eSTORIS provides the option to pre-authorize credit card payments on eSTORIS purchases so you can postpone authorization until you print delivery tickets for the order. If you activate this feature, you can set up the system to automatically
apply a Pending Auth status (that is, "pre-authorize") to all eSTORIS orders, and
"capture" pre-authorizations stored in the system, apply them to their associated orders when printing delivery tickets, and submit them for authorization. If approved, the system applies a new authorization to the order and removes the pre-authorization. The new authorizations post as normal deposits using the drawer and cashier (if any) specified in the Cash Balancing Control Settings.
To use this feature, you must use PPI (that is, Payment Processing,
Inc.) as your credit card authorization service.
To use the Credit Card Pre-Authorization feature, your STORIS representative must enable it internally and then you must set the Balance By field to Drawer and populate the eSTORIS Drawer field in the Cash Balancing Control Settings. You can then access the Use Auth/Capture for Credit Cards field in the Web Control Settings, which you use to activate the feature.
Once you activate the Pre-Authorization feature, the system automatically attempts to pre-authorize all eSTORIS orders unless you check the box at the Disable Credit Card Authorizations field in the Web Control Settings, in which case you must manually apply for pre-authorizations (via the Process Web Payments routine).
If editing an eSTORIS order in Sales Order Entry and one or more pending deposits exist for the order, one of the following messages appears in the upper-right corner of the screen:
- Pending Deposit (if Credit Card Processing is not active)
- Pending Deposit Pre-Authorized (if the card has been pre-authorized)
- Pending Deposit Not Authorized (if the card has not been pre-authorized)
If a pre-authorization exists for an order and the order amount changes before authorization, if the new order amount is less than the pre-authorization amount, the pre-authorization amount adjusts to reflect the new order amount. If the new order amount is greater than the pre-authorization amount, the pre-authorization amount does not change.
If the Default Delivery Scheduling Method field in the Web Control Settings to is set to SCH, pre-authorization is not available because the system then processes all eSTORIS orders as sales.
To manually pre-authorize and/or capture existing eSTORIS orders, or to view the status of existing eSTORIS orders, use the Process Web Payments routine.
To manually capture pre-authorizations for eSTORIS orders, you can also use the Payment Summary Window.
The system takes cash balancing into consideration with captures. The captured amount posts as a normal credit card payment.
If a pre-authorization expires, the system ignores the pre-authorization and attempts to acquire a new authorization as normal.
When authorizing eSTORIS orders, the system determines the merchant ID as follows. If authorizing via
- eSTORIS or either of the Delivery Ticket Print programs, the system references the Default Store field in the Web Control Settings.
- Process Web Payments or the Payment Summary Window in Sales Order Entry, the system references the log-in store of the log-on user.
When authorizing a pending deposit for an eSTORIS order, the system references the Drawer field and the Cashier field in the Cash Balancing Control Settings to determine which cash drawer and cashier to use, respectively.
Gift certificates purchased from eSTORIS process as regular sales.