Auto-Fill Days

Auto-fill days are a user-defined number of days prior to a delivery date. The system references the auto-fill days when determining the initial date on which to attempt to reserve items to orders. Auto-fill days is a key parameter in the Just-In-Time Inventory feature.

When reserving stock to sales orders, the Just-In-Time Inventory feature scans all open regular sales orders, checking the delivery date against the auto-fill days for each product. Once the delivery date falls within the auto-fill period, the system attempts to reserve merchandise to the order. For example, if your auto-fill days is set to 10, and an order comes in with a delivery date 20 days in the future, the system waits 10 days before attempting to reserve merchandise to the order.

Once an order falls within the auto-fill period and the system reserves merchandise to the order, you can "un-reserve" the merchandise by changing the delivery date on the order to a date outside the auto-fill period. Using our example above, assume that 15 days after placing the order, the customer decides to postpone delivery for 30 days. When you reschedule to a delivery date 30 days in the future, the order falls out of the auto-fill period and the system un-reserves any merchandise reserved to that order.

The system references the Reservation Priority field in the Inventory Control Settings and, based on available stock, reserves goods to qualified line items.

Auto-fill days are determined by the following hierarchy:

  1. Auto-Fill Days field in the Product file for the selected product.

  2. The primary vendor via the Vendor field in the Product file record for the selected product, and the auto-fill exceptions in the Advanced Vendor Settings (first by Product, then Group, then Category) for the primary vendor. You can view and edit auto-fill exceptions via the Action button at the Auto-Fill Days field in the Advanced Vendor Settings.  

  3. If no auto-fill exceptions are found, the system checks the Auto-Fill Days field in the Advanced Vendor Settings.

  4. If no advanced vendor record exists for the associated vendor, or the default Auto-Fill Days field in the Advanced Vendor Settings is empty, the system looks to the global Auto-Fill Days field in the Point of Sale Control Settings to determine auto-fill days.

Auto-Fill Days in Advanced Regional Vendor Settings affects only product activity that occurs for the current vendor within the selected region. This value is added to the fill days calculated by the above hierarchy.

  To effectively disable the Just-In-Time Inventory feature, enter zero (0) at the global Auto Fill Days field in the Point of Sale Control Settings, and leave all other Auto Fill Days fields blank.  In this way, you can prevent the system from ever attempting to automatically reserve inventory to line items.

To reserve items strictly by order date, set the Reserve by Date Type field in the Inventory Control Settings to Order Date, and the auto-fill days to 999. In this way, you exclude the delivery date and auto-fill date from the reservation calculation.

The system sets the auto-fill days at the time of order entry. Changes to any auto-fill days settings described above affect orders on a go-forward basis only.

To override the calculated auto fill days for a selected product on an order, use the Fill Days field on the Sales Order tab of the Product Full Display Screen.