Route Capacity Control Settings


Tabs:  Sun - Sat, Settings

Use this routine to specify global delivery-capacity cutoff points for selected days of the week. You can set up any combination of the following four cutoff points:   

For example, you can specify a maximum of five stops for Monday through Friday, a maximum of seven stops for Saturday, and no stops for Sunday.

If you enter an order whose quantities exceed a route's capacity, a warning message appears and you cannot proceed unless you have access via the Override capacities when scheduling routes that are full field on the Logistics tab of the Extended Security settings.

 The values you enter here default into the Route Capacity Settings whenever you create a new route code, but you can use that routine to specify cutoff points for individual routes. Cutoff points for individual routes override any global cutoff points you specify here.

Route Type

Sun - Sat

The following entry fields are available on each of the Sun - Sat tabs. These fields are not mandatory.

Adjustment to any of the below fields results in a message with the option to rebuild the route calendar. If you choose to rebuild the route calendar, the new maximum level(s) for all route calendars for all route types for all days are adjusted, including maximum levels that have been manually adjusted. If you do not choose to rebuild the route calendar, the changes to the maximum level(s) are saved but maximum levels for existing routes are not changed. Only route calendars created after this adjustment are affected. This may cause routes to go over capacity.

Maximum Stops

Maximum Pieces

Maximum Dollars

Maximum Volume

You can audit changes to the above fields via the Track Settings Activity routine.


Warning Message When Over Capacity

Consolidate Stops

Route Capacity Log Retention Days

Unit Capacity Threshold %

Dollar Capacity Threshold %

Cube Capacity Threshold %

Below is an example of how to allow users to add to the route and go over capacity but then have the route close:
-Determine the minimum volume at which the route should be closed (example 4,800)
-Determine the maximum volume that you would allow on the route (example 5,280)
-Set your Maximum Volume field to 4,800 and set the Cube Capacity Threshold field to 10%
In this example, if the current volume is 4,780, the user is allowed to choose the route and bring the capacity to 5,280 without requiring override. Additionally, the route is closed as soon as 4,800 is exceeded, preventing that route from being chosen.