Enter a Commission Adjustment  


Use this routine to adjust commissions posted to completed orders, for example to correct an order. You can add and/or remove salespeople as well as adjust commission split percentages. The program creates

Negative and positive adjustments to commission are reported on the Report Sales Commissions report in order to adjust the commissions appropriately.

Delivered Business (BTA) always updates to reflect these adjustments. Completed sales update to reflect the adjusted commissions so that any future refunds create the appropriate commission updates.

Written Business updates optionally based on your setting at the Adjustments Update Written Business field in the Point of Sale Control Settings. The system creates negative adjustments to back out existing sales and positive adjustments for new sales, both using the date of the adjustment. The adjustments update delivered business in the files used for reporting by Customized Sales Analysis and the Data Warehouse. If you include written business in update, the following routines update:

 This routine does not apply to service orders.  

You cannot make commission adjustments to documents whose original commission records have been purged.  

Any commission information displayed reflects the state of the commissions as of the order completion date, net of any prior adjustments.

Commission restrictions specified in the Point of Sale Control Settings do not affect this routine.

Any commissions on delivery charges recalculate automatically any time you change the commission split for a completed document.  

If a sales order is invoiced multiple times and a change is made to the salesperson on the original completion, that change to the salesperson is reflected on subsequent completions. For example, sales order is invoiced three times as 455, 455A, and 455B and invoice 455A has its salesperson changed, that change is reflected on 455A and 455B, but not on 455.

Rounding Errors

The program distributes rounding errors in .01% increments.  For positive rounding errors, the distribution begins at the beginning of the list.  For negative rounding errors, the distribution begins at the end of the list.

Once you specify a valid document for adjustment, the following information displays:

o Sale

o Return

o Exchange Sale

o Exchange Return

o Dollar Adjustment

Completed Document
