Use this routine to create and maintain a daily discount schedule in which you choose and prioritize the discounts that are offered for a specific date. This screen can be accessed from the menu where you can create and maintain daily discount schedules; this screen can also be accessed in read-only mode via the global Actions option, View Discount Schedule Applied to this Order, in Enter a Sales Order.
This information is used by the Auto-Apply process to apply discounts consistently according to this schedule. The Auto-Apply process is available from Enter a Sales Order and Enter a Quick Sale. When the Auto-Apply process is running, each Sales Discount in the schedule is evaluated and if it qualifies for the sales order it is applied to all eligible lines. When a discount is not eligible, the process uses a method to determine the optimal lines so that the discount can be applied in a manner that is most beneficial to the customer.
When you create/maintain
an order in Enter
a Sales Order and no daily discount schedule exists for the current
date, the Auto-Apply Actions options (Start Automated Line Discounting,
etc.) cannot be used.
If you modify an order while the Auto-Apply process is running, the process
refreshes the discounts. This means that the existing discounts are discarded
and then reapplied using the daily discount schedule. One exception to
this rule is when a discount designated as a Manager Only discount is
added or removed. These special discounts can be given in addition to
the discounts in the daily discount schedule and can be added or removed
without causing the Auto-Apply process to refresh all discounts.
If this screen is accessed from View Discount Schedule Applied to this
Order and no schedule exists for today, a message appears stating that
there is no schedule for that day.
If the Line Discounts - Manager Discount Only field in Sales Discount Settings is checked, the discount does not qualify for this process.
If the Manager Discount Only setting in Sales Discount Settings is checked, the discount does not qualify.
If neither the Apply to As-Is Line Item Amounts nor the Apply to Saleable Line Item Amounts settings in Sales Discount Settings are checked, the discount does not qualify.
If the Sales Discount Settings contain a Starting or Ending Date and the date of the schedule does not meet the criteria, the discount does not qualify.
If the Sales Discount Settings field Override Discount Amount is checked, the discount cannot be used with this process.
If the Only Available to Link to Coupons setting in Sales Discount Settings is checked, the discount does not qualify.
All other discounts qualify.