Post/Update a Journal Entry
(Update General Ledger Postings)
Tabs: Header, Detail
If using STORIS
GL Processing, use this routine to maintain existing batches and create
new GL batches. If using TPA,
use this routine to fix bad batches rejected by TPA. You enter Maintenance
mode and can edit the Comment field and the Account field. You can also
access in Inquiry mode to view a single open or closed GL batch.
The read-only version of this screen is called View
Individual Postings.
Header Area
TPA #If using
TPA, the reference number assigned by your TPA appears.
Status/ModeThe mode
status of the batch and the process mode appear.
This tab displays information common to all transactions in the batch.
CompanyIf editing an existing batch,
the company to which this batch is posted appears. If creating a new batch,
enter the code of the company. If you click on the Arrow, a list of companies
appears from which you can choose. If multi-company processing is
active, the default company appears. You can edit the default. If
multi-company processing is inactive, the default company appears but
you cannot edit it.
Adjust YearThis field activates if you
select End of Year Journal Entry at the Type field. If you click on the
arrow, the drop-down list displays each fiscal year that qualifies for
adjustment for the specified company. The system defaults the first
available year.
DateIf editing
an existing batch, the transaction date for this batch appears. The fiscal
period displays to the right of the field. If creating a new batch, you
can enter any date for which a GL period table exists as long as the date
does not fall within a closed period. The current date is the default.
If the date falls in a future GL period, a warning message appears
but you can proceed.
SourceThe GL
book of source appears.
OperatorThe operator
code for the operator who created the batch appears.
CreatedThe time
and date of which this batch was created appears.
Use these optional fields to specify references to other modules associated
with this GL batch. You can specify primary and secondary reference
types and numbers. The primary references are often used for documents
and the secondary for customers, although this is not required.
Primary Type
NumberThis field is active only
if you specify a primary reference type. Enter a coinciding number.
When using the APB, ORH, POH or PRO reference types, the program
attempt to validate the data entered to ensure it is on file. If
the reference is found, the process continues. Otherwise, a warning
message appears. Note that the remaining reference types have no verification.
Secondary Type
NumberThis field is active only
if you specify a secondary reference type. Enter a coinciding number.
If the reference is found, the process continues. Otherwise,
a warning message appears.
CommentComment text relating to
the entire batch appears. If in Maintenance mode, you can edit this field.
Note that if you enter Remark text on the Detail Postings tab, you cannot
enter Comments on this tab, and vice-versa.

Detail Postings
This tab displays the actual account postings. If you are in Inquiry
mode, you cannot edit data but you can select an item on the grid and
view the remarks for that item in the Remark field.
DebitFor TPA
users, the debit amount appears here and you cannot edit this field.
For STORIS GL Processing users, enter a debit amount. The amount must be
a positive number. Note that you must enter an amount here or an amount
at the Credit field.
CreditFor TPA
users, the credit amount appears here and you cannot edit this field.
For STORIS GL Processing users, enter a credit amount. The amount must
be a positive number. Note that you must enter an amount here or an amount
at the Debit field.
Debit TotalThe debit
total appears here. This is a display-only field.
Credit Total The credit
total appears here. This is a display-only field.
MessageIf the
GL batch is invalid, a Bad Post message appears. If transmitted as part
of a summary batch, a Summary Batch message appears.