Merchandising and Distribution > Settings > Purchasing Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Buyer Tools > Settings > Vendor Information > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Vendor Information > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Purchasing > Buyer/Merchandiser Tools > Settings > Vendor Information > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Merchandising and Distribution > Inventory > Settings > Purchasing Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Accounting > Payables > Payables Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Accounting > Vendor Receivables > Vendor Receivables Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Accounting > Settings > Vendor Receivables Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Merchandising and Distribution System Settings > Vendor Information Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Payables System Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Accounting System Settings > Vendor Receivables Systems Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Customer > Settings > Purchasing Settings > Advanced Regional Vendor Settings
Tabs: Shipping, PO Replenishment
Use this routine to maintain product information by vendor, by way of region. This routine is similar to the Advanced Vendor Settings, except that in addition to prompting for the vendor number, this routine also prompts for region.
Vendor Enter the code of the vendor you want to enter or edit. If you click on the Search button, you access the Vendor Cross Reference window, from which you can choose a vendor to edit.
RegionEnter the code of the region in which to apply the vendor settings.
Receive a Purchase Order with a Separate Freight Bill (Container Receiving) updates landed cost via the Landed Freight Cost field in the Product file. However, container receiving does not update regional product landed freight cost.
To establish a default landed freight cost for this vendor, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
If you click on the Action button at this field, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed freight exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostThis field works in conjunction with the Type field. Depending on your response at the Type field, enter the landed freight cost amount or percent.
Enter the type of response you want to enter in the Cost field. You have the following options:
P - percent
D- dollar
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click on the Action button at this field, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed cost add-on exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostThis field works in conjunction with the Type field. Depending on your response at the Type field, enter the landed cost amount or percent.
Enter the type of response you want to enter in the Cost field. You have the following options:
P - percent
D- dollar
C- custom calculation
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click on the Action button at this field, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed cost add-on exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostThis field works in conjunction with the Type field. Depending on your response at the Type field, enter the landed cost amount or percent.
Enter the type of response you want to enter in the Cost field. You have the following options:
P - percent
D- dollar
C- custom calculation
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click on the Action button at this field, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed cost add-on exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostThis field works in conjunction with the Type field. Depending on your response at the Type field, enter the landed cost amount or percent.
Enter the type of response you want to enter in the Cost field. You have the following options:
P - percent
D- dollar
C- custom calculation
Select this option to establish a default add-on landed cost for this vendor. The label (if any) for this field is established in the Costing Control Settings. If you click on the Action button at this field, a menu appears with the following options:
Use these options to enter landed cost add-on exceptions by product category, by product group, and/or by vendor ship-from.
CostThis field works in conjunction with the Type field. Depending on your response at the Type field, enter the landed cost amount or percent.
Enter the type of response you want to enter in the Cost field. You have the following options:
P - percent
D- dollar
C- custom calculation
This field is optional. Enter the Auto-Fill Days value you want to use for this vendor for the Just-In-Time Inventory feature. This field affects only product activity that occurs for the current vendor within the selected region. The value entered here is added to the fill days calculated by the following hierarchy: 1) Auto-Fill Days in Advanced Vendor Settings (first by Product, then by Group, then by Category); 2) Auto-Fill Days in Point of Sale Control Settings.
To enter auto-fill days exceptions by product category and/or by product group, select either Category Exceptions or Group Exceptions from the Action menu available at this field.
Use the fields on this tab with the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment process.
Generate Automatic POsTo activate Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment for this vendor, check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Automatically Hold POsIf using Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment (see the Generate Automatic POs field), use this field to place on Hold all purchase orders created automatically through this process. In this way, you can review auto POs before releasing them to your vendors.
Select the number of weeks (from 1-13) to use when calculating the sales rate for each product for this vendor. The system uses the following formula to calculate the sales rate:
Sales Rate = Total Units Sold / Number of Weeks
First Average Units PeriodSelect the number of months (from 1-12) to define the first time frame on which to report when reporting the average units sold. The default for this field is 4 months. The number entered here represents the number of months prior, not including the current month.
Second Average Units PeriodSelect the number of months (from 1-12) to define a second time frame on which to report when reporting the average units sold. The default for this field is 12 months. The number entered here represents the number of months prior, not including the current month.
Variance Starting DateThe entry of a starting date here (and ending date in the Variance Ending Date field) will be used to set a specific time period during which the variance percentage will be used to calculate the sales rate based on the available sales history.
Variance Ending DateThe entry of an ending date will act as a cut off date when using the variance percentage to calculate the sales rate. If a variance percentage has been set up and the variance ending date has been left blank, the system will continuously calculate the sales rate using the variance percent. The system will stop calculating a variance when either the variance percentage has been removed or a variance ending date has been reached.
Variance PercentageUse this field to enter a percentage to be used in an alternate calculation of the sales rate. Enter the percentage as a number from 1 through 999. For example, to project sales figures with the sales rate cut in half, enter 50. To project sales figures at double the historic sales rate, enter 200.
Use this field to specify the sort order for purchase order reports generated during the Auto PO Replenishment process. You have the following options:
Vendor Model
Default Buyer IDEnter the ID of the buyer you want to assign to purchase orders created via the Automatic Purchase Order Replenishment process.
Build POsCheck the box next to the days of the week on which to generate automatic purchase orders for this vendor. During End of Day processing, the system references this field when determining the vendors for which to generate purchase orders.