order Date is Greater field in your Purchasing Control Settings.
Use Lead Days - If you select this option, the lead date is determined using the Lead Days set for this vendor.
Override Lead Days if Purchase Order Date is Greater - If you select this option, the LEAD DAYS CALCULATION setting in your Purchasing Control Settings is overridden for this vendor. The lead date is calculated using the lead days for this vendor and can be extended to include an existing purchase order. If any purchase orders exist with a date outside of the lead days, the lead days are extended to the latest purchase order’s date so that it can be included as a source of supply.
Select the method to determine how the Requested Date field is defaulted when creating a purchase order for this vendor. Choose from:
Use Vendor Lead Days - The Lead Days established on this screen are used when defaulting a date into the Requested Dates field.
Use Today's Date - The current date of when the purchase order is created defaults into the Requested Date field regardless of whether or not vendor Lead Days are present.
This setting affects manually created purchase orders as well as purchase
orders created automatically.
Enter the Deduct From Invoice Settings (DFI Codes) that represents the discount to use as the automatic default during Purchase Order entry.
Select either Category Exceptions
or Group Exceptions from the
Action menu available at this field to enter discount
costing exceptions by product category and/or by product group.
TypeIf the
Amount of this discount filled in automatically, the Type will be selected
automatically. Otherwise, select Percent
if the discount Amount is a percentage or select Dollar
if the discount Amount is a dollar amount.
StockSelect this option if this
discount applies to stock merchandise.
SpecialSelect this option if this
discount applies to special ordered merchandise.
AmountIf available,
the Rate or Amount from the DFI Codes
file will automatically fill in. Otherwise, enter the dollar amount or
percentage rate for this discount.
Start DateEnter
the starting date of the discount.
End DateEnter
the ending date of the discount.
Enter the code of the vendor rebate you want to use as the automatic default for this vendor during Purchase Order Entry. If you click on the Search button, a list of vendor rebate codes appears from which you can choose. If you click on the he Action button at this field and select either Category Exceptions or Group Exceptions from the menu to enter volume rebate exceptions by product category and/or by product group.
The default plan type displays from the Vendor Rebate Settings. The following types may appear:
D (Dollars Per Unit Purchased) - the figure in the Amount field is a dollar amount
P (Percent of Dollars Purchased) - the figure in the Amount field is a percent.
AmountThe Plan Amount
from the Vendor Rebate Settings
(VR Rebate Plans) file will automatically fill in.
Start Date, End DateThe Starting
Date and Ending Date of the rebate plan default from the Vendor
Rebate Settings (VR Rebate Plans) record.
Use this tab to activate add-on costs for the selected vendor. For each add-on cost you activate, use the associated Type field to specify the method by which to calculate the add-on cost, and use the Cost field to enter the amount or percentage of the cost. To edit an add-on cost on this screen, the cost must be active via the Costing Control Settings. For each of the add-on costs on this screen, the label (if any) specified in the Costing Control Settings appears to the left of "Landed Cost Active".
If the Landed Freight Active field is enabled in the Costing Control Settings, use this field to activate the Landed Freight feature for the selected vendor. If the Landed Freight Active field is not enabled in the Costing Control Settings, this field is inactive.
The Landed Freight feature adds freight amounts to landed costs. If you check the box at this field, you activate the associated Cost and Type fields (see below).
If you click on the Action button at this field, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed freight exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostEnter the landed freight
cost for the selected vendor. Enter either a dollar amount or a
percent, depending on your selection at the associated Type
Specify a calculation type to use for this add-on cost. The selection you make here affects the value in the associated Cost field. You have the following options:
Percent - multiple the value in the Cost field by the line item cost of each item you purchase from this vendor.
Dollar - apply the value in the Cost field as a flat dollar amount for each item you purchase from this vendor.
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed add-on cost exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostEnter the add-on cost amount or percent. This
field works in conjunction with the Type
Percent if the add-on cost amount is a percentage,
Dollar if the add-on cost amount is a dollar amount, or
Calculate to apply a custom calculation. Call STORIS for information.
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed add-on cost exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostEnter the add-on cost amount or percent. This
field works in conjunction with the Type
Percent if the add-on cost amount is a percentage,
Dollar if the add-on cost amount is a dollar amount, or
Calculate to apply a custom calculation. Call STORIS for information.
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click on the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed add-on cost exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostEnter the add-on cost amount or percent. This
field works in conjunction with the Type
Percent if the add-on cost amount is a percentage,
Dollar if the add-on cost amount is a dollar amount, or
Calculate to apply a custom calculation. Call STORIS for information.
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click on the Action button, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed add-on cost exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostEnter the add-on cost amount or percent. This
field works in conjunction with the Type
Percent if the add-on cost amount is a percentage,
Dollar if the add-on cost amount is a dollar amount, or
Calculate to apply a custom calculation. Call STORIS for information.
This screen provides information on the cutting dates for specific collections. A cut date is the date on which the collection is no longer available from the vendor. Cutting dates appear on the Product Performance and Purchase Recommendations report.
Collection CodeTo add a collection to the
list, enter the code that represents the Collection for which a PO Cutting
Date will be established.
DescriptionOnce a Collection Code has
been selected, the Description from the Collection record will display.
PO Cutting DateEnter the purchase order
cutting date to use in the Buyer's Management Worksheet.
Use this tab to specify your preferences for the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment feature.
These settings do NOT apply to the Replenish
Inventory for Current Back Order Needs routine. They are used only
for the automatic PO replenishment feature, which is run during EOD or
on demand via Replenish
Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate.
Generate Automatic POsTo activate Automatic Purchase
Order Replenishment for this vendor, check the box. Otherwise, leave
the box blank.
If using Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment (see the Generate Automatic POs field), use this field to place on Hold all purchase orders created automatically through this process. In this way, you can review auto POs before releasing them to your vendors.
However, if PO Replenishment is active for a vendor, the system calculates the data and generates an EOD (End-of-Day) Also known as day-ending processing, an automated process you run at the end of a business day to update daily files. report. The buyer can review the data and decide whether to create a purchase order. Purchase orders can then be created via Purchase Order entry. The process can also be run on-demand and purchase orders can be created via the Actions button on the Items for Replenishment screen. If this field is not selected, purchase orders generate automatically via the End of Day process. The EOD process generates a report displaying the purchase order numbers created.
Select the number of weeks (from 1-13) to use when calculating the sales rate for each product for this vendor. The system uses the following formula to calculate the sales rate:
Sales Rate = Total Units Sold / Number of Weeks
If you check the box at this field, the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment process includes all back-ordered items (that is, all sold-but-not-reserved items) in its calculations. The system looks at the quantity on order at the warehouse and subtracts the quantity ordered but not reserved to determine the Net PO.
If you leave the box blank, Auto PO Replenishment calculations
includes only the sold-but-not-reserved items in which the estimated/scheduled delivery date falls within the order item's auto-fill days based on today (with today being the "run" date),
includes orders with no delivery date but with a status of ASAP, and
excludes orders with a status of CWC.
First Average Units PeriodSelect
the number of months (from 1-12) to define the first time frame on which
to report when reporting the average units sold. The default for this
field is 4 months. The number entered here represents the number of months
prior, not
including the current month.
Second Average
Units PeriodSelect the number of months
(from 1-12) to define a second time frame on which to report when reporting
the average units sold. The default for this field is 12 months. The number
entered here represents the number of months prior,
not including the current month.
Variance Starting DateThe entry
of a starting date here (and ending date in the Variance Ending Date field)
will be used to set a specific time period during which the variance percentage
will be used to calculate the sales rate based on the available sales
Variance Ending DateThe entry
of an ending date will act as a cut off date when using the variance percentage
to calculate the sales rate. If a variance percentage has been set up
and the variance ending date has been left blank, the system will continuously
calculate the sales rate using the variance percent. The system will stop
calculating a variance when either the variance percentage has been removed
or a variance ending date has been reached.
Variance PercentageUse this
field to enter a percentage to be used in an alternate calculation of
the sales rate. Enter the percentage as a number from 1 through 999. For
example, to project sales figures with the sales rate cut in half, enter
50. To project sales figures at double the historic sales rate, enter
This optional setting is used when calculating the Replenish Stock Inventory Based on Sales Rate. All items with weekly sales rates calculated lower than the value set in this field are excluded from the report. Enter up to 6 digits containing one decimal value.
Use this field to specify the sort order for purchase order reports generated during the Auto PO Replenishment process. You have the following options:
Vendor Model
Build POsCheck
the box next to the days of the week on which to generate automatic purchase
orders for this vendor. During End of Day processing, the system
references this field when determining the vendors for which to generate
purchase orders.