Many of the screens within STORIS contain grids. This topic describes the various functions within grid processing.
In order to use these grid functions, your SCiX version must be
10.3.30066.0 or higher.
You can show or hide columns in the grid by utilizing the built-in column chooser. Right click on the header row of the grid to view column chooser then select which columns you wish to show or hide.
Expanded sorting functionality ensures that data within each column sorts appropriately based on the type of data presented. If a column contains two or more types of data it is treated as text for sorting purposes. To sort a column, click the column header once to sort ascending or click twice for descending.
You can filter a column by highlighting the column header then clicking the arrow button to display filter options. You can also filter on multiple columns.
You can move columns within the grid by clicking the column header and dragging the column to where you wish to move it.
You can sort multiple columns by holding the Shift key while clicking a column header to be the primary sort, then continue holding the Shift key while clicking another column header to be the secondary sort. Blue arrows appear in the headers of the sorted columns. To sort by ascending values, click the column header once (arrow points up); to sort by descending values, click the column header twice (arrow points down); and to remove the sort, click the column header three times (arrow disappears). The sort is saved as a screen preference and appears each time the user accesses the screen.
If a column contains over 51 characters, the characters wrap and display on multiple lines.
Dates in grid display with a four-digit year.
Column Totals are available within the grid in many of the screens in STORIS. This allows for the contents in a column to be summed and if you move the column, the total moves with it. Here are just some of the screens that include totals within the grid: View Vendor Open Bills, Create a Recurring Journal Entry, Post/Update a Journal Entry, View Account Activity, View a Customer's Current Balance Details, GL Distribution Screen, Sales Margin Scratchpad, Multiple Salesperson Commission Screen, and View Rebate Plan Status Settings. (More may be added in the future.)
User-based screen preferences: If you hide, move, reorder, sort and/or change column width, the screen settings are saved automatically when the you close the screen or move to another screen. To revert back to the original view, click Settings on the menu bar and select either Reset Current View (this resets the view on the current tab) or Reset Entire Screen (this resets the grids on every tab within the screen).
Sorting and filtering options are disabled on screens that have
editable grids and grids with promote/demote. The column filtering
option is also disabled for columns that are over 51 characters in length.