Use this routine to create an export file for approved payments and print them via a third party accounting package. This is feature is only available when the STORIS AP module is active.
This routine can also be processed from Select and Approve Bills for Payment by clicking the Print Checks button on the Check Review tab. When you use this process, the Bank, Date, Time , and File Name fields are populated and inactive.
If a check export file is created but not processed by the third party
accounting package, the check run needs to be deleted in STORIS.
The check export file contains a pending check number to indicate which
AP bills are assigned to which check.
For refund checks, the Vendor Remit To Number passed is always the Refund
Vendor. The customer name and address information is passed in the
Vendor Remit To Name and Address fields. The key to the record in
the CUSTOMER file is passed in the Customer Number field.
The bank account number is encrypted in the STORIS database; it is not encrypted in the check export