Print Delivery/Transfer Tickets


Use this routine to print or reprint all tickets for a specified location and (optionally) a specified schedule date. You can print tickets for delivery/return, pickup, and transfer orders. This is a key step in the process of completing an order. Completing this step  

Once a ticket has been printed, a "Y" is present in the D column of the grid in the Logistical Scheduling routine.

If using the Auth/Capture feature and you cannot print a delivery ticket because you cannot create a capture for the credit card, an error message appears.

You cannot print tickets for orders with

    - an open balance exceeding the amount in the Maximum Balance field in the Point of Sale Control Settings and

    - the Over Maximum Balance field set to Disallow Ticket Print in the Point of Sale Control Settings.

If you do not specify a truck or route below, the selection process selects all orders and sorts by

    - "truck" if the Mapping Active field is checked in the Warehouse/Store Location Settings and Deliveries is selected at the Order Type field above.

    - "route" if Deliveries is NOT selected at the Order Type field above.

Shipping Location

Order Type

Print Orders, Returns, Exchanges

To Location

Selection Options

Scheduled Date



Print Preview

Suppress Print

Update Manifest

After you complete all fields, select Run to generate tickets. The program displays the number of tickets printed.