Tabs: General, Open Orders, Completed Orders, Voided Orders, Layaways, Carts, Quotes, Leads
This routine is a STORIS standard DTS inquiry. You can modify its contents via the Dynamic Tab Settings (DTS Setup) routine, but you cannot delete it. Since DTSs are user-defined and changeable, the descriptions in this topic may not match the DTS you see on your screen. This topic describes the DTS as it appears when you first install STORIS.
After you specify a salesperson to view, information on the salesperson appears on the screen. Click on the other tabs to view additional information.
This routine includes separate tabs for various document types. Each tab includes a grid whose columns are specific to the type of document. Totals appear for the relevant columns on each grid. Double-clicking on any of the rows in the grid opens a read-only copy of the document. The routine also provides a General tab that includes personal information and some basic sales totals for the selected salesperson.
every tab, if an exchange is involved and the selected salesperson exists
on either side of that exchange, the entire exchange (both credit and
debit) is included in the information displayed.
The header section displays a legend that defines the codes that appear in the Type column of the grids on each tab. The header area also includes the Salesperson field, where on the General tab you specify the salesperson you want to view. On the other tabs, the selected salesperson appears for display purposes.
After you specify a salesperson to view (via the Salesperson field on the General tab), information for the salesperson appears here and on other tabs in the routine. The General tab displays personal information and some basic sales totals, including layaways and quotes, for the selected salesperson. The order total includes freight, tax and installation charges.
The totals for written and delivered sales (daily and M-T-D) appear only
if a check appears at the View Salesperson's Sales Activity on the Advanced
page in the Point
of Sale Control Settings.
The Open Orders grid is composed of the following columns:
Order – Order number
Type – This column is comprised of three pieces of information: transaction type, delivery type, and salesperson split. The codes for the various types appear in the legend in the header area of each tab. The Salesperson column indicates the "salesperson split" (number of salespersons involved in order). For example, "1" indicates no split commission; "2" indicates a 50/50 split; "3" indicates a three-way split, and so on. Type column examples: A regular order that is a delivery with no split commission displays as "O D 1". An exchange that is a delivery with a 50/50 split commission displays as "E D 2".
Order Date – The date on which the order was placed.
Complete On – The scheduled delivery/pickup date.
Contact Date - The delivery contact status date.
Contact Status - The delivery contact status.
Merchandise Amount – The merchandise sub-total amount. Credit amounts show as negatives.
Total Amount – The merchandise sub-total amount plus delivery, installation and tax and less discounts. Credit amounts show as negatives.
Paid Amount – The total deposit amount on the order plus amount financed.
Balance – The balance left on the order. Credit amounts show as negatives.
Customer Number - The customer number associated with the open order displays.
Customer Name - The name of the customer associated with the open order displays.
Totals display for four columns. Double-clicking on any of the rows in the grid opens a read-only copy of the document for the selected order. This feature is available on all of the tabs.
The Open Orders tab shows orders for a salesperson only if the salesperson
is one of the first three salespeople on the order. For example, if the
salesperson used as the key to your inquiry is the fourth salesperson
on an order, the order does not appear for the salesperson.
If more than three salespeople exist on an order, the order appears in
the master inquiry for the first three salespeople listed and NOT for
any other salespeople. However, the split merchandise total displays for
every salesperson in the inquiry under their monthly and daily totals
on the main screen. For example, If the total of the merchandise on an
order is $100 and the order includes ten salespeople, the first three
have the order listed in their master inquiry, but ALL 10 show $10 in
their inquiry under the daily and monthly totals.
Specify a date range. Orders whose completed date falls within the range appear in the grid. The default dates are the beginning and ending dates for the current sales period. Totals are displayed for the final three columns. The amount paid is the amount paid at the time the order was completed.
The Completed Order tab shows orders for a salesperson only if the salesperson
is one of the first three salespeople on the order. For example, if the
salesperson used as the key to your inquiry is the fourth salesperson
on an order, the order does not appear for the salesperson.
The Reason column displays the reason code that was used during order deletion. Totals are displayed for the total column. The last column is for the finance code (if any) that applies to the order.
The Complete-On Date is based on whether the Layaway is a delivery, pickup or take-with. Totals are provided for the final two columns in the grid.
The phone number appears based on the following hierarchy.
Cellular Phone
Work Phone
Home Phone
That is, if all three are present, the system displays the cellular phone. Totals are provided for the final two columns in the grid.
This tab displays the open quotes for the salesperson specified.
The Quotes grid is composed of the following columns:
Order Date
Complete On
Customer Name
This tab displays the open sales leads for the salesperson specified.