Import Completed Checks


Use this routine to import the completed check run file from the TPA_IMPORT directory on the server.  This file contains the completed check information from the third party accounting package required to perform the payment updates in STORIS.  

This process can be used to validate the file and report exceptions as well as perform the updates for completed payments.

The import file contains the payment type used by the third party accounting package for each payment.  Valid codes for the payment type are SYS (check), ACH (Automated Clearing House), and WIR (wire transfer).  All payment types are treated as checks within STORIS.  

The pending check number from the export file is cross referenced to the check number used by the third party accounting package in the import file.  The check number assigned by the third party accounting package is used as the check number in STORIS.  The prefix ACH and WIR is added to ensure the check numbers are unique in STORIS.

This process is only available if the Export Payable Checks process has been completed first.

All checks in a check run must be for the same currency.  If you have a vendor that needs to be paid in a foreign currency, a separate bank must be created.



File Name

Send Output To

Export Path

If there are errors; an exception report that is only available during this process, Import Completed Checks Exception Report, is displayed.  This report contains the following columns: