Sales Margin Scratchpad
Use this screen to examine projected sales price
and sales margin scenarios. You can change the selling price and then
view the affect that the change has on the sales margin.
The Sales Margin Scratchpad Cost
field on the Profit and Costs page in the Point
of Sale Control Settings determines which costing method is used in
this screen.
This screen is
for informational purposes only and has no effect on actual orders or
product settings. Any changes you make on this screen, including adding
products and/or changing the price, quantity, margin dollars, and margin
percentage, are for the purposes of viewing projected price/margin changes
To use this feature, you must have access via
the following Extended Security setting:
- Sales
Security: Access the sales margin
scratchpad within POS entry
QuantityWhen you access the Scratchpad
window from within a sales order, the product quantity ordered displays
in this field. Otherwise, the quantity defaults to 1 when you add a product.
If you change the quantity, the price, margin dollars, and margin percentage
adjust accordingly.
PriceThe current selling price of the product displays
in this field. If you change the price, the Margin $ and Margin % adjust
accordingly and display here.
MarginThe sales
margin dollars calculate by subtracting the cost from the selling price.
If you enter a dollar amount in this field, the selling price and sales
margin percentage fields adjust accordingly.
Margin PercentThe percentage
of the selling price represented by the margin dollars displays. It calculates
by dividing the margin dollars by the price to determine the percentage.
If you enter a sales margin percentage in this field, the selling price
and sales margin dollars adjust accordingly.
Use the following fields to determine how the total profitability of the
sale is affected by the application of financing to the order. Adding,
changing, or removing financing on this screen has no effect on the actual
order. This screen is strictly for informational purposes only.
Finance Plan
Fee Percent
Total Margin - Fee
Finance Amount
Adjusted Margin Percent
Total Margin Percent, Total Quantity