Use this screen to locate existing vendor records. You can search by
vendor name
first letter of vendor name (Starts With)
vendor telephone number
Access to this screen may be restricted by the View Vendor Name/Model
field in the User
and/or User
Group files.
In order for a vendor to display in the result list, the box at "Display
in Vendor Name Search" field in Vendor
Settings must be checked.
Once you enter a response at one of the following three fields, you inactivate
the other two.
The Vendor Name field uses the Soundex method to search the database. Soundex returns names that sound like the search criteria, as opposed to an alphanumeric search, which returns names that have the same letters or numbers as the search criteria you entered.
For example, if you enter SMITH as the vendor name, the system returns all vendor records with last name Smith, as well as any last names that sound like Smith (for example, Schmidt or Smitty). An alphanumeric search of SMITH returns only those records spelled exactly like Smith (that is, not Smyth or Smithe).
The system searches all words in the vendor name, left to right, until it finds a word that matches the search criteria. If no words in the vendor name match the search criteria, you can try different search criteria or you can use the Starts With or Phone fields to find your vendor.