DC Merchandise Distribution Overview

Multi-Legged Transfers

Multi-Legged Transfers are transfers that are linked to manually created transfers or system created (automatic) transfers. They allow merchandise to be transferred from one DC (Distribution Center) to another, and then to a store location, while maintaining the link to the original order or transfer.

Transfer Process

When manually entering lines on a transfer, the system checks the product’s distribution status. The distribution status determines whether or not a product can be entered on a transfer, reserved on the transfer, and whether or not the transfer can be sourced from another location via another transfer (auto-transfer).

Sales Order and Exchange Entry

The processes that determine whether or not to default the ship location to the sell location check the warehouse/store location settings of the selling store before checking the Point of Sale Control Setting.

When determining the default stock location for new sales order and exchange lines, the system checks the warehouse/store location settings for a hierarchy of locations to be checked for available stock. When stock is found at one of these locations, that location is used as the default stock location. Otherwise, the ship location is used as the default stock location.  

The line item entry processes for sales orders and exchanges check the product’s distribution status. The distribution status determines whether or not the product can be entered on the order, reserved on an order, and the source location(s) for the merchandise.

Schedule a Process

Use the process scheduler to: 1) update products with the distribution status change based on the end of day date and the status change date and 2) manage the transfer of merchandise from distribution center (DC) to DC and from DC to store.  

Setup and Maintenance