Use this feature to apply payments exceeding the charged off balance without reinstating the customer account. You can enter these overpayments if the Accounts Receivable Control Settings "Allow Overpayments on Charged Off Accounts" is enabled and if you have security access via "Overpay Charged Off Accounts" in Create a User/Group Actions - Receivables Security.
The Enter a Customer Payment, Enter a Customer Payment/Refund/Gift Certificate, and Import Customer Payments can be used to apply overpayments to charged off balances.
The process checks the Accounts Receivable Control Settings to determine if overpayments are allowed.
If the overpayment is allowed, it then checks the User/User Group Receivables security setting and if that setting is enabled, the overpayment is allowed.
The amount in excess of the charged off balance is posted to a CUSTOMER record field that can be reported using the Report Builder and Data Warehouse.
The General Ledger Assigned Account Settings "Charge off Overpayments" account is credited with the excess payment amount.
The G/L account for Cash in Bank is debited for the full payment amount.
The Customer Activity Log is updated with the following comment, “Bad debt overpayment of $XXX.XX received.”
If a customer is still in a charge off status with a charged-off balance of 0.00, an overpayment is allowed. A message displays indicating that the customer has a 0.00 bad debt balance, but you are allowed to continue.
Charged off balances are not part of Accounts Receivable. Therefore, receipt of payments and overpayments to charged off balances are not posted to Accounts Receivable or A/R Activity and are not visible on Accounts Receivable inquiries or reports.
These overpayments are not available to be refunded to the customer.
Receipt of the payment is posted to the Customer Activity Log and the General Ledger.
The overpayment amount stored in the CUSTOMER record is not cleared if the customer is removed from Charge Off status.
The overpayment amount is included in the bad debt payment amount received that prints on the payment receipt.
Overpayments are available to be corrected in the Apply NSF and Correct Misapplied Payments process. The overpayment displays in the grid with a code of OP for the bad debt overpayment and BD for the bad debt payment. The total paid displays the total of these two amounts.
When correcting an overpayment to a bad debt via Apply NSF and Correct Misapplied Payments, the amount in excess of the charged off balance is deducted from the new CUSTOMER record field. The G/L account for Cash in Bank is credited for the full payment amount and the G/L account for Bad Debt is debited with the charged off balance. The G/L account for Charge off Overpayments is debited with the excess payment amount.