Print Form Options

For each document type you print from STORIS (for example, sales order, completed order, or service order), you must select a print form option. Print form preferences are specified on the Printed Documents page of the various control settings routines, such as Point of Sale Control Settings or Service Control Settings. For each document type, you must specify one of the following print form options:

 When printing a document type (for example, sales order) in ELP for the first time, a prompt appears in which you must establish your printer settings for the selected document type.  

Once you select a print form option, STORIS uses that print form option for all form types associated with the document type.  For example, in the Point of Sale Control Settings, at the Sales Order field in the Document Type section of the Printed Documents page, if you select Forms Designer, then STORIS uses the Forms Designer to print all document types associated with the Sales Order form type (for example, sales orders, sales quotes, quick sales, etc) and prevents you from printing those form types via Standard Print or Laser Print.