System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Logistical System Settings > Routing Interface System Settings > Route Mapping Control Settings
System Administration > System Settings > Customer System Settings > Interface System Settings > Route Interface System Settings > Route Mapping Control Settings
Use this routine to define default information for use with third-party routing/mapping interfaces. Note that the Third-Party Mapping Interface is active only for locations enabled via the Route Map Interface field on the Inventory & Logistics tab in the Warehouse/Store Location Settings.
Route Mapping Control Settings
Base Stop TimeUse this field to establish
the minimum number of minutes required for every stop. The system
adds the stop time you enter here to each stop, in addition to the specified
unload times of each item.
The purpose of this added time is to compensate for normal delivery-oriented
occurrences or preparation time (for example, paperwork, waiting for customers,
collecting COD moneys, etc.).
Default Unload TimeThis field,
entered in minutes, represents the lowest level on the hierarchy the system
uses to default the unload time for one item.
Enter the delivery volume (if any) you want the system to default when calculating delivery volume. The Route Mapping Interface defaults this amount for products only when delivery volume information is not available from the Product and Category files (see the hierarchy above). The unit of measure you use for volume calculations is user-defined.
STORIS recommends that when assigning units of measure, you
be consistent throughout the system.
Enter the delivery weight (if any) you want the system to default to represent the delivery weight of a single item. The Route Mapping Interface defaults this amount for products only when delivery volume information is not available from the Product and Category files (see the hierarchy above).
Load Address CorrectionsTo allow
the system to automatically update customer history records with address
corrections from the mapping program, check the box at this field. Otherwise,
leave the box blank.
Days to Hold Mapping
ExceptionsEnter the number of days
(from 2-12) you want to retain mapping exceptions in the system before
purging. The End of Day process deletes mapping exceptions older than
the number of days you specify here.
Service Base Stop TimeEnter
the minimum number of minutes required for every service stop. The
system adds the minutes you enter here to each stop. In this way,
you can compensate for normal service-oriented occurrences or preparation
time such as paperwork, waiting for the customer, etc.
Include Orders With Reserved Auto TransfersTo include
orders with linked auto
transfers when exporting data to your mapping/routing provider, check
the box at this field. The process includes only reserved orders
with linked auto transfers whose receiving date is prior to the delivery
date. To exclude orders with linked transfers from the export process,
leave the field blank. The default setting for this field is blank.
Pick by Route When Mapping Active
(LOCKED - STORIS access ONLY!) The default for this setting is unchecked. This STORIS locked setting can be used to allow the addition of orders and transfers to RF picking without a truck number. However, if adding an order to picking based on the route, the AWM process cannot schedule its pick and it must be picked manually. STORIS Warning! This is not the recommended way of processing picks as it could prevent or make more difficult getting pieces that are added to picking to the correct truck. If you choose to use this method of picking by route when mapping active, it could cause data issues with picking, and lead to the need for data repair by STORIS.
ensure data integrity, all orders must have a truck assigned, whether
the truck information was acquired via the mapping interface or assigned
manually in the order by a user. Trucks
can be assigned to orders outside of the mapping interface via Enter
a Sales Order or Logistical Scheduling. This is the preferred method
of processing last minute add-ons.
Use Order Quantity instead of Delivery Quantity
Check the box to indicate that the order quantity on the delivery order/exchange line is passed to the STORIS Mapping Interface. If you leave the box blank, the delivery quantity rather than the order quantity is passed to the interface. The quantity is used in the calculation of the line’s extended price, volume, weight and unload time, which is also passed to the interface.
Order Quantity = Actual order quantity for line item; does not consider reserved or delivery quantity.
Delivery Quantity =
The line’s order quantity, minus the line’s hold back quantity.
The line's scheduled quantity, if a line’s scheduled quantity is less than the above quantity.
The line’s reserved quantity, if a line’s reserved quantity is less than either of the above quantities.
This setting
is only used with the STORIS Route
Mapping Interface. RouteView, ARC Logistics, and UPC Roadnet mapping
interfaces ignore this setting.
The default for this field is checked. If the box is checked, STORIS provides the vendor model number of the line items, if available in Advanced Product Settings, to the third party routing provider when requesting orders to route. If you uncheck this box, STORIS does not provide the vendor model number to the third party provider when requesting orders to route. This allows you to private label products and suppress exposure of the vendor model number to a third party.
Check this setting to include orders that are on credit hold for on the export for routing. This applies only to delivery orders.
Orders must be released from credit hold before the creation of the manifest; therefore, orders exported for routing may not match the manifest unless those that were on credit hold have been released prior to the delivery ticket print and manifest creation. If an order is still on credit hold when the routing information is returned, a message alerts the user that the order is still on credit hold. If the credit hold is resolved, the Route Mapping Interface must be run again in order to include the order.
In order
to use this setting, the Fill Orders
on Credit Hold setting in Point
of Sale Control Settings must be checked.
When checked, all locations using the route mapping interface of STORIS
include orders on credit hold in the routing export; locations using
Route View, ARC Logistics, and UPS Roadnet are not affected by this
Check this setting in order to allow intangible line items to be included in the third party route mapping interface. This means that delivery lines for non-inventory items are added to the order total and sent to the routing/mapping interface. Uncheck this setting to exclude intangible items from the third party route mapping interface.
The Suppress Non-Inventory Price and Quantity
setting can only be used if this setting is checked.
Suppress Non-Inventory Price and Quantity
This setting can only be checked if the Include Non-Inventory Lines setting is also checked. Otherwise, a warning message appears. This setting controls the price and quantity display of the intangible line items. When checked, an intangible line item's price and quantity are included in the third party route mapping interface with their values set to zero. When unchecked, an intangible line item's actual price and quantity are included in the third party route mapping interface. This setting is unchecked by default.